Sunday 23 June 2013

Haze ~ Nature's Fault since 2013

The haze has finally cleared... I think.

The last few days at home was pretty awesome because the air-con was switched on for most of the day, the haze only limited our field of vision, it did nothing to help with the insanely warm weather.

I actually thought when I went out, with the PSI reading hitting 400, that I would be able to smell smoke, silent screams from the fallen trees in Indonesia crawling into my nose, but there wasn't so much of a smell, then again my area wasn't so badly affected, so that's probably the reason why. It definitely felt weird to be wearing those face mask though, like out of every 5 people probably only 2 people are wearing it, again, my side isn't so badly affected, so maybe who knows, the other areas of Singapore have probably have the ratio reversed.

After much complain from the Singaporeans, the Indonesian "Coordinating Minister of People's Welfare" ,copied that from Wikipediareleased a statement, telling Singapore to "stop acting like a child" and that it's not want the Indonesian wants, but it's nature's fault.  And that they won't accept any financial assistance from Singapore if  we aren't going to be giving them a huge amount. A huge amount means more than a million.


Please, don't look a gift horse in the mouth, we are offering help to clear the haze not just for you, but for us as well, it's not only affecting you country. And saying it's nature's fault is the most ridiculous excuse one can find so if I were to throw a banana skin on the floor and someone were to accidentally slip on it, using the Minister's logic, I can blame it on nature, because it's nature's fault for making the banana skin so slippery and not mine for throwing it on the floor.  Good job not taking responsibility, it might not be the Indonesian leaders' order to have the slash and burn but it happened in your country so instead of telling us to "stop acting like a child", at least take some responsibility for it.

Even the Indonesians in Singapore are doing a better job at handling this situation than the minister himself.

Just my two cents, but obviously the Minister ain't gonna care because it's not a million bucks. I'm not bashing the Indonesians because they are suffering more than us, it's that particular Minister that I'm blaming, and it's not even about the haze, it's his lack of tact in speaking.

p/s. I just realise in the link, there's a video in it, a short clip of the news, kinda funny to hear the news anchor quote the minister "stop acting like a child", she sounded pissed off. 

So anyways. I have accepted a job offer yesterday and will officially start tomorrow. When I think about it, it's actually kinda fucked up that this is sort of my first real job that I've taken. The others in the past don't really count because I'm either working for a family member or for my internship, never have any actual work experience before, the army doesn't count obviously, that's more like a sentence than anything else.

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