Tuesday 16 July 2013


After 3 weeks of working in an Interior Design firm, I have decided to no longer settle for a job and actually look for something that I can see myself doing long term. 

Long story short, I've quit that place, very bad habit of beating around the bush, even when I was trying to tell my boss I wanted to quit, I was so obscure about it, dropping hints instead of directly telling her. Good thing she was extremely nice about it and even allowed me to quit the very next day instead of having to give her a month's notice as stated in the contract I signed... Or maybe she wanted me to get out of her company asap and could only stand to see my face for another day... after all I wasted 3 weeks of her time trying to train me. 

Definitely felt very bad about quitting but I've never felt so wrong, well except for the time I bought my Lumia, and then sold it like 2 weeks later and bought my HTC, which was a good decision, not financially since I wasn't really getting any income at that period of time... on top of the school loans I have to pay and the saving plans as well. Not a good decision... but I've implemented a bit of controlled spending, like when buying bubble tea, I only buy for myself and no longer buy any for my family. Some may call it being a scrooge, but I call it controlled spending. 

Alas now I'm officially jobless, hopefully not for long because I don't want to become those guys who stay at home when they are already in their 30s, sponging off money from their parents and playing online games to kill time. I may be lazy but becoming a waste of space is not an achievement I want to attain, couch potato is the highest I will go to.

I have reapplied for Culinary School and instead of aiming for their diploma, I'm gonna have to settle for a certificate instead at the same school that rejected me, that I talked so much shit about.... good thing I'm not very talkative in real life so people tend to not realize all the shit qualities about me.... like being a hypocrite. 

And I got an interview so that's good, located at Tai Seng, the last time I went there was when I went to visit a lighting shop there with my ex-boss and ex-colleagues, my job at that time was to learn a thing or two when visiting the shops was to learn about lighting and furniture needs a future client might have, but I can't help thinking of how life would have been like if I were to be in the culinary school, whose building where it was located in was in constant view. 

The grass is always greener on the other side... in my case, the grass I was on was definitely not green at all. There's really no point in settling for one career when you are already carrying a passion for another career, and you didn't even give it a shot... it will constantly be bugging you at the back of your head, and that's exactly what happened to me for the last 2.5 weeks. 3 days in and I already had one foot out of the company.... the company was a good company, as evident from the way my boss treated us and my colleagues who came in the same time as me are nice people... my senior colleagues on the other hand, I thought only one of them was genuinely nice to me so I will probably miss them a little, I mean I've only known them for 3 weeks, so the bond is not as strong as, let's say my army bunk mates... whom I still definitely am missing. 

I guess all that's left now is to do well in the interview.... and look at the Summer Steam Sales for good game to get, I bought Hitman Absolution today and it had the same issue as when I downloaded it from another place.... crash. crash. crash. Luckily it was only the price of 3 Laduree Macarons.

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