Tuesday 24 December 2013

Career Switch soon...?

Spend pretty much the last week staying at home doing absolutely nothing productive, it's like reliving the days before I enlisted into the army, except now I'm no longer playing any MMOs so my time now passes by even more slowly.

Been playing a bit of Minecraft lately in my time of idleness, attempted to built a roller coaster that wasn't as roller coaster as I had hoped it would be.

The reason why I have such a long break is because I told my Head Chef that I will be unavailable for the Christmas period, mainly because I want to avoid the Christmas crowd, which I am not sure if there are many or not, a legitimate question, since I pretty much spend my Christmas at home doing exactly what I am doing now... and I assume most people would spend their Christmas at home having dinner with their families like mine during Christmas Eve.

Plus I am about to quit soon in about a week or two and I would rather have them not call me back for anymore shift even though I told them I was available for 3 more shift slots, which I am not really excited to be slotted for.  Just let me go sooner, it will happen eventually, whether it's amicable or not I still don't know... the last one who quit did not go amicably and the reason the Chef Trainer gave me was because she had "girl problems", which I initially thought was menstrual problem because in my head, I just made that connection. But it obviously wasn't, the only time that reason worked was in Secondary School during Swimming... a reason I was almost going to give to the teachers to be excused from Swimming myself until I realized I lacked the necessary body parts required for that to happen.

I actually managed to find work in a Pastry Central Kitchen for a pastry shop a few days ago where the pay is higher and the stress level is hopefully lower, they are paying me a dollar more per hour than my current restaurant, which when I calculated and converted to a per month salary, is still below minimum wage, I love baking but I also like having cash in my bank account every now and then for spending. I couldn't spend my money this month and last without feeling guilty after hitting the "Accept" button for my credit card credentials confirmation... Minecraft was not cheap and I don't like getting games from Piratebay, it would really suck if I were to have built an empire in Minecraft only to have the game crash and lose all it's data because of some bug. I probably won't have the patience to "built an empire", I can't even built a proper house without restarting the game but I like to be safe in the miraculous event I do built an empire.

And so I have decided to give my career as a Pastry Cook a 3 - 6 months probation period before deciding if it's worth it ,monetary wise, because right now, it's not. My last pay check was only $200, granted I didn't work much because the Chef Trainer only gave me like a few days worth of work, half of which I worked my ass off in the kitchen. I did not feel good receiving that salary at all. 3 to 6 months in the new Pastry Central  Kitchen to see if it's because the current restaurant I am working in is just shit or I am the one who is a shit asset to the F&B industry.

Good thing I have my Diploma in Interior Design. In the beginning, I had this constant nagging feeling because I did not give the F&B industry a chance and instead just gave up on it entirely, that's partly why I hated my Interior Design job so much, but now that I have and so far it's not looking very good, if I were to actually go back to Interior Design, I will definitely be more open to learning the ropes... except maybe not in the same company anymore because I seriously can't stand the people there.

Passion or Pay. I would go with the latter and do the former at home, during my free time and actually be able to enjoy doing it instead of getting a panic attack because "the customers have already been waiting for an hour... no pressure but hurry up with the other seven million orders as well"

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Not dedicated to just ranting...

It's pretty obvious from the last few post that I've written (which I have reconverted back into a draft because I sound like a super annoying whiner).... I'm not having the grandest time working in a restaurant.

Which is why I have decided to leave the restaurant and look for work in a Pastry Shop rather than in a Pastry Kitchen in a restaurant that happens to serve desserts on the side. Was asked by my manager why I wanted to quit and  I told her because of the level of stress I was going through, to which she replied...

"It's only because of the promotion period, that's why it's so rush, after that everything won't be so busy anymore."

... to which I couldn't use the stress as an excuse and had to quickly think of another answer, which is because their pastry kitchen isn't really a kitchen I want to work in. It's just a small section in a restaurant and the truth is, (I didn't tell her this part but said something similar) choosing to work there was my last option when I was sending out my resume after completing my certificate program. None of the other bakeries I applied to got back to me and only the restaurant did.

And what happens when you have to settle for something less than what you wanted... a repeat of my interior design work life... granted the people in my restaurant are much friendlier than those in my interior design firm... well the waiters, managers and the part-timers are anyways, the full time cooks on the other hand are a different story, probably because they are on the verge of losing their sanity from working 10 to 12 hours everyday non-stop in the kitchen. Which is why now I feel for cooks working in a busy restaurant on the weekends, I have been there and it's not fun to be stuck in that situation of having just completed an order, only to have 3 new ones pop up.... the most being 6 popping up at once because the table of friends all ordered different types of desserts.

The good thing is that the kitchen has finally found more part time pastry cooks, all 3 happen to be friends with each other... and my Chef Trainer showed up today to over look how they work, all I can say is if I were to be spoken to like that on my first day, I would probably quit the following week. They are just students who are working to make some extra money on the side while waiting for their A Level results, not doing it to support their family or whatever super important reason.

It's only their second day of work and she was really strict with their attire, from their Chef Uniform to their hair, to the shoes they were wearing and her tone was really fierce as well... completely different from when she was teaching me and the first pastry cook I was working with. The manager told her to be firm with the employees and she is now really showing her authoritative figure, but I would tone it down a little considering the fact that you are speaking to a dying breed of cooks in your restaurant that you are severely lacking... the last thing you want to do is scare them off.

The fact that they are all friends makes it even more dangerous because if you were to offend one, it's equivalent to offending all 3, and if all 3 of them left, the pastry kitchen will be royally screwed over. They are in the process of opening a second branch... I don't know how they are going to be able to operate it when their first branch is already running low on manpower.

I actually felt a bit bad for the new cooks, it's the same feeling I get when I just finished my Basic Military Training and I see new recruits lining up outside the Ferry Terminal waiting to board the Ferry to get stuck in Tekong for their confinement period for the next few weeks before being able to come back to Mainland Singapore again. You feel bad for them, but you are glad you are not them, but in the case of the pastry cook, I feel bad for them and myself because we are all stuck in the same situation, except I actually understand the consequences of working there in the long run.

In the past it was always the restaurant who was managing my schedule, now they are planning my schedule around my free time... and that was before I told them I was going to quit, after telling them, they are begging me to stay a little longer, which I agreed to because I am a bloody idiot. It's not going to happen though, the moment I get my pay check for the month, I am out of that place and will start cooking up some excuse as to why I can't go back there.

I am leaving the job because of the stressful environment caused by both the work pace, with their "freshly baked as you order" motto which I can seriously do without, there is a difference between freshly baked everyday with things like cakes and tarts and freshly baked as you order which are items like souffles, and I would much rather be doing the former than the latter anytime....and the people, mainly the full timer, more mainly the hot kitchen cook, who are on the verge of having a mental breakdown, there's no way I am going to go back there. I thought working in a new restaurant that just set up was a good idea, I was wrong.

Monday 25 November 2013

Work and Drive

Things are probably not going to go well for me in my working life...

Last week I was warned by my Chef Trainer that I might get fired by the management.... well she didn't actually say I will get fired, more of a general warning that the management might fire people who have "inflexible" work hours. What she was trying to tell me essentially is that the company wants to have full control of everyone's work schedule, so if they want me to work at night, I will not be in the position to say "No" otherwise I won't have a position in the restaurant anymore.

I am currently only working the morning shift because I really don't want to go home in the evening during peak hours and also morning shift is really the most peaceful shift to get as a Pastry Cook because no one orders desserts in the afternoon, well no one really orders desserts during dinner time as well from what I have deduced when the chef trainer ask me to prepare less batter.... like a lot less than normal. The total amount of dessert order we had on the first week was less than the amount of desserts the batter I prepare in the morning could make for a day.

So I do get really bored in the morning when I am awaiting new orders, because all I do is wait and stare at the shoppers that walk past the time, sometimes I get so bored I start helping the hot kitchen clean up their used utensils, which in turn causes my eczema to flare up like a bitch thanks the to dish washing liquids.

