Saturday 13 July 2013

Gotta Quit Soon.

I'm not sure if this is normal, but for the past week I have been having this really strong urge to quit my job. The idea of working there for an extended period of time is killing me.

Never ever settle for a job, that is the lesson I've learnt. I'm practically just dragging myself to work everyday, dreading of what's to come next, zero interest in the job at all, even during my internship I didn't dread what I was doing this much. My boss is nice to me, my colleagues who came in the same time as me are nice to me, my senior colleagues on the other hand did not make my initial weeks welcoming.

Work is horrible because my interest in the field has dwindled, and even during it's peak it wasn't a very strong desire to learn, it's just interesting to me, not fascinating to me. It's like when you read through  things like "Top 10 Things About Your Human Body You Never Knew About.", it keeps you interested but it doesn't make you want to become a doctor right after.

I said I will give this job 3 months, but I'm already having thoughts of quitting on the first and second week, and this week had the strong urge to tell my boss I want to give her my 1 month notice. What  I learn in the 3 weeks would have been so much more interesting if it was about baking. Techniques, Tips and Tricks on how to get a perfect sponge cake or the perfect pastry crust, not how to give a room a flow and focus.

It also doesn't help that my pay is pretty minimal at this point, at only $1200, I has initially thought it would be good because it's higher than my army pay by almost 2 folds,  but that was wrong because now my time is getting burnt up so badly the $1200 just doesn't cut it at all. I've heard the turnover rate for the job is pretty high and I think it's about time to really quit this job and do something that I will actually enjoy, because if I'm going to get my weekends burned, I would rather be doing something I have a passion for.

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