Thursday 8 December 2016


Went for my first Interior Design interview today (06/11/16) and I have to say, I'm tempted to say yes to this company.

I'm just gonna refer to this company as ID4 and the last one as ID3

From the get go, I have to admit, I wasn't very sure about the position, after talking about maybe returning to the baking industry, I went into this interview pretty closed minded, thinking I will hear what they have to offer but don't really consider it as an option, any questions they have to ask of me, I will just give them answers that would make me come across as disinterested, to let them know I really wasn't interested in the position anymore, even the journey there was a nightmare, the weather was sweltering and my transfer bus took 15 minutes to fucking arrive, so I was almost drenched in sweat when I reached the office...... but everything changed when I learned about their working hours.

ID3 had this horrible working schedule that I absolutely abhorred, that was why getting fired brought me some form of relief, it still felt horrible to get canned not even a month into the job because there were many times I just thought to myself how lucky I was to be in a company filled with such friendly colleagues and how I was being taught by such a passionate Interior Designer, there were moments when I just felt like I had found my job, that this was it, and then BAM, contract terminated. I guess I was pretty bi-polar when it came to working there.

ID4 on the other hand has presented me with this amazing work schedule that was just unbelievable, instead of having to report to the showroom 5 days or 6 days per week like most other design firms do, ID4 only expects their Sales Designer to be present at work 2 days per week, talk about flexibility. The reason why the Sales Designer had to report for work 2 days per week is so that the showroom needed to have at least 2 designers present at anytime to attend to the walk-in customers.

During the interview, rather than asking me what I could offer to the company as one of their employee, it was the marketing manager who was telling me what the company could offer me should I get the job, I have to admit, the lack of a basic salary was a little bit worrying, but I guess that's the reason why they are practicing the 2 day work week schedule, no basic pay means no obligation to report to work every day. The commission they are offering is about the same as the ID3, which is 40% of the total profit and I guess that's the profit sharing amount a lot of Interior Design firms are sticking with.

I did ask them about their "Entry Level" position needing at least "a year of experience" requirement and was told that it wasn't a necessity to have a year experience but it would be beneficial, so that answers that, but I have seen more ads on Job-street putting similar requirements on their ads and really, all I can say is...

If the position requires at least a year of relevant work experience, don't advertise it as a FRESH/ ENTRY LEVEL. It's so frustrating for me to see a job that's being advertised as Fresh/ Entry Level, feel hopeful about applying for it, only to open and read in the requirements that the job "requires at least 15 year of relevant working experience". Makes me wonder who was the fucking moron who started this false advertising in the first place because Fuck You.

Right now it's just a waiting game, I forgot to ask them how long it would take before they will give an answer, so that's dumb, I have also applied for positions at other design firms but so far, none of them have called back to arrange an interview, the bakery I've applied to also hasn't called me up so I think that one is definitely not going to happen, I've seen the list of other applicants who have applied for the bakery job and I am probably the least qualified individual just based off my previous job position.

Most of the other applicants are either "Bakers" with an expected salary of "Not enough to survive per month" or "Head Pastry Chef" with an expected salary of "Lower than a Fresh Grad per month", and then there I was "In-House Designer" with an expected salary of "Not even gonna bother considering this applicant per month". Now that I think about it, I would actually be surprised if I got a call from them, I did write that I had experience in the past but I highly doubt they are going to bother reading that part, that being said, the amount of applicants they have so far is really quite low, only 6 local applicants and 16 foreign applicants, bringing the total applicants to a staggering 22, wouldn't harm to just give me a call, I'm desperate to feel wanted.

After I applied for that baking position on Jobstreet, I actually called up at-sunrice to ask them about my hygiene certificate, I was suppose to receive an email from them once it was ready for collection, 3 fucking years ago.

Amazing Administration as always at-sunrice, when I called them up 3 days ago, they told me they will check on their end and get back to me either later that day or the next day, they didn't.

"Can I just double confirm your email address?"

Double confirm my ass, confirm also don't use then what's the fucking point? I even went to ask the guy who picked up my call if they had blacklist my email and all he could say was...

"Sorry, we can't check that information."

... I bet you can't, because it would be awkward as fuck if it turns out they did and had to explain why they did it that to me.

I called up to ask about my certificate because I thought having that certificate would be advantageous towards getting the job at the bakery, but since they are not even considering my application, then fuck it, I will probably call at-sunrice again 3 years later to ask about my certificate so I can once again be held up by them.

1 comment:

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