Today I went for my driving Theory Practice and Evaluation. I failed the latter because I didn't have enough time to complete the former. I actually failed by one question... so depressing because the instructor actually allowed me to complete my Practice after he saw me fail my evaluation and I realized I could have probably gotten at least a 95% passing mark had I gone through the entire Practice run.

Going through the entire Practice in one seating is probably not going to be sufficient though, we had 4 booklets to go through within 45 minutes, the first three has 70 questions and the last has 40... which gives us a total of 250 questions. I know I am really fast when it comes to taking exam papers in School, I can literally finish my math paper in under and hour and have an additional hour and 45 minutes trying my hardest to fall asleep but failing horribly... like the math paper I just completed in under an hour.... but I can't go through 250 questions in 45 minutes... even if they are all MCQs.

So now I have to re-book another Theory Evaluation time slot, except I can't at this point in time because I still have yet to receive the work schedule for this week.  Messaged my Chef Trainer at 6.30pm to ask if i have any schedule for tomorrow and she has yet to reply. Silence usually means consent, but in this case it's probably a sign that I am one step closer to getting fired.

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Inconsiderate Aunty

Today while heading for work, I decided to take the train instead of the direct bus because the direct bus has always disappointed me and come late, well I was late today as well but that's not the point, so one thing I did not realized about taking the train during the peak hour is that... I am taking a train during peak hour, so there were a shit load of people who were, like myself, heading to town for work.

I decided to give the first train a miss due to the amount of people who were boarding and squeezing themselves into the train so desperately like a can of sardines.And when the second train came, like the first, it was pretty crowded as well, but at least I was still able to fit into the train without having to breath down someone's neck and vice versa.

As I was boarding the train, I felt someone was pushing from the back, and I could faintly hear someone at the back complaining,  and because I was had my earphones on, I could only catch that person going....

"Just get in lah, Move faster lah."

....in a very annoyed tone.

Turns out behind me and some other guy, there was this fucking impatient Aunty who couldn't wait to get on the train, so she decided to just push EVERYONE who was in front of her into the crowded train. Bloody inconsiderate bitch was not only pushing, but at the same time complaining that we were moving so slowly.

And unfortunately for the guy who was standing behind me, something got caught in one of his shoes so when he tried to remove it, his shoe accidentally brushed against that inconsiderate Aunty's dress twice, and I don't know if it was because her vaginal cavity was in the process of drying up because she's getting old or because her husband cheated on her with a prettier. younger, better tempered woman or maybe her kids decided to empty out her bank account and gamble all her life savings away, but she lost her shit and started scolding the guy.

The guy was of course smart enough to just ignore her... and the lady just stopped shouting and started sulking at one corner like the bitter bitch that she was when she realize the guy couldn't be bothered with her ramblings... I know she was sulking because I saw her reflection on the glass panel of the train doors. It's never wise to argue back with this kind of stupid aunties... it only makes you angrier, the only thing they will do is to keep shouting and shouting and shouting the same old thing like some fucking Pokemon speaking by repeating it's own name.

 She's kinda stupid to start with, I mean the train is bloody full, people are in the process of adjusting themselves in the train to make space for the others who are entering, well the considerate ones as least because some just stand there like some fucking statue, so the last thing they need is some stupid bitch rushing that process, my personal space, along with a few other commuters were invaded today because of one inconsiderate Aunty.

This is actually the first time I have seen someone who's so inconsiderate and so vocal at the same time, the past few I have witnessed are usually the quiet ones who just either cut your queue or push you aside without apologizing because you are in their way.

Saturday 16 November 2013

Did something good today. Don't feel good about it.

Today while I was doing some baking, the door bell rang.

I wasn't available at that time to open the door so my maid went to do it.

The last time I needed her to open the door was when a package of mine was being delivered and since I wasn't home, I thought she would at least answer the door.... she didn't, I don't know if it's because she was cleaning the car or whatever but she did not and I received a call from the guy while I was outside, telling me he has no choice but to leave the package at the door.

So from that point on, I thought she will probably never open the door for anyone unless it was someone she knows, I was wrong because today, the person who was ringing the door bell was those door to door donations drive people... AND SHE NOT ONLY ANSWERS THE DOOR, SHE FREAKING LETS THE PERSON INTO THE HOUSE LIKE SHE WAS SOME HONORED GUEST.

Unfortunately for me, and fortunately for that donation person, I find it hard to say "No".... especially when they are blabbering at my face about what their charity is and what their charity is working towards, I mean it's kinda rude when they are talking halfway and you just go...

So most of the time I will wait for them to finish speaking before I reject them, the only problem with that is that it's also equally rude, so I will always end up taking out my wallet and offering them the minimum donation of $10 begrudgingly, which is ridiculous because they are asking for help but they have the audacity to tell you that you must donate at least this amount.

Well the girl today was selling calenders, at $15 a piece.... she's probably only in Secondary School and I felt bad for her so I bought it.

Initially I asked if she had change for $20 because that was all the notes I had left... her reply was..

"Oh for $20 we have the bigger calender."

My gawd...I am asking for change, not if I can donate more. So annoying.  Ended up having to dig my bag for loose change. Felt so stupid after she left, it's the same feeling I get when I go on Steam, buy a game at full price and only realize the next day that it will be on the Summer Sales at 90% off.

None of this would have happened had my maid decided to treat the little girl the same way she treated the delivery man.

Sunday 10 November 2013

Awesome colleague. (A need to rant)

Work in the kitchen has started and everything would have been as I had anticipated except for one thing... my pastry kitchen partner.

Before I applied for this job, or even applied for at-sunrice, I knew from the get go that life in the kitchen is going to be a very tiring and hectic job, and for the longest time, I have been mentally preparing myself for it, what I did not anticipate having to prepare was to get a colleague in the pastry kitchen, who works with me on the pastry production, to have the attitude of a 12 year old talkative kid.

She's only 4 years younger than me and I have only worked with her for about 2 days in the kitchen and already I can't stand her personality.

Firstly, she's a fucking tattle tail.. .

Today, after lining a ramekin with sugar for souffle making, instead of putting the excess sugar back into the sugar bag, I threw it into the basin because the sugar is already covered in butter, because I shouldn't really be putting it back into the bag of sugar lest it gets contaminated, and mind you it's only a tiny bit left... putting it back isn't going to make a difference.

And it so happens that she sees it and she starts to question me, asking me why I threw the sugar away like I had just killed her dog. So I said it was dirty and that it shouldn't be mixed with the clean sugar, of course she decided in her head that that wasn't a satisfying answer and she kept questioning me like I broke some sort of cardinal rule.

A few minutes later after that fiasco, I thought she would just put that horrible life changing experience behind us and just go on with preparing the next batch of bake items.... NO. As soon as the chef trainer comes, she decides to rat me out, and she ratted me out with a passion...

"He threw the sugar away, he didn't put it back in the bag leh!"

over and OVER AND OVER AGAIN.... as if the chef trainer was deaf, and the chef trainer actually went... "It's okay, it's okay, it's okay" like a cop trying to talk down a person who's about to jump off a building.

Fucking immature.

Secondly, she lacks common sense to the point it's just borderline stupid.

We were suppose to prepare cake batter for pancakes today and so I decided to multiply the batches we made by two, she got so confused as to why I was doing that that I had to slowly explain it to her. This was all in front of a different, much stricter chef trainer who was inspecting us... and she kept blaming me because she couldn't understand what I was doing. I actually got so impatient with her I started to respond back to her with an extremely annoyed tone that I actually felt my face getting warm because I was so pissed off with her stupidity.

You have a fucking brain... use it.

Thirdly. She's bossy even though we are in the same position. Plus she lacks common sense...which makes her bossiness even more unbearable.

