Wednesday 21 December 2016

Having Doubts

My interview on Monday was interesting.

The interview was suppose to start at 4.00 pm, but I underestimated the travel time and ended up being about 10 minutes late.

When the time reads 3.50 pm and my transfer bus is estimated to arrive in 6 minutes, I get very irritable at every hiccup that would make delay my arrival to my destination when I do manage to board the bus at 3.56 pm, be it the traffic light constantly turning red, the bus driver deciding to stop at every single bus stop even though there's obviously no one who's going to be boarding or exiting at that stop or those Aunties that like to stop every other bus that drives by their bus stop to ask for directions, so imagine my surprise when I realized that the bus driver was even more impatient than I was feeling.

As the bus driver was about to make a left turn, he realizes that the vehicle in front of him wasn't, the traffic light was red except for those turning left, so he was stuck.

The bus driver, upon noticing that a motorcycle was blocking his way, did not just honk at the guy to fuck off, he actually started shouting at him, and it wasn't words that were coming out of his mouth, it was like "EHHHHHHHHHH!, the rider looked a little terrified as he started inching his bike to the right so the bus could drive through and I felt a mix of joy and fear.

I managed to reached my stop at about 4.10 pm and made haste towards the Interior Design Showroom, the rush of cold air as I opened the glass doors was heaven because the Sun at 4.00 pm is a real bitch.

As I entered the office, I notice a bunch of people sitting around a table, talking to each other, a few of them notices me and just stares at me, not really sure if I was a customer or not, I walked up to them and told them I was here for an interview.

"Boss, someone's here for an interview."

....a lady at the counter behind the office started shouting at the crowd of people around the table. At this point, normally the boss will stand up, introduce himself to me and lead me to a private area to carry out the interview, but that didn't happen, instead, the boss just goes...

"I'm not interested to do the interview, look for someone else."

... his back was facing me the entire time and he doesn't even turn to acknowledge my presence. I stood there, feeling a bit awkward as the counter lady started shouting for another person's name from where she was sitting. I walked back to the entrance area and started admiring their bookshelves until someone came up to me and went...

"Hi, you can come in here and take a sit while I get the person-in-charge to come and  speak to you."

.. he leads me to the pantry area and I take a sit, as I was about to remove my bag and place it on the chair next to me, the person-in-charge finally descends from the second level and introduces himself to me, he leads me back out again and carries the interview at the table nearest to the entrance and the furthest from the crowd of people.

Well, the interviewer was not prepared for me at all.

'Sorry, no one told me you were coming for an interview. Are you a walk-in or did someone tell you to come today?"

I told him I had applied for the job on Jobsteet and was scheduled for an interview today. I was going to apologize for being late, but felt that there wasn't a need to since he wasn't even expecting me in the first place.

He starts asking me where I had heard their company from, if I was comfortable with the full commission salary scheme, took a look at my online portfolio and was impressed by it and then asked me if I still wanted the job after learning about the lack of a basic pay. He wanted to make sure I wanted the job before he spoke to the boss for me, telling me he will try to fight for a higher commission for me if I was still interested. I told him to give me a week to think it over, he tells me to inform him before Friday. 

Right now, I'm not very comfortable saying Yes to this company because the boss's attitude was a huge turn off. I really don't want to be working for someone who just completely ignores the interviewee, who can't even take a second to turn around and exchange a greeting, who speaks about that candidate like he's not standing right behind him. If you cannot interview me at that moment, turn around and say something simple like...

"Hi, sorry, I will get someone else to interview you today, I'm a little busy right now."'s not that hard. I would understand if the boss was cooped up in his own office busy doing work and be unable to meet the candidate directly, that's completely normal, if you have already scheduled someone to interview me, then fine, don't bother with me, but there was none of that happening.

Beggars can't be choosers, but I have a bad feeling about this company, just from the lack of professionalism the boss was exhibiting, all the other companies I've send my resumes to haven't gotten back to me and  I am really starting to wonder if they will ever get back to me. I've had time to think my choice in career through and I'm not sure doing Sales is such a good idea, I would be more suited becoming an In-House Designer, unfortunately, that position would require software knowledge skills I'm severely lacking.

I've already written a draft email withdrawing my application but I guess I will think it over for one more day before sending it, although the fact that I am actually blogging about it is essentially makes it a cemented decision. 

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