Friday 15 August 2014

Being Jobless Sucks

It's only been 3 days since I left the bakery but it already feels like a week has gone by. There's absolutely nothing to do at home apart from more baking, I have no MMOs to play because this laptop is getting old, playing any games that has been released this year on the laptop just induces motion sickness due