So whenever she uses finish something, like a spatula, she shoves it in my direction and expects me to take it from her hand and put it away, and not a single word of thanks. And I do it every time because the chef trainers are around so I don't want to look like a prick....yet.

Sometimes it's equipment and sometimes it's rubbish, and the rubbish bin is literally behind her, yet she passes it to me, forcing me have to walk AROUND her to throw it away and then back AROUND her again to get back to my station.

I mean I was quite patient yesterday but today I just had to tell her to hold on to it first because there's no point making me walk back and forth when there are still so many things that needs to be thrown away. Use some common sense at least.

The thing that really made me thought of her as someone I don't want to work with is that she doesn't take responsibility for her actions.

When she does something wrong, she points it at me.

When she wants something to be done, she ask me to do it.

When she isn't sure of something, she asks me, and when I don't she gets annoyed by it, as if I should know where the fucking things are, I mean are you fucking stupid (yes), I started the same time as you... why aren't you getting annoyed at yourself for being so stupid.

I actually had to tell the manager to slot me in a time slot where I will be working alone for most of the time... or if it's really bad, shift me to another branch because people like her are seriously rare to come by so the chances of me meeting another one who has her kind of attitude is slim, I hope. I mean I haven't seen her kind since Primary School, to think that her kind of attitude would outlive her teen years is pretty incredible.

I'm not hating what I'm doing, I'm just hating the fact that I have to do what I'm doing with her.

Tuesday 15 October 2013

School's awesome so far....

It's already into the 2nd last week of the certificate course and we have finally stepped into the kitchen and actually do some baking.

First official thing we baked were Challah Bread. I was sous chef (something like the class monitor of the day, but with a kitchen moniker) that day and was in charge of helping everybody measure the salt, with a few of my other classmates measuring all the other ingredients.

The recipe called for 7g of salt.... I measured out 70g because I was an idiot. I had thought the measuring scale was measuring things to the first decimal point, so I thought when it showed 70g, it was 7.0g. And the problem with me watching myself pour the copious amount of salt into the dry ingredient mixture was that in my mind, I kept thinking it was sugar, and that it was normal to have that much "sugar" in a bread dough.... the recipe didn't call for any sugar at all.

The chef was actually really upset when he tasted the demo batch he made to demonstrate to us the techniques, and he made everyone taste my mistake, he was angry about it but he was also nice enough to not single me out, instead he told everyone later that since it's paid for by the school, he didn't really care about the wasted ingredients, just the time wasted.

Needless to say I felt really bad about it... and it didn't help that I was the sous chef of the day.

Anyways, deviating from the topic of my stupidity and sense of guilt.... My Challah Bread. The one that's in focused.

In order to differentiate my bread from the others, I didn't really do anything on purpose because my bread's braids decided to proof off into the other direction, explaining the deformity. Apparently I hadn't sealed the ends quite tightly and properly enough. Still tasted awesome though.... I think, the chef allowed us to smuggle some home and the bread I took home was really good, so I assume the quality of the entire batch should be the same.

Just yesterday, we had a change of chef instructor and we made Sable Viennois, it's French so my pronunciation of it is the butchered version. "Sar-Bah Hwa-Nuah" is how I pronounce it in my head because I have no idea which letters are silent and which letters are not.

This lesson was more fun because there was pipping involved. Mine are the ones at the top right hand corner, first 4 rows.

The pipping of a hundred macarons didn't help me with this lesson though because this one is a rosette swirl. That being said, I think I did a pretty good job after a while, they came out looking decent enough. Good enough to be presented at a shop counter, but not good enough for people to actually buy.

The school served this for lunch as dessert so many times that after making them, I didn't really feel like eating them. Not to say I won't be making this at home one day, I bought a bottle of Nielsen Massey Vanilla essence from Phoon Huat, it would be a good excuse to use it.

One bottle of this cost $8.

I needed a bottle of vanilla essence anyways since the ones I am making by myself aren't gonna be ready until 3 months later. Hopefully it will taste good, then again my taste-buds are exactly the sharpest around, I mean I can't even tell why Valrhona is better than Hershey, I'm only buying Valrhona because I'm a brand whore.... my school's chocolate is sponsored by Valrhona, that's very impressive in my opinion... and why do I think that?... because I am a brand whore. 

I also got a bottle of rose water from Nielsen Massey whilst at Phoon Huat today because I didn't want to walk out the shop empty handed.... or at least not with only a small bottle of vanilla essence in a plastic bag that's obviously too big for it.

A few things happened the past few days....

I found out my NS ez-link card expired, right as I was boarding the bus on the way to school. That wasn't fun, especially on a crowded bus with limited free seats, I was like the first to board, but ended being the last to get my choice seat, had to be sandwiched between this JC kid and another buffed up guy who was taking up more seats than one person should, well his biceps were taking up too much space. I am the bacon center ,the JC kid is the white bread and the muscled guy is the other white bread that was sliced too thick.

Another thing I realised this past few weeks while boarding the bus is that Bangladeshis really like hoarding up the front of the bus... something about them and bus entrances, they never move to the end of the bus, even when there's a crowed about to board... even during peak hour. This didn't just happened to me once but on multiple occasions.

I always end up have to push my way past their bag packs to get to the other side, sufficient space to probably fit like 3 or 4 more people, or 5 if you are really that comfortable with people getting all up in your face and breathing down your neck.

It's also quite funny that I saw this advertisement being displayed in some buses.

I wonder who the 4% are.


A random kid on a train offered me food, well I think it's food, he reached out a brown doggy bag in my direction and asked me if I wanted it,  I don't really know what's wrong with him because I know it's definitely not out of kindness, I know I have horrible fashion taste, but I am pretty certain I am not pulling off a begger chic fashion style.

I think the kid's screw is a bit loose because before his food offering to me, he was going around the train hanging door hanger advertisements on the train handles, and then walking back and forth the train.

Monday 30 September 2013


My obsession for macaron perfection lasted for quite a while, but over the time I could see improvements in my attempts... and I would say it paid off.

Caramel Macaron
Recent batch just a few days ago.

The croissant on the other hand is a huge pain the ass.

Yesterday, I decided it would be a good idea to try my hands on making some croissant, thinking it would be simple and thinking I would be getting myself some quality croissants, think Maison Kayser, PAUL or Tiong Bahru Bakery standard, also I thought maybe I could bake some and bring it to class, set my standards really high and really just be an asshole and show off my amazing techniques I have learned on the internet and just absorb all the praises I will get and let that all get into my head.

Long story short, I am not Maison Kayser, Paul or Tiong Bahru Bakery material. I blame the weather, I can't even blame the oven because the dough can't even be made properly for me to actually put it into the oven. It was just a buttery mess of a dough, butter was literally leaking out from all possible crevices in the dough and all I could think of was how much money I have just wasted on good quality butter, which of course went on to never wanting to attempt it again for financial reasons, and then attempting to make another batch thinking I found the problem. Obviously the problem I found did not offset the whole other mountain of problems that was present in the formation of the croissant making experience.

That being said, I do still have a small sheet of croissant dough left in the fridge, but at this point, I have given up on the whole thing, so that would probably give it sufficient time to rest in the fridge to get firmer and maybe tomorrow I will have a proper croissant, if not then fuck the idea of making croissant at home, I'm just gonna buy it from a bakery, at least it's cheaper then my failed attempts. This is not France, the weather's a bitch

Tuesday 24 September 2013

School Again.

School started 2 days ago.

Realized the majority of my classmates are pretty much my parent's age, can't say I'm too surprised considering the fact it's a 5 weeks course rather than a 1.5 year diploma course that I had originally aimed for.  The people in my class are nice, since they are all mature adults, although that being said, I do have trouble finding common topics to talk about because they don't play computer games and they probably won't get my humor because I'm fucking hilarious in all the wrong ways for a 40 year old Mum... it's like my brain is in full filter mode... no pervertic jokes are to be spoken and all sexual connotations, remote as they are, are to be kept to myself.

