Monday 30 September 2013


My obsession for macaron perfection lasted for quite a while, but over the time I could see improvements in my attempts... and I would say it paid off.

Caramel Macaron
Recent batch just a few days ago.

The croissant on the other hand is a huge pain the ass.

Yesterday, I decided it would be a good idea to try my hands on making some croissant, thinking it would be simple and thinking I would be getting myself some quality croissants, think Maison Kayser, PAUL or Tiong Bahru Bakery standard, also I thought maybe I could bake some and bring it to class, set my standards really high and really just be an asshole and show off my amazing techniques I have learned on the internet and just absorb all the praises I will get and let that all get into my head.

Long story short, I am not Maison Kayser, Paul or Tiong Bahru Bakery material. I blame the weather, I can't even blame the oven because the dough can't even be made properly for me to actually put it into the oven. It was just a buttery mess of a dough, butter was literally leaking out from all possible crevices in the dough and all I could think of was how much money I have just wasted on good quality butter, which of course went on to never wanting to attempt it again for financial reasons, and then attempting to make another batch thinking I found the problem. Obviously the problem I found did not offset the whole other mountain of problems that was present in the formation of the croissant making experience.

That being said, I do still have a small sheet of croissant dough left in the fridge, but at this point, I have given up on the whole thing, so that would probably give it sufficient time to rest in the fridge to get firmer and maybe tomorrow I will have a proper croissant, if not then fuck the idea of making croissant at home, I'm just gonna buy it from a bakery, at least it's cheaper then my failed attempts. This is not France, the weather's a bitch

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