Friday 21 June 2013

More Interview.

Whilst going for my last interview this week, I received yet another call from another company asking me to head down to their company for an interview... it feels nice to actually be wanted by companies, but had to reject the offer. I didn't even catch what the company name was when I rejected the interview... all I knew was that it was "something Design". The woman who called me actually sounded like the at-Sunrice person, gave me false hope... to reject them... alas it wasn't, but a rejection still happened.

Today's interview actually went really well, the boss was really friendly right off the bat and he started selling his company to me like I was a client or something, told me the benefits I will get, how they work and how much their employees can earn in a month, their record I think was 30k, the other company I went to apparently hit the 200k record, I think I heard wrong though because that seems a bit excessive for 1 month. I've actually gotten myself into a commission based job, which I'm definitely worried about because I like stability and commission ain't gonna be giving me any stability anytime soon.

I went into the interview today without the plan of even bothering to consider the job offer because the first place I went to on Tuesday was the one I wanted to get employed into. It's was a nicer work place overall, I mean the office is in a small bungalow, it felt very cozy to work there, whereas the one I went to today is located in like some Industrial area at Ubi and the office is really big, it looks like what it is, a workplace.

 I've worked in a pretty big company during my internship before and I can honestly say, big companies have a pretty shitty work environment, because it's so big, they don't really bother to decorate the place, so the only place that's decorated is the front desk and the place where they meet their client, the actual work area, it's the very definition of what you would imagine a desk bound job to looks like. White color overall with black computers and a lot of files stacked on each other or arranged very messily but probably properly organized on the shelf... it's not a fun place to work in.

But the boss was really good at enticing me to join their company. I only wish his company had more English speaking workers because my Chinese is pretty shit. My Chinese is as crappy as their English.... and that's not saying something because I got a B3 for Chinese during my O-Levels. So I'm not insulting them because karma's a bitch... I mean look at what Sunrice did to me after I talked shit about them in one of my post which I have since deleted. Pay them $100 and all they do is send me an email telling me I've been rejected.

Work environment is more important for me. But still need to consider the fact that the 2nd company will provide a bigger opportunity for me in the future. Decisions Decisions.... bet Sunrice didn't go through this much dilemma when they rejected me and spend my $100 application fee and the $100 application fees of probably every other rejected applicants whose dreams they have destroyed  on brand new kitchen aids for their next batch of successful applicants.

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