The first day was all about orientation and today was all about hygiene, this whole week and the next will essentially just be lectures of things that I didn't really sign up for, NEA standards for a working in a professional kitchen and all that fun stuff, really insomnia curing stuff. The thing that I'm really interested about, and what I actually sign up for will only be taught to us on the third week, which is like the middle of the course. The lecturer today kept talking about Chicken and Meat and all that Culinary Arts thing. and I realize a lot of people were actually interested in it, I really couldn't care less about how to cook a turkey, which was a question someone actually asked, so I'm guessing I'm probably a small handful of people in my class who are actually wholly interested strictly in baking and pastry, which is pretty awesome, that shows how close minded I am... some would say a purist, and by some I mean me.

One awesome thing about the school is the lunches, lunch is provided by the school and they are prepared by the chef instructors, and this instructors can really whip up a dish, they are experienced in the F&B industry, so the food they cook are all probably 5 star hotel quality standard.

Well, I was constantly comparing them to my Army food and the food I have been eating in the army for the past 1.5 years are abysmal. Piping hot mediocrity on a hot afternoon in a sweltering hot bunk definitely did not help the cookhouse get any brownie points from me.

So..... I had some free time today and decided to photoshop some photos of my cupcakes. I took the pics with my HTC Phone, the images are sharp, but the colours are pretty shit, so I did a bit of tweaking and it came out looking pretty good.

Guinness Cupcakes with Irish Bailey Buttercream.

Had a lot more kick than the one they sell at Twelve Cupcakes, just makes me wonder exactly how little Bailey they put in their buttercream, it was definitely not worth the extra 50 cents. Me paying an extra 50 cents for their buttercream is like everyone else paying $50 for a plate of hawker center chicken rice. That's how little Irish Bailey they used.

Since I had some more stout leftover, I decided to make another batch of Guinness Cupcakes, but this time, decided to use a Caramel buttercream, I would like to say it's salted caramel, but it's not. Made a lot of caramel that day.

Friday 20 September 2013

If you are fugly.... be nice

Today marks the last day working at my father's office before I am off to school again.

I think I jinxed my previous attempts at entering the school by announcing it to almost everyone I know, talking about how I WILL be studying Culinary when I get out of the army, and then I didn't, got into a design firm, and thankfully that place was a pretty dreadful environment to work in, I still scoff when I remember the boss telling me how they are like "family".

 "Like family" and "like a high school clique" are two very different things, just to be completely clear of how her version of "family" looked like to me.  I think it's because it really brought me back to the days in Primary School when the girl cliques were really just haughty bitches.There was even this clique of fat girls who keeps sucking up to the teacher, it's so fucking annoying... fat and annoying, zero redeeming factor at all. That's how I remember my classmates in primary school, ugly on the inside and out, that's why I never bothered contacting any of them. I remembered seeing one of the fat girl in the bus once years later, she was still on the lumpy side. Oh I have no idea why I made that connection between my primary school and that design firm, but I did and it didn't bode well for me and also my impression of them/

It's called bitterness, that's why I am still talking about it even till now. Talking about that company is like my fuel to blog, I need to have something to bitch about otherwise my post are gonna be shit boring like those first few post.

Talking about something to bitch about.

I actually met my BMT mate by pure accident a week ago, literally by accident because my Mum actually had to drop by the hospital whilst we were on our way for a family event thing and it so happened the Starbucks there had an employee who was my BMT mate and because hospitals are really boring, even though we were in the A&E Department, I decided to head down to Starbucks with my sisters to relax and sip a bit of coffee while my mother slept her stomach cramp off.

A&E Departments are usually where all the action happens, in Grey's Anatomy, but apparently in real life, the biggest action I saw that day was some woman having to pass a kidney stone, she didn't actually pass out the kidney stone in front of an audience, but I assume it was a kidney stone or maybe she had to have her appendix remove and like another kid who apparently knocked his head on something, and despite looking perfectly fine, was send to A&E, where he was also acting perfectly fine.

Anyways, I went to Starbucks and saw my BMT mate there, and I remembered him as one of the few I really like, because he actually drove me all the way home after a BBQ party at a friends house, that's from Kembangan all the way to Bukit Timah. I remember sitting in the car and thinking to myself, there's no way I will treat as him as one those friends that I will ignore completely on the street when I see them, because I have a tendency to do that with old friends whom I have not contacted for a very long time, which is probably like 90% of my Facebook friends, then again 90% of the 90% are really people I don't really speak to at all when I was around them.

So I decided to actually go up to him and ask him how he's been doing, after he's finished preparing my drink, because I thought he hadn't notice me when his colleague was taking my order. And so he finishes making my drink, calls my order and then as I made my way towards him, we looked at each other right in the eye, smiled at each other and just when I thought he remembers who I was and was about to greet me,he turns and walks away right after handing me my drink.

Okay, usually when I see someone I know on the street and I don't really want to say Hi to, I will try and avoid eye contact, but when we do happen to make eye contact, I take off my earphones, begrudgingly, and start small talk with them if they are bothered to or just wave at them, because I don't want to appear like a pompous dick.

So it was extremely weird when someone whom I am actually going up to say Hi to decides that it's OK to not even wave back AFTER that person has made eye contact, and me going up to someone to say Hi is rare as fuck. I ended up walking back to the table really confused and decided to actually sit outside because it was way to awkward to sit inside after that scenario.

Which is why now if we were to ever have a BMT meet up, shit is gonna get really awkward because I can't go....

 "How's life?" .....because I know that he knows I know how his life has been. Full of caffeine high and Starbucks Beverage recipes memorizing.

Monday 9 September 2013

Well that's long...

While working at my father's office today, I remembered how anal most of my co-workers were at the previous few companies that I've worked in when they ask for your help. By few I mean two because that's how bothered I am about looking for jobs during school breaks... even though I didn't bother to find any job, I did feel extremely useless at home, and then Procrastination told me I will get a job later in life, which made me feel better about rotting at home.

So I digress....

Part of the reason why I left my previous job, out of the mountain of reasons I have, valid or invalid is UP for ME to decide so it's definitely a mountain and not a molehill, was because I was helping this colleague do her presentation to show one of her clients because she had a shitload of clients and I was happy to help because I was literally do nothing all day except scrolling through Pinterest pretending I was looking for "inspiration" when in actual fact, my eyelids were battling with gravity because I was so freaking bored....  that's why I hate commission based, because to earn money, I have to actually do stuff, whereas with a monthly salary, I can spend the entire day "looking for inspiration" on Pinterest and still get paid.... well they are really paying me for successfully not giving in to the temptation and letting my head go and have it smack against the filthy keyboard of my laptop.

And I digress again... when I digress, it's a good thing because when I don't, it means my brain is dead and needs to be brought back to life.... and that also pretty much equates to a shitty post.

So I did her presentation and found pictures that I thought were pretty decent, I am pretty anal when it comes to picking pictures, I am so anal in fact, that the likes I give on Instagram are just plain selfish, I only like the photos of people who like my photo on a regular basis, or people whose photo are actually good, well more on the latter. I put so much effort into taking a proper shot and I only get 3 likes , and then I see other people who have taken a blurry picture that's out of focus, of themselves eating rojak in the middle of the night with the worst lighting ever, and that shit gets 50 likes.

So I managed to get around 20 to 30 pictures for my colleague, all of which are pretty good if I may say so myself... brought it to her and she asked me to present it to her picture by picture, to get an idea of how to present it to the client, and by the way, I am not getting any share of her commission by helping her, the idea is for me to "learn the ropes", me, a diploma holder in that field, learning from a greenhorn who has worked in the field for 4 months with no prior experience in school... not just in the field but in design. Granted the working world is very different from school, but being exposed to Interior Design for 3 years has got to count for something, and it's just 4 months from her side.

