Wednesday 17 July 2013

And now, a slow applause...

Guess I overestimated my colleagues ability to sort things out by themselves.

Received a call from my senior colleague (Little Miss Clit Face) today who sounded very displeased about me quitting without clearing out the necessary paper works for them , which really just boils down to passing them my client list. I find it fascinating that even though that particular senior colleague of mine has worked there for a year, she is still lacking the basic ability to read a form that she has been filling up for clients for a year.

You have worked there for an entire year and you have to call me up to ask me which client belongs to which person. It's stated at the bottom of the page so clearly, so unless you are a retarded moron, I don't think it's necessary for me to personally spoon feed you every single information about the client, but that clearly wasn't the case for her and she was indeed a retarded moron because while asking me questions with answers she could have clearly gotten from the form if she had actually bothered to put her reading skills to use, if she did possess any, she also decided to start preaching to me AGAIN about how irresponsible I was.

"Did you know you were suppose to hand us all the client list?... You know you have to do that before you quit?"

And she sounded fucking condescending when she said it as well.


Of course I know I had to pass the client list to you people, otherwise I wouldn't have taken it out from my file and arranged it in the paper tray stand accordingly, I even doggy eared the papers together and paper wrapped them with the client's name obnoxiously written on it. So you have to either be blind or just plain ignorant not to notice it.

Of course I had to clarify everything with her slowly, lest her slow mind can't catch what I was saying, all while she was speaking back to me in a very rude and annoyed tone. And then when everything's been cleared, I tried to make peace with her by saying goodbye to her in a very friendly manner, hoping to end things well, but being the fucker that she was, she had to rudely say "bye" back to me and then hang up.

This kind of co-worker, I'm probably the only one with a personal dislike for her, because she is pretty well liked in the company. Then again she's also very fake because when she's with other people, she speaks in this very high pitched, cutesy voice, like her mentality has regressed back to that of an infant, but when she speaks to me, her voice sounds like how a normal 25 year old should sound like... with an added hint of  fucker.

But alas, I wish all my ex-colleagues and my ex-boss all the best. Except for that fucker... she doesn't deserve the best.  One of the things I detest most when I was in design school was people who plagiarize,  and to think she has the audacity to call herself a designer when she is going around telling all the junior designers to "copy other people's work. Just copy only, it's alright,that's what I do". So if a drug dealer tells me it's okay to take drugs, then I guess it's really okay for me to take drugs.

Awesome logic coming from a genius who can't even read a form she has been filling for a year. Give her a slow and hard applause with her face between my hands

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