Tuesday 24 December 2013

Career Switch soon...?

Spend pretty much the last week staying at home doing absolutely nothing productive, it's like reliving the days before I enlisted into the army, except now I'm no longer playing any MMOs so my time now passes by even more slowly.

Been playing a bit of Minecraft lately in my time of idleness, attempted to built a roller coaster that wasn't as roller coaster as I had hoped it would be.

The reason why I have such a long break is because I told my Head Chef that I will be unavailable for the Christmas period, mainly because I want to avoid the Christmas crowd, which I am not sure if there are many or not, a legitimate question, since I pretty much spend my Christmas at home doing exactly what I am doing now... and I assume most people would spend their Christmas at home having dinner with their families like mine during Christmas Eve.

Plus I am about to quit soon in about a week or two and I would rather have them not call me back for anymore shift even though I told them I was available for 3 more shift slots, which I am not really excited to be slotted for.  Just let me go sooner, it will happen eventually, whether it's amicable or not I still don't know... the last one who quit did not go amicably and the reason the Chef Trainer gave me was because she had "girl problems", which I initially thought was menstrual problem because in my head, I just made that connection. But it obviously wasn't, the only time that reason worked was in Secondary School during Swimming... a reason I was almost going to give to the teachers to be excused from Swimming myself until I realized I lacked the necessary body parts required for that to happen.

I actually managed to find work in a Pastry Central Kitchen for a pastry shop a few days ago where the pay is higher and the stress level is hopefully lower, they are paying me a dollar more per hour than my current restaurant, which when I calculated and converted to a per month salary, is still below minimum wage, I love baking but I also like having cash in my bank account every now and then for spending. I couldn't spend my money this month and last without feeling guilty after hitting the "Accept" button for my credit card credentials confirmation... Minecraft was not cheap and I don't like getting games from Piratebay, it would really suck if I were to have built an empire in Minecraft only to have the game crash and lose all it's data because of some bug. I probably won't have the patience to "built an empire", I can't even built a proper house without restarting the game but I like to be safe in the miraculous event I do built an empire.

And so I have decided to give my career as a Pastry Cook a 3 - 6 months probation period before deciding if it's worth it ,monetary wise, because right now, it's not. My last pay check was only $200, granted I didn't work much because the Chef Trainer only gave me like a few days worth of work, half of which I worked my ass off in the kitchen. I did not feel good receiving that salary at all. 3 to 6 months in the new Pastry Central  Kitchen to see if it's because the current restaurant I am working in is just shit or I am the one who is a shit asset to the F&B industry.

Good thing I have my Diploma in Interior Design. In the beginning, I had this constant nagging feeling because I did not give the F&B industry a chance and instead just gave up on it entirely, that's partly why I hated my Interior Design job so much, but now that I have and so far it's not looking very good, if I were to actually go back to Interior Design, I will definitely be more open to learning the ropes... except maybe not in the same company anymore because I seriously can't stand the people there.

Passion or Pay. I would go with the latter and do the former at home, during my free time and actually be able to enjoy doing it instead of getting a panic attack because "the customers have already been waiting for an hour... no pressure but hurry up with the other seven million orders as well"

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