She looked through my slides and outright rejected almost 80% of it. Told me to look for contemporary, and I did, most of them ARE contemporary and she said they weren't because there were wooden elements inside. Said they were too Scandinavian.

Okay, contemporary designs are essentially "designs that are popular now".... and she always told me that "Scandinavian is really popular nowadays"...   WHICH MEANS THAT Scandinavian IS CONTEMPORARY.  She made me really hate the idea of contemporary design, and it was of course impossible to find anymore pictures for her afterwards when she told me to redo because her concept of contemporary wasn't actually contemporary. So she told me she wanted shiny surface and clean, and of course in my mind, I went straight to minimalism.... and then she told me it wasn't what she wanted because it was minimalist and not contemporary.... and then she asked me to help her with another one, and then I quit.

It's so annoying when the people you are helping have their head so high up their ass they don't even listen to what you have to say to defend yourself.... or to prove them wrong.

The other one I met who had her head so high her ass she came out of her own mouth and created a wormhole, was this girl whom I met during my internship. Me and my group of intern friends, also known as the underpaid workers, were tasked with cutting out boards to make a material board display, which is essentially cutting out a frame and sticking that frame onto another cardboard, exactly what minimum wage employees do.

So she took a board that she herself did, and she told us the measurements, and the fact that she actually has a board that she crafted herself just proved to us how low she was at the corporate ladder, it was probably just like a few feet above the underpaid interns.

After she did the briefing and introduction to the equipment we will need, she proceeded to leave us be and went on to do more important stuff, like getting coffee for the person who gets coffee for the boss.

I did a bit of cutting and because I have the attention span of a goldfish, I can only be bothered to measure to the exact millimeter for only so long, I decided to do a little give and take and plus minus like literally one or two millimeters.... and I did a few boards while my friends assembled them together.

A few minutes later the girl came back and decided to do "quality control", and she switched on anal mode and measured everything to the exact millimeter. Mine were considered fail because they were off by a few millimeters, my plus minum did gradually increase overtime so I think I went off by like 5mm for one board, but considering that they were A2 size boards, 5mm is extremely minute. That's like when a girl with long hair cuts her hair short by a few inches and expect people to tell the difference, it used to be touching the end of her butt but now it's slightly above the crack, no difference because she's still going to get a massive headache from the weight of the hair tugging at her head. I get that though, when they assume people can tell the difference, because every time I cut my hair, I thought people will comment on it, but no one does because no one can tell the difference between short hair and short hair.

So I got a bit annoyed as she was piling up the rejects that I have so painstakingly cut out that I decided to one up her and measure her board that she left for us to see as an example and lo and behold, her shit was 3mm to 4mm off. Told her that hers wasn't accurate as well and she brushed it off and pretended she didn't hear.  Typical. Had to redo most of it, but after realizing that no matter how many times I did it, it was still going to be that 2mm or so off, she decided to just close one eye, God knows she has been closing one eye on her own work.

Gotta learn to practice what you preach, like my co-worker at my previous company, practice plagiarism, so she preach to us about embracing plagiarism. And she can really preach like a fucking priest in a Catholic church preaching to people about the sins of harboring thoughts of loving people of the same sex and then inviting little boys into the confession booth later that night for 7 minutes in heaven.

Wednesday 17 July 2013

And now, a slow applause...

Guess I overestimated my colleagues ability to sort things out by themselves.

Received a call from my senior colleague (Little Miss Clit Face) today who sounded very displeased about me quitting without clearing out the necessary paper works for them , which really just boils down to passing them my client list. I find it fascinating that even though that particular senior colleague of mine has worked there for a year, she is still lacking the basic ability to read a form that she has been filling up for clients for a year.

You have worked there for an entire year and you have to call me up to ask me which client belongs to which person. It's stated at the bottom of the page so clearly, so unless you are a retarded moron, I don't think it's necessary for me to personally spoon feed you every single information about the client, but that clearly wasn't the case for her and she was indeed a retarded moron because while asking me questions with answers she could have clearly gotten from the form if she had actually bothered to put her reading skills to use, if she did possess any, she also decided to start preaching to me AGAIN about how irresponsible I was.

"Did you know you were suppose to hand us all the client list?... You know you have to do that before you quit?"

And she sounded fucking condescending when she said it as well.


Of course I know I had to pass the client list to you people, otherwise I wouldn't have taken it out from my file and arranged it in the paper tray stand accordingly, I even doggy eared the papers together and paper wrapped them with the client's name obnoxiously written on it. So you have to either be blind or just plain ignorant not to notice it.

Of course I had to clarify everything with her slowly, lest her slow mind can't catch what I was saying, all while she was speaking back to me in a very rude and annoyed tone. And then when everything's been cleared, I tried to make peace with her by saying goodbye to her in a very friendly manner, hoping to end things well, but being the fucker that she was, she had to rudely say "bye" back to me and then hang up.

This kind of co-worker, I'm probably the only one with a personal dislike for her, because she is pretty well liked in the company. Then again she's also very fake because when she's with other people, she speaks in this very high pitched, cutesy voice, like her mentality has regressed back to that of an infant, but when she speaks to me, her voice sounds like how a normal 25 year old should sound like... with an added hint of  fucker.

But alas, I wish all my ex-colleagues and my ex-boss all the best. Except for that fucker... she doesn't deserve the best.  One of the things I detest most when I was in design school was people who plagiarize,  and to think she has the audacity to call herself a designer when she is going around telling all the junior designers to "copy other people's work. Just copy only, it's alright,that's what I do". So if a drug dealer tells me it's okay to take drugs, then I guess it's really okay for me to take drugs.

Awesome logic coming from a genius who can't even read a form she has been filling for a year. Give her a slow and hard applause with her face between my hands

Tuesday 16 July 2013


After 3 weeks of working in an Interior Design firm, I have decided to no longer settle for a job and actually look for something that I can see myself doing long term. 

Long story short, I've quit that place, very bad habit of beating around the bush, even when I was trying to tell my boss I wanted to quit, I was so obscure about it, dropping hints instead of directly telling her. Good thing she was extremely nice about it and even allowed me to quit the very next day instead of having to give her a month's notice as stated in the contract I signed... Or maybe she wanted me to get out of her company asap and could only stand to see my face for another day... after all I wasted 3 weeks of her time trying to train me. 

Definitely felt very bad about quitting but I've never felt so wrong, well except for the time I bought my Lumia, and then sold it like 2 weeks later and bought my HTC, which was a good decision, not financially since I wasn't really getting any income at that period of time... on top of the school loans I have to pay and the saving plans as well. Not a good decision... but I've implemented a bit of controlled spending, like when buying bubble tea, I only buy for myself and no longer buy any for my family. Some may call it being a scrooge, but I call it controlled spending. 

Alas now I'm officially jobless, hopefully not for long because I don't want to become those guys who stay at home when they are already in their 30s, sponging off money from their parents and playing online games to kill time. I may be lazy but becoming a waste of space is not an achievement I want to attain, couch potato is the highest I will go to.

I have reapplied for Culinary School and instead of aiming for their diploma, I'm gonna have to settle for a certificate instead at the same school that rejected me, that I talked so much shit about.... good thing I'm not very talkative in real life so people tend to not realize all the shit qualities about me.... like being a hypocrite. 

And I got an interview so that's good, located at Tai Seng, the last time I went there was when I went to visit a lighting shop there with my ex-boss and ex-colleagues, my job at that time was to learn a thing or two when visiting the shops was to learn about lighting and furniture needs a future client might have, but I can't help thinking of how life would have been like if I were to be in the culinary school, whose building where it was located in was in constant view. 

The grass is always greener on the other side... in my case, the grass I was on was definitely not green at all. There's really no point in settling for one career when you are already carrying a passion for another career, and you didn't even give it a shot... it will constantly be bugging you at the back of your head, and that's exactly what happened to me for the last 2.5 weeks. 3 days in and I already had one foot out of the company.... the company was a good company, as evident from the way my boss treated us and my colleagues who came in the same time as me are nice people... my senior colleagues on the other hand, I thought only one of them was genuinely nice to me so I will probably miss them a little, I mean I've only known them for 3 weeks, so the bond is not as strong as, let's say my army bunk mates... whom I still definitely am missing. 

