Tuesday 2 July 2013

Finally have a bit of time....

First week of work and both my weekends were burned, and when I say burn, I mean completely eaten up from morning to night.

It's not a good way to start work to have to work on a Sunday from 11 am to 10 pm. Standing at the Singapore Expo and trying to attract potential clients by handing out brochures really is not an easy feat, I'm a socially awkward individual and so having to coax people I don't know to patronize the company I'm working in is very uncomfortable. That being said though, I did actually manage to get 4 potential clients, although they were with the help from the senior designers.

I was actually really picky about the people that I was pulling in, so all my potential clients are actually young English speaking couples. I was avoiding big families who speak Chinese because I just realized over the weekend that I can no longer converse in Chinese comfortably anymore. I pulled in a China lady, I understand what she was saying, but my head couldn't translate what I wanted to say back in Chinese in time.

Have to admit, the first week of work was shit horrible. I was literally always in a foul mood in the morning because the company wasn't what I had envisioned it would be, the number of times I felt like quitting within that week was countless because I can't help but think how much better it would be if I was doing something I really enjoyed, which was baking. If that company was a bakery I would probably be having my dream job, because the office is actually a really nice environment to work in.

Some of my colleagues actually asked me if I will actually find a career in baking, and that's only after working there for a week. Apparently I carry the scent of a potential quitter, but as tempting as it is, of course I can't leave the company now because that's going to look really bad on my resume, plus apparently the job gets a lot better in the third month because your client base will increase and the money will start coming in.

So I'm gonna have to press on for 3 months, and if the cash flow is still shit like now, then it's time to do something I enjoy. I mean I'd rather get shit pay and burn my weekend doing something I like then get a shit pay and burn my weekend doing something I don't mind settling for.

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