Sunday 10 November 2013

Awesome colleague. (A need to rant)

Work in the kitchen has started and everything would have been as I had anticipated except for one thing... my pastry kitchen partner.

Before I applied for this job, or even applied for at-sunrice, I knew from the get go that life in the kitchen is going to be a very tiring and hectic job, and for the longest time, I have been mentally preparing myself for it, what I did not anticipate having to prepare was to get a colleague in the pastry kitchen, who works with me on the pastry production, to have the attitude of a 12 year old talkative kid.

She's only 4 years younger than me and I have only worked with her for about 2 days in the kitchen and already I can't stand her personality.

Firstly, she's a fucking tattle tail.. .

Today, after lining a ramekin with sugar for souffle making, instead of putting the excess sugar back into the sugar bag, I threw it into the basin because the sugar is already covered in butter, because I shouldn't really be putting it back into the bag of sugar lest it gets contaminated, and mind you it's only a tiny bit left... putting it back isn't going to make a difference.

And it so happens that she sees it and she starts to question me, asking me why I threw the sugar away like I had just killed her dog. So I said it was dirty and that it shouldn't be mixed with the clean sugar, of course she decided in her head that that wasn't a satisfying answer and she kept questioning me like I broke some sort of cardinal rule.

A few minutes later after that fiasco, I thought she would just put that horrible life changing experience behind us and just go on with preparing the next batch of bake items.... NO. As soon as the chef trainer comes, she decides to rat me out, and she ratted me out with a passion...

"He threw the sugar away, he didn't put it back in the bag leh!"

over and OVER AND OVER AGAIN.... as if the chef trainer was deaf, and the chef trainer actually went... "It's okay, it's okay, it's okay" like a cop trying to talk down a person who's about to jump off a building.

Fucking immature.

Secondly, she lacks common sense to the point it's just borderline stupid.

We were suppose to prepare cake batter for pancakes today and so I decided to multiply the batches we made by two, she got so confused as to why I was doing that that I had to slowly explain it to her. This was all in front of a different, much stricter chef trainer who was inspecting us... and she kept blaming me because she couldn't understand what I was doing. I actually got so impatient with her I started to respond back to her with an extremely annoyed tone that I actually felt my face getting warm because I was so pissed off with her stupidity.

You have a fucking brain... use it.

Thirdly. She's bossy even though we are in the same position. Plus she lacks common sense...which makes her bossiness even more unbearable.

So whenever she uses finish something, like a spatula, she shoves it in my direction and expects me to take it from her hand and put it away, and not a single word of thanks. And I do it every time because the chef trainers are around so I don't want to look like a prick....yet.

Sometimes it's equipment and sometimes it's rubbish, and the rubbish bin is literally behind her, yet she passes it to me, forcing me have to walk AROUND her to throw it away and then back AROUND her again to get back to my station.

I mean I was quite patient yesterday but today I just had to tell her to hold on to it first because there's no point making me walk back and forth when there are still so many things that needs to be thrown away. Use some common sense at least.

The thing that really made me thought of her as someone I don't want to work with is that she doesn't take responsibility for her actions.

When she does something wrong, she points it at me.

When she wants something to be done, she ask me to do it.

When she isn't sure of something, she asks me, and when I don't she gets annoyed by it, as if I should know where the fucking things are, I mean are you fucking stupid (yes), I started the same time as you... why aren't you getting annoyed at yourself for being so stupid.

I actually had to tell the manager to slot me in a time slot where I will be working alone for most of the time... or if it's really bad, shift me to another branch because people like her are seriously rare to come by so the chances of me meeting another one who has her kind of attitude is slim, I hope. I mean I haven't seen her kind since Primary School, to think that her kind of attitude would outlive her teen years is pretty incredible.

I'm not hating what I'm doing, I'm just hating the fact that I have to do what I'm doing with her.

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