I guess all that's left now is to do well in the interview.... and look at the Summer Steam Sales for good game to get, I bought Hitman Absolution today and it had the same issue as when I downloaded it from another place.... crash. crash. crash. Luckily it was only the price of 3 Laduree Macarons.

Saturday 13 July 2013

Gotta Quit Soon.

I'm not sure if this is normal, but for the past week I have been having this really strong urge to quit my job. The idea of working there for an extended period of time is killing me.

Never ever settle for a job, that is the lesson I've learnt. I'm practically just dragging myself to work everyday, dreading of what's to come next, zero interest in the job at all, even during my internship I didn't dread what I was doing this much. My boss is nice to me, my colleagues who came in the same time as me are nice to me, my senior colleagues on the other hand did not make my initial weeks welcoming.

Work is horrible because my interest in the field has dwindled, and even during it's peak it wasn't a very strong desire to learn, it's just interesting to me, not fascinating to me. It's like when you read through  things like "Top 10 Things About Your Human Body You Never Knew About.", it keeps you interested but it doesn't make you want to become a doctor right after.

I said I will give this job 3 months, but I'm already having thoughts of quitting on the first and second week, and this week had the strong urge to tell my boss I want to give her my 1 month notice. What  I learn in the 3 weeks would have been so much more interesting if it was about baking. Techniques, Tips and Tricks on how to get a perfect sponge cake or the perfect pastry crust, not how to give a room a flow and focus.

It also doesn't help that my pay is pretty minimal at this point, at only $1200, I has initially thought it would be good because it's higher than my army pay by almost 2 folds,  but that was wrong because now my time is getting burnt up so badly the $1200 just doesn't cut it at all. I've heard the turnover rate for the job is pretty high and I think it's about time to really quit this job and do something that I will actually enjoy, because if I'm going to get my weekends burned, I would rather be doing something I have a passion for.

Sunday 7 July 2013

New phone... half a year late.

Nokia Lumia has taken the second spot in my record list for being the shortest phone to ever be owned by me, the first is a Japanese keitai I bought in a whim in the past which I later sold away like 2 weeks later, story of my Keitai experience at Sim Lim Square, not one I'd like to relive.

The phone is pretty shit, first was the lack of apps in the app store, next, as minor as it might be for most people, was the fact that Nokia and Windows didn't implement a setting for auto-rotate in the phone, so you can't actually switch it off, it flips to landscape mode every time you flip the phone, people who uses their phone to surf the net while they are lying on their side in bed will understand the pain and lastly was the fact that the phone had a defect, whenever I use my phone to make a call or receive one, people on the other side won't be able to hear me unless I hold the phone completely vertical.

So I can't take my calls like Christian Bale because the phone will assume my voice is background noise and filter it out. That is already happening in real life when I am speaking to people, I can't let even my phone do that to me. That actually happened to me today while I was trying to order a cup of fruit juice in the food court today, the shopkeeper ignored my presence completely, the urge to hurl vulgarities at him was extremely high, feel like taking his hand and stick it in the fruit blender, he will be so confused, the entire time on his way to the hospital, he will be wondering, was it a ghost that stuck his hand in the fruit blender?

So I sold that phone yesterday after weeks of contemplating, best decision ever, because now my HTC Butterfly is feeling so much more familiar to me. Android OS, you have been missed, have been using an Android for so long, all the memories of using it in camp to watch movies and surf the internet, miss those days when the only thing I have to worry about is if I have enough shows in my phone to watch for the days I am in camp, and iOS as well, but that got me into trouble, both in the army and in terms of phone bill, so it's bittersweet... I racked up an extra $40 in data charges because I kept surfing Youtube and I'm not sure if I'm allowed to disclose the other reason so I shan't.

Now I hardly have any free time to download movies to watch, today is the only full day of free time I had gotten since I started work and I have to get back to work tomorrow. Oh the joys of it.

Anyways, my phone is currently awesome, although when I bought it, I could overhear one of the worker there telling his colleague I was "siao" or crazy for buying a HTC Butterfly at this point of tme, reason being because a newer version of the HTC Butterfly is coming out called HTC Butterfly S this month. I knew it was coming out but I didn't realize it was coming out this month until I went back and did a more thorough research. But it's going to be one thousand bucks when it gets released and I'm not prepared to dish out so much money for a phone.... yet. And my plan is gonna be ungradeble in November, so that means new phone is 4 to 5 months time.

Yay for no financial planning.

Judgmental Cunt.

So work's been getting slightly better and I'm starting to warm up to my colleagues a little bit. And the past few days I've been going to site visits with some of the senior designers to learn a few things about how things works in the job.

I was initially a little bit excited to go to site visits with them because I thought that it would be a good opportunity to get to know each other a little bit and maybe become friends, at this point I don't categorize them as friends because we are just not close at all.

Well it went okay with the first one I went with, I was able to hold a conversation with her on the way there, but there was definitely no common interest at all, all the conversation topics were work related, and apparently the trip to the site exhausted all the topic I could come up with because the trip back was just half an hour of  silence in the car made less awkward with the radio playing in the background, she also wasn't that interested at talking when I attempted to start up conversation, so there goes that potential friendship I thought I could forge with her. I think after doing what I do in the army, I automatically assume being alone with someone long enough, we will get to know each other better, but apparently that does not apply in the civilian / working world because she essentially didn't give a fuck on the way back. Not to say she's a bitch, I mean when she sees me coming in for work, she will wave at me and we will greet each other, but purely out of courtesy and nothing more.

Today's senior who had the honor of bringing me out to her site  was a little more talkative, she's more chirpy when we are in a group, but we aren't close or anything, she will try and include me in conversations and poke fun at me once in a while and I really like that extrovert personality about her, I thought today would be a good time to know each other and become friends, because from what I've seen her relationship with my other colleagues, she looks like someone who is very fun to hang out with. I've never hung out with her alone before, so today was a first.

So on our way to the site, she talked a little about work in the beginning, because that's the only way to start a conversation with a new worker, ask them how's work and whatever boring stuff, so I talked a bit about it, and shared with her about what I thought about work, and then things started to go south when she started preaching no more fun and cheery senior, just this extremely condescending and judgmental fuck who's so full of assumptions about me, someone she barely knew.

First she express her opinions of how she thought about me, how I came across to her as a person from the one week we barely spend with getting to know each other.

"You look like someone who gives up very easily, from what I've seen."

From what you've seen? I was obviously confused as to how she came to that conclusion, so I gave her a confused look and vocalized my confusion with a "Huh?".

"When I saw you setting up the chair the other day and you said you wanted to give up." 

WHAT? Did you not see me setting the whole chair up at the end, literally 10 minutes after I jokingly said that you blind bat? So I told her I was only joking, that what I said was meant to be a joke, I was not going to just leave the chair 50% done on the floor and go cry to the boss screaming I couldn't fix it, I want a new chair, like what the fuck are you on about?

She laughed a little after realizing that (because it's really funny how she was so stupid to not realize I was joking at that time) and started another topic.....

"You look like someone who don't really have plan your life , it's like your whole life was planned out for you by your parent."

....because I told her I didn't have a driving license. She came to that conclusion of how I need to have my life plan out for me by my parents because I didn't have a driving license. WHAT? ARE? YOU? SMOKING? (apart from the 700 packs you smoke a day, well I guess I just answered my own question.)

The main reason why I don't have a driving license is not because my parents did not schedule it on the "Life Timetable" they had planned out for me but simply because I did not find it a necessity prior to getting that job. Simple as that, I am not going to spend $2000 to $3000 to get a license just for the sake of getting a license.

