Friday 20 September 2013

If you are fugly.... be nice

Today marks the last day working at my father's office before I am off to school again.

I think I jinxed my previous attempts at entering the school by announcing it to almost everyone I know, talking about how I WILL be studying Culinary when I get out of the army, and then I didn't, got into a design firm, and thankfully that place was a pretty dreadful environment to work in, I still scoff when I remember the boss telling me how they are like "family".

 "Like family" and "like a high school clique" are two very different things, just to be completely clear of how her version of "family" looked like to me.  I think it's because it really brought me back to the days in Primary School when the girl cliques were really just haughty bitches.There was even this clique of fat girls who keeps sucking up to the teacher, it's so fucking annoying... fat and annoying, zero redeeming factor at all. That's how I remember my classmates in primary school, ugly on the inside and out, that's why I never bothered contacting any of them. I remembered seeing one of the fat girl in the bus once years later, she was still on the lumpy side. Oh I have no idea why I made that connection between my primary school and that design firm, but I did and it didn't bode well for me and also my impression of them/

It's called bitterness, that's why I am still talking about it even till now. Talking about that company is like my fuel to blog, I need to have something to bitch about otherwise my post are gonna be shit boring like those first few post.

Talking about something to bitch about.

I actually met my BMT mate by pure accident a week ago, literally by accident because my Mum actually had to drop by the hospital whilst we were on our way for a family event thing and it so happened the Starbucks there had an employee who was my BMT mate and because hospitals are really boring, even though we were in the A&E Department, I decided to head down to Starbucks with my sisters to relax and sip a bit of coffee while my mother slept her stomach cramp off.

A&E Departments are usually where all the action happens, in Grey's Anatomy, but apparently in real life, the biggest action I saw that day was some woman having to pass a kidney stone, she didn't actually pass out the kidney stone in front of an audience, but I assume it was a kidney stone or maybe she had to have her appendix remove and like another kid who apparently knocked his head on something, and despite looking perfectly fine, was send to A&E, where he was also acting perfectly fine.

Anyways, I went to Starbucks and saw my BMT mate there, and I remembered him as one of the few I really like, because he actually drove me all the way home after a BBQ party at a friends house, that's from Kembangan all the way to Bukit Timah. I remember sitting in the car and thinking to myself, there's no way I will treat as him as one those friends that I will ignore completely on the street when I see them, because I have a tendency to do that with old friends whom I have not contacted for a very long time, which is probably like 90% of my Facebook friends, then again 90% of the 90% are really people I don't really speak to at all when I was around them.

So I decided to actually go up to him and ask him how he's been doing, after he's finished preparing my drink, because I thought he hadn't notice me when his colleague was taking my order. And so he finishes making my drink, calls my order and then as I made my way towards him, we looked at each other right in the eye, smiled at each other and just when I thought he remembers who I was and was about to greet me,he turns and walks away right after handing me my drink.

Okay, usually when I see someone I know on the street and I don't really want to say Hi to, I will try and avoid eye contact, but when we do happen to make eye contact, I take off my earphones, begrudgingly, and start small talk with them if they are bothered to or just wave at them, because I don't want to appear like a pompous dick.

So it was extremely weird when someone whom I am actually going up to say Hi to decides that it's OK to not even wave back AFTER that person has made eye contact, and me going up to someone to say Hi is rare as fuck. I ended up walking back to the table really confused and decided to actually sit outside because it was way to awkward to sit inside after that scenario.

Which is why now if we were to ever have a BMT meet up, shit is gonna get really awkward because I can't go....

 "How's life?" .....because I know that he knows I know how his life has been. Full of caffeine high and Starbucks Beverage recipes memorizing.

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