Tuesday 24 September 2013

School Again.

School started 2 days ago.

Realized the majority of my classmates are pretty much my parent's age, can't say I'm too surprised considering the fact it's a 5 weeks course rather than a 1.5 year diploma course that I had originally aimed for.  The people in my class are nice, since they are all mature adults, although that being said, I do have trouble finding common topics to talk about because they don't play computer games and they probably won't get my humor because I'm fucking hilarious in all the wrong ways for a 40 year old Mum... it's like my brain is in full filter mode... no pervertic jokes are to be spoken and all sexual connotations, remote as they are, are to be kept to myself.

The first day was all about orientation and today was all about hygiene, this whole week and the next will essentially just be lectures of things that I didn't really sign up for, NEA standards for a working in a professional kitchen and all that fun stuff, really insomnia curing stuff. The thing that I'm really interested about, and what I actually sign up for will only be taught to us on the third week, which is like the middle of the course. The lecturer today kept talking about Chicken and Meat and all that Culinary Arts thing. and I realize a lot of people were actually interested in it, I really couldn't care less about how to cook a turkey, which was a question someone actually asked, so I'm guessing I'm probably a small handful of people in my class who are actually wholly interested strictly in baking and pastry, which is pretty awesome, that shows how close minded I am... some would say a purist, and by some I mean me.

One awesome thing about the school is the lunches, lunch is provided by the school and they are prepared by the chef instructors, and this instructors can really whip up a dish, they are experienced in the F&B industry, so the food they cook are all probably 5 star hotel quality standard.

Well, I was constantly comparing them to my Army food and the food I have been eating in the army for the past 1.5 years are abysmal. Piping hot mediocrity on a hot afternoon in a sweltering hot bunk definitely did not help the cookhouse get any brownie points from me.

So..... I had some free time today and decided to photoshop some photos of my cupcakes. I took the pics with my HTC Phone, the images are sharp, but the colours are pretty shit, so I did a bit of tweaking and it came out looking pretty good.

Guinness Cupcakes with Irish Bailey Buttercream.

Had a lot more kick than the one they sell at Twelve Cupcakes, just makes me wonder exactly how little Bailey they put in their buttercream, it was definitely not worth the extra 50 cents. Me paying an extra 50 cents for their buttercream is like everyone else paying $50 for a plate of hawker center chicken rice. That's how little Irish Bailey they used.

Since I had some more stout leftover, I decided to make another batch of Guinness Cupcakes, but this time, decided to use a Caramel buttercream, I would like to say it's salted caramel, but it's not. Made a lot of caramel that day.

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