I only seriously contemplated getting a license when I was in the army, but by than it was already not an option financially because I had started getting my braces and was forking out $300 every month. I'm paid $500 -$600 every month at that time, so that left me with $200 for food and transport, and even if I were to be extremely meager, I would still be unable to afford the lesson cost.

In order to be able to have a steady grasp on driving, I would need to go for lessons at least once a week, which was about $70, multiplied by 4, that would be $280, already way over what the army was paying me.

The bitch was spinning shit out of her mouth with all the assumptions she was making about it, it was nauseating.

"Oh I'm able to keep my shit together better than you~! Blah blah blah~" while standing on this pedestal of bullshit she made for herself. She was obviously not saying it for my good, she was assuming all those nonsense and shooting them out of her mouth to make herself feel better, to make herself think that she was better than I was. It was really pathetic and I honestly didn't feel like talking to her anymore after that.

If I didn't have my shit together, I wouldn't have found a job less than a month after I left the army, because unlike her, I knew the importance of getting a stable job and not think it was okay to just spend a whole year partying at club and spending all my parents money like she did when she was this useless sad excuse for a daughter who was just leeching her parents off their money like a parasite probably like a year before she finally decided to look for a job because her parents got tired of her shit and weren't in good terms with her anymore. She told me all of that when she was giving me her "life advice" bullshit, as if to say...

"Oh I understand your predicament, because I have been there before, except you are much more fucked up than I ever was because the only bad things I made are decisions. Hurhurhur~"

No you stupid fucking bitch, you are not like me, we are nothing alike. I went to the Army, you didn't, instead, you spend half the time I spend in the Army making bad life decisions and ruining your relationship with your parents, and then you come around and think you are qualified to give me life advice?

Fuck Off

Even when my sister is preaching me, I get really annoyed, much less someone whom I've only know for a little over a week. You don't know me and you start to judge my character base on an assumption you have on me.  Well, if that's the case, then base on the shit you've been spinning out of your mouth, I'm also gonna assume you have smoke a dozen packs of cigarettes too much and the nicotine has completely skipped your lungs and went straight to corroding your brain. 

And then the "best" advice she gave me, plagiarize other people's work.

"Just copy only, I do that all the time"

Just because you do it doesn't mean we have to do it. She doesn't just take ideas online, she also steals ideas from her own colleague, she did that when was still a newbie, so much so that she was confronted about it and she's announcing it like it's something to be proud of because everything with that colleague and her was fine now. Bitch, there are some things you should be ashamed of as a designer, and plagiarizing other people's work is one of them. 

Needless to say, I've lost all the respect I had for her. Any positive feelings I had for her went down the drain the moment she peeled off her Fun Cheery Colleague facade and revealed her true self that is the Judgmental Cunt, like this bluewaffle like clit that's like leaking black tar from all the cigarette she's smoking. 

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Finally have a bit of time....

First week of work and both my weekends were burned, and when I say burn, I mean completely eaten up from morning to night.

It's not a good way to start work to have to work on a Sunday from 11 am to 10 pm. Standing at the Singapore Expo and trying to attract potential clients by handing out brochures really is not an easy feat, I'm a socially awkward individual and so having to coax people I don't know to patronize the company I'm working in is very uncomfortable. That being said though, I did actually manage to get 4 potential clients, although they were with the help from the senior designers.

I was actually really picky about the people that I was pulling in, so all my potential clients are actually young English speaking couples. I was avoiding big families who speak Chinese because I just realized over the weekend that I can no longer converse in Chinese comfortably anymore. I pulled in a China lady, I understand what she was saying, but my head couldn't translate what I wanted to say back in Chinese in time.

Have to admit, the first week of work was shit horrible. I was literally always in a foul mood in the morning because the company wasn't what I had envisioned it would be, the number of times I felt like quitting within that week was countless because I can't help but think how much better it would be if I was doing something I really enjoyed, which was baking. If that company was a bakery I would probably be having my dream job, because the office is actually a really nice environment to work in.

Some of my colleagues actually asked me if I will actually find a career in baking, and that's only after working there for a week. Apparently I carry the scent of a potential quitter, but as tempting as it is, of course I can't leave the company now because that's going to look really bad on my resume, plus apparently the job gets a lot better in the third month because your client base will increase and the money will start coming in.

So I'm gonna have to press on for 3 months, and if the cash flow is still shit like now, then it's time to do something I enjoy. I mean I'd rather get shit pay and burn my weekend doing something I like then get a shit pay and burn my weekend doing something I don't mind settling for.

Monday 24 June 2013

Life as a working adult.

Today is the official start of my working life.

Went to the EXPO today to help the company with the current roadshow, and every time my boss started talking about interior decorating to a client, I can't help but imagine how much more interested I would have been and how much more input I would have been able to give if they were talking about baking. Plus I was given a floor plan to do some space planning and I sucked at it.... that's essentially how my day ended, me being told how bad I was at planning space, she didn't say it literally but that's what it essentially translate to.

Oh, actually my day ended with my thighs smacking full force against as an MRT ez-link Barrier. I've seen people getting squashed by it before, and I have to admit it's actually quite funny, but I didn't expect to become one of it's victims.

MRT ez-link Barrier uses "Guillotine".

I was on my way in after work about to take the train home and decided to use the entrance for wheelchair bound people, because it was nearer to me and I was too lazy to walk that few centimeters further to the normal one, so as I tapped my card, the barrier opened and as I was walking past the barriers, some genius Indian guy decides to tap the card from the other end, because the wheelchair bound entrance works both ways, and the barrier decides to do a quick close and reopen while I was still midway through it. Ended up smacking my leg against the barrier at full force, it was not pretty for me.

Tomrrow is another work day, and the day after and the day after, at least in the army there's like off day 50% of the time, like 2 days work and 2 days off, and even when I'm "working", I can be doing something fun like watching a movie, or an entire TV Series, so far I've watched Vampire Diaries, New Girl, Once Upon a Time, Up All Night, Grimm and probably a lot more, and it's not one by one, I watch them in bulk episodes. Army life really isn't that bad for me... in fact it's actually really good, so good in fact that I fear all my luck has run out dry and I'm probably gonna get a real shitty job... which I can't gauge now because it's just the first day.

I'm not going to be optimistic about the job, because becoming too optimistic always leads to bigger disappointments, so I'm gonna just picture how much worst it can get and start feeling better when it doesn't get as bad as I imagined. My imagination is pretty dramatic.

Sunday 23 June 2013

Haze ~ Nature's Fault since 2013

The haze has finally cleared... I think.

The last few days at home was pretty awesome because the air-con was switched on for most of the day, the haze only limited our field of vision, it did nothing to help with the insanely warm weather.

I actually thought when I went out, with the PSI reading hitting 400, that I would be able to smell smoke, silent screams from the fallen trees in Indonesia crawling into my nose, but there wasn't so much of a smell, then again my area wasn't so badly affected, so that's probably the reason why. It definitely felt weird to be wearing those face mask though, like out of every 5 people probably only 2 people are wearing it, again, my side isn't so badly affected, so maybe who knows, the other areas of Singapore have probably have the ratio reversed.

After much complain from the Singaporeans, the Indonesian "Coordinating Minister of People's Welfare" ,copied that from Wikipediareleased a statement, telling Singapore to "stop acting like a child" and that it's not want the Indonesian wants, but it's nature's fault.  And that they won't accept any financial assistance from Singapore if  we aren't going to be giving them a huge amount. A huge amount means more than a million.


Please, don't look a gift horse in the mouth, we are offering help to clear the haze not just for you, but for us as well, it's not only affecting you country. And saying it's nature's fault is the most ridiculous excuse one can find so if I were to throw a banana skin on the floor and someone were to accidentally slip on it, using the Minister's logic, I can blame it on nature, because it's nature's fault for making the banana skin so slippery and not mine for throwing it on the floor.  Good job not taking responsibility, it might not be the Indonesian leaders' order to have the slash and burn but it happened in your country so instead of telling us to "stop acting like a child", at least take some responsibility for it.

Even the Indonesians in Singapore are doing a better job at handling this situation than the minister himself.

Just my two cents, but obviously the Minister ain't gonna care because it's not a million bucks. I'm not bashing the Indonesians because they are suffering more than us, it's that particular Minister that I'm blaming, and it's not even about the haze, it's his lack of tact in speaking.

p/s. I just realise in the link, there's a video in it, a short clip of the news, kinda funny to hear the news anchor quote the minister "stop acting like a child", she sounded pissed off. 

So anyways. I have accepted a job offer yesterday and will officially start tomorrow. When I think about it, it's actually kinda fucked up that this is sort of my first real job that I've taken. The others in the past don't really count because I'm either working for a family member or for my internship, never have any actual work experience before, the army doesn't count obviously, that's more like a sentence than anything else.

Friday 21 June 2013

More Interview.

Whilst going for my last interview this week, I received yet another call from another company asking me to head down to their company for an interview... it feels nice to actually be wanted by companies, but had to reject the offer. I didn't even catch what the company name was when I rejected the interview... all I knew was that it was "something Design". The woman who called me actually sounded like the at-Sunrice person, gave me false hope... to reject them... alas it wasn't, but a rejection still happened.

Today's interview actually went really well, the boss was really friendly right off the bat and he started selling his company to me like I was a client or something, told me the benefits I will get, how they work and how much their employees can earn in a month, their record I think was 30k, the other company I went to apparently hit the 200k record, I think I heard wrong though because that seems a bit excessive for 1 month. I've actually gotten myself into a commission based job, which I'm definitely worried about because I like stability and commission ain't gonna be giving me any stability anytime soon.

I went into the interview today without the plan of even bothering to consider the job offer because the first place I went to on Tuesday was the one I wanted to get employed into. It's was a nicer work place overall, I mean the office is in a small bungalow, it felt very cozy to work there, whereas the one I went to today is located in like some Industrial area at Ubi and the office is really big, it looks like what it is, a workplace.

 I've worked in a pretty big company during my internship before and I can honestly say, big companies have a pretty shitty work environment, because it's so big, they don't really bother to decorate the place, so the only place that's decorated is the front desk and the place where they meet their client, the actual work area, it's the very definition of what you would imagine a desk bound job to looks like. White color overall with black computers and a lot of files stacked on each other or arranged very messily but probably properly organized on the shelf... it's not a fun place to work in.

But the boss was really good at enticing me to join their company. I only wish his company had more English speaking workers because my Chinese is pretty shit. My Chinese is as crappy as their English.... and that's not saying something because I got a B3 for Chinese during my O-Levels. So I'm not insulting them because karma's a bitch... I mean look at what Sunrice did to me after I talked shit about them in one of my post which I have since deleted. Pay them $100 and all they do is send me an email telling me I've been rejected.

Work environment is more important for me. But still need to consider the fact that the 2nd company will provide a bigger opportunity for me in the future. Decisions Decisions.... bet Sunrice didn't go through this much dilemma when they rejected me and spend my $100 application fee and the $100 application fees of probably every other rejected applicants whose dreams they have destroyed  on brand new kitchen aids for their next batch of successful applicants.

Thursday 20 June 2013

Rejected by a Private School.

So I took heed from the admin clerk of at-sunrice and decided to apply for the earlier intake a few days back, hoping to get an interview.

Yesterday, I received an email from at-Sunrice, and I thought it was an email that was going to ask me to head down to their place for an interview...

We regret to inform you....

That's never a good way to start a message. So I got rejected, and they ask me to consider registering for the next intake.... NEXT INTAKE FOR THE CERTIFICATE. Now I know my $100 have officially been wasted on the bloody school. 

Fuck you very much at-Sunrice.

Guess my baking shall remain a hobby and not a full time job. I actually think I tabooed my application by talking about it so much during my NS, so I shall not talk about the new job I've found as well, lest I also taboo it.

Thursday 13 June 2013


Took almost an entire week for me to suddenly get job offers from companies.

Called At-Sunrice today to clarify some stuff as well. And turns out the reason why my application took so long to process was because they were clearing out the July intake people first before moving on to the September intake, which is what I have applied for. I think that's what they are doing because I called to check other stuff and the person told me roughly that's what happen.

Initially I was a bit flustered because I heard my friend actually got into the school already, I applied probably a day earlier if not more, and I haven't even gotten an interview. So called them to double confirm if my application was sent in and if they have received my application fee... both did, and was assured that I had nothing to worry about because it turns out my friend got confused with "accepted" and "applied", the lady on the line was a bit shock because by right it should take them 3 weeks to send out acceptance letters to their student.

 So all that rant, the post that I have retracted from my blog, was awkward because the lady on the line, who happens to be the same lady whom I consistently tried to email multiple times, was the same person. She sounded nice, although the first person I called a few days back was kinda shit at his job.... it's probably his accent, I couldn't really understand what the hell he was saying, if I could ask him to speak with a British accent without sounding racist, I would.

And at the same time, I've managed to get 2 jobs interview, both of which are extremely different from one another, one was for a job I applied for a week ago when I just applied for Culinary School, and that's as a part time baker, and the other I applied today, out of sheer spite because I thought my acceptance into Culinary School is screwed, which is for an Interior Design firm.

Now I have to wait for the school to respond so I can know which one to reject. Not having any income feels terrible, after having a steady stream of cash coming into my bank every month for the last 2 years, steady but it's like a trickling stream, not a lot but enough for a stay at home couch potato, and then suddenly not having any is weird. I feel so poor I actually have to control my spending even more.

That's another reason why I purchased a Nokia Lumia 920 instead of a HTC One. Managed to sell my Army Phone away on Hardware Zone. The joys of actually bothering to meet a buyer, had to create a new account because my old one is probably not very trustworthy, I backed out of a few deals I made, well I told them I have another buyer but the truth is I was feeling a bit like a hoarder back then.

Sold both iPhone and Huawei for a Nokia phone. Who trades iOS and Android OS for a Windows OS? Cheapskates like myself. There's no instagram on Windows so that's a bit sad, but the interface for the phone is really sleek.Very Minimalist. I like minimalist designs but I hate when design students use that word to describe their design style because it just sounds like an excuse for them to be lazy... and it's so bloody overused, even I'm guilty of it.... that's why my results are so shit. That's what happens to hypocrites.

One thing I noticed about the 2 stores that I went to to get my phone is that the store assistants there all look like they are having the most boring day of their life, or like they are high because their face are always having a -_- expression, all they need is a shisha and a beanie and they are hippified.

Pretty mediocre customer service but their prices are really good. It's shit though because their shop used to have the most helpful customer service I've ever seen... or the one I patronize. They use to recommend other  phones to me if the one I'm wanting is out of stock and they were very friendly, now it's just a lot of -_- and they aren't really helpful at all. Actually I can't really blame them for the latter because I was literally standing at their store front staring at their phone boxes without moving, one thing people have to understand is phone designs are now all pretty shit because they all look the same, so I wasn't exactly spoilt for choice that I had to stand like an AFK character in front of their store, it's more of a lack of choice, I had to choose the best of the worst.

Sure phones are now filled with more features and what not, but I'm pretty shallow and all the really care about is the design of the phone... until I get home and start using the phone will I start regretting my decision. It happened with the Lumia, but now I've gotten over it.

It's cheaper than the one I was aiming for by $200... the one that I wanted both stores didn't sell. That was a pity because the HTC Butterfly would have been an awesome phone. Actually a store did sell but I wasn't so sure about it's reputation.

Well hopefully the rumors are true and Windows will get an Instagram app later this month. But more importantly, hopefully I can get an Interview for at-Sunrice soon, otherwise that rant is gonna go back up again. It's currently reverted back to draft format so it still exist... like my Chastity.