Sunday 7 July 2013

Judgmental Cunt.

So work's been getting slightly better and I'm starting to warm up to my colleagues a little bit. And the past few days I've been going to site visits with some of the senior designers to learn a few things about how things works in the job.

I was initially a little bit excited to go to site visits with them because I thought that it would be a good opportunity to get to know each other a little bit and maybe become friends, at this point I don't categorize them as friends because we are just not close at all.

Well it went okay with the first one I went with, I was able to hold a conversation with her on the way there, but there was definitely no common interest at all, all the conversation topics were work related, and apparently the trip to the site exhausted all the topic I could come up with because the trip back was just half an hour of  silence in the car made less awkward with the radio playing in the background, she also wasn't that interested at talking when I attempted to start up conversation, so there goes that potential friendship I thought I could forge with her. I think after doing what I do in the army, I automatically assume being alone with someone long enough, we will get to know each other better, but apparently that does not apply in the civilian / working world because she essentially didn't give a fuck on the way back. Not to say she's a bitch, I mean when she sees me coming in for work, she will wave at me and we will greet each other, but purely out of courtesy and nothing more.

Today's senior who had the honor of bringing me out to her site  was a little more talkative, she's more chirpy when we are in a group, but we aren't close or anything, she will try and include me in conversations and poke fun at me once in a while and I really like that extrovert personality about her, I thought today would be a good time to know each other and become friends, because from what I've seen her relationship with my other colleagues, she looks like someone who is very fun to hang out with. I've never hung out with her alone before, so today was a first.

So on our way to the site, she talked a little about work in the beginning, because that's the only way to start a conversation with a new worker, ask them how's work and whatever boring stuff, so I talked a bit about it, and shared with her about what I thought about work, and then things started to go south when she started preaching no more fun and cheery senior, just this extremely condescending and judgmental fuck who's so full of assumptions about me, someone she barely knew.

First she express her opinions of how she thought about me, how I came across to her as a person from the one week we barely spend with getting to know each other.

"You look like someone who gives up very easily, from what I've seen."

From what you've seen? I was obviously confused as to how she came to that conclusion, so I gave her a confused look and vocalized my confusion with a "Huh?".

"When I saw you setting up the chair the other day and you said you wanted to give up." 

WHAT? Did you not see me setting the whole chair up at the end, literally 10 minutes after I jokingly said that you blind bat? So I told her I was only joking, that what I said was meant to be a joke, I was not going to just leave the chair 50% done on the floor and go cry to the boss screaming I couldn't fix it, I want a new chair, like what the fuck are you on about?

She laughed a little after realizing that (because it's really funny how she was so stupid to not realize I was joking at that time) and started another topic.....

"You look like someone who don't really have plan your life , it's like your whole life was planned out for you by your parent."

....because I told her I didn't have a driving license. She came to that conclusion of how I need to have my life plan out for me by my parents because I didn't have a driving license. WHAT? ARE? YOU? SMOKING? (apart from the 700 packs you smoke a day, well I guess I just answered my own question.)

The main reason why I don't have a driving license is not because my parents did not schedule it on the "Life Timetable" they had planned out for me but simply because I did not find it a necessity prior to getting that job. Simple as that, I am not going to spend $2000 to $3000 to get a license just for the sake of getting a license.

I only seriously contemplated getting a license when I was in the army, but by than it was already not an option financially because I had started getting my braces and was forking out $300 every month. I'm paid $500 -$600 every month at that time, so that left me with $200 for food and transport, and even if I were to be extremely meager, I would still be unable to afford the lesson cost.

In order to be able to have a steady grasp on driving, I would need to go for lessons at least once a week, which was about $70, multiplied by 4, that would be $280, already way over what the army was paying me.

The bitch was spinning shit out of her mouth with all the assumptions she was making about it, it was nauseating.

"Oh I'm able to keep my shit together better than you~! Blah blah blah~" while standing on this pedestal of bullshit she made for herself. She was obviously not saying it for my good, she was assuming all those nonsense and shooting them out of her mouth to make herself feel better, to make herself think that she was better than I was. It was really pathetic and I honestly didn't feel like talking to her anymore after that.

If I didn't have my shit together, I wouldn't have found a job less than a month after I left the army, because unlike her, I knew the importance of getting a stable job and not think it was okay to just spend a whole year partying at club and spending all my parents money like she did when she was this useless sad excuse for a daughter who was just leeching her parents off their money like a parasite probably like a year before she finally decided to look for a job because her parents got tired of her shit and weren't in good terms with her anymore. She told me all of that when she was giving me her "life advice" bullshit, as if to say...

"Oh I understand your predicament, because I have been there before, except you are much more fucked up than I ever was because the only bad things I made are decisions. Hurhurhur~"

No you stupid fucking bitch, you are not like me, we are nothing alike. I went to the Army, you didn't, instead, you spend half the time I spend in the Army making bad life decisions and ruining your relationship with your parents, and then you come around and think you are qualified to give me life advice?

Fuck Off

Even when my sister is preaching me, I get really annoyed, much less someone whom I've only know for a little over a week. You don't know me and you start to judge my character base on an assumption you have on me.  Well, if that's the case, then base on the shit you've been spinning out of your mouth, I'm also gonna assume you have smoke a dozen packs of cigarettes too much and the nicotine has completely skipped your lungs and went straight to corroding your brain. 

And then the "best" advice she gave me, plagiarize other people's work.

"Just copy only, I do that all the time"

Just because you do it doesn't mean we have to do it. She doesn't just take ideas online, she also steals ideas from her own colleague, she did that when was still a newbie, so much so that she was confronted about it and she's announcing it like it's something to be proud of because everything with that colleague and her was fine now. Bitch, there are some things you should be ashamed of as a designer, and plagiarizing other people's work is one of them. 

Needless to say, I've lost all the respect I had for her. Any positive feelings I had for her went down the drain the moment she peeled off her Fun Cheery Colleague facade and revealed her true self that is the Judgmental Cunt, like this bluewaffle like clit that's like leaking black tar from all the cigarette she's smoking. 

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