Saturday 2 August 2014

Part Timer

So I went back to the Driving Center yesterday, decided it was time to continue on my quest to obtain a driving license, the main reason why I stopped in the first place was because of work.

I used to work 6 days a week at the bakery when I was a full timer there and I think that it's a ridiculous schedule because it sucks to have spend the entire week looking forward to that day off, and when that day actually comes, realize that you will have to report back to work the very next day. Who ever decided it was a good idea to implement a 6 day work week deserves a special spot in hell right next to the person who thought it would be a good idea to bake a cake that requires you to portion out 6 batter dyed with a different color, stack'em all up together when you have baked them, frost that shit up and call it a rainbow cake, I would like to shove my middle finger up that person's butt hole 6 times, each time dipping my finger in a different food coloring, see how you'd like pooping out a rainbow chocolate cake.

So now I have been converted to a part timer with a 4 day work week, the pay's still pretty shit but I need to earn some income to tide me over the next few weeks or month depending on how long it will take for the bloody design institute to get back to me regarding my application to join their internship program. 

I had decided about a month back to try and apply for this design internship program with this particular institute, hoping it would allow me to enter the design industry once again as a  rookie designer, because I have spend the past 3 years being away from Interior Design, the 3 week stint at that design firm doesn't count because it was just a waste of time, working in the F&B was not a waste of time because I needed to experience what it felt like working as a baker to know that it wasn't my calling, working in that firm though was just a pure waste of time, you know it's not a good company to work at when the boss starts asking you to lie about your work experience and your senior colleague start telling you it's alright to plagiarize other people's work.... zero design integrity and she dares to refer to herself as a designer, although last time I checked, she was no longer working at the company anymore. 

Good riddance to her, shouldn't have praised her when she brought me to see one of her works that she very likely copied from someone, probably made her arrogant and gave her the impression that she could lecture me about how I should live my life telling me I live a life with no direction, that I need my parents to plan my path for me. You stupid fucking cunt, I spend the last 2 years of my life in the army and when I came out it only took me a month to get the job, so yeah, sure, lecture me and teach me your ways, let me follow your lifestyle choices by partying every night for a few years because who needs a job when you can spend your parent's money partying at nightclubs, but when I finally do decide to get a job,let it to be too late to repair the relationship I have with my parents. I would like to stuff that rainbow chocolate cake up her ass and put a cork in it so she will finally become the very thing she was born to be, a big bag of shit. 

I digress...

Anyways, the institute's admin actually called me up about 3 weeks ago whilst I was at work, telling me I was eligible for the program and that she would send my resumes out to the companies, asking me when I could start, naturally I thought it would mean that I was set, so I told her I needed a one month notice, she tells me that she will include my availability date in my resume and send it out to the companies anyways.

About a week later I got a bit worried when no one got back to me, I have already told my boss I was leaving at that point, so I emailed the lady, she replied back telling me the companies were still in the selection process and it would take a while before I got a response but she would help me do a follow up if I wanted to, of course I asked her to help me do a follow up and felt a bit relieved that not all hope was lost yet. Fast forward to today, no reply from any companies yet, this feels like the time I went to apply for a job at Lady M, signed a contract with them, only to have them not get back to me at all afterwards, telling me a few weeks later that I was no longer needed. I left my job for this and they tell me they no longer need my services because they have sufficient man power.... ummm.... Fuck you very much.

Now I am worried that this will be a repeat of that experience, only difference is now I still have a part time job instead of being completely jobless.

And back to the subject of the driving lessons.

So I actually went for 2 back to back theory lessons yesterday, decided it would be a good idea to get the compulsory lessons over and done with... all 200 minutes of boring car stuff. I really have no interest in how a car works, as long as it can get me from point A to point B. 

When people start talking about cars, my mind just switches off, so the 200 minutes was a very mind numbing experience for me. In the middle though, I had a 10 to 20 minutes break, so I decided to spend that time getting my Provisional Driving License done, just had to fill up a form, do some eye test and pay $25, it being a weekday, I thought it will be a relatively quick process... I was wrong.

Whenever the lady at the counter weren't pressing the button to assist the next person, all I could think was how incompetent they were, because I was rushing for time, I only had 20 minutes to get this done, stop sharing discussing which one of you has the sickest looking corn of their feet and assist me now. I think the corn discussion was more interesting so I just gave up and went back to the classroom... they weren't really talking about corn but being in the tight time frame I was in, any conversation they were having that was delaying my license registration just automatically becomes unnecessary chit chat.  

I decided to go get it done after the class was over though, and the wait was longer because in the middle of waiting, a shit load of people suddenly came up and handed in some papers which I assume is their test results for their practical test because they have passed. Good for them but I have already been waiting for 20 minutes so I really wanted to get this over and done with... they were served first while everyone who was waiting was pushed back so that was not fun. They just passed their driving test, the joy that they have from passing  is still flowing through them, they wouldn't mind waiting.

So after getting my PDL done, I got home and tried to apply for practical lessons, only to get a message telling me I had to update my PDL expiry date at the counter. I had initially thought there was some error or the database will be updated later... No... apparently I had to update my expiry date at a separate counter after getting my PDL, the fucking counter lady didn't even bother to tell me anything... What the fuck counter woman, it's really not that hard to say...

"Please go to the counter downstairs to update your PDL expiry date."

... at the end, your kid isn't going to die because you said those 12 magic words.

So now I have to go back again to update my PDL expiry date because somebody decided to leave out that small detail as she was typing out my information into my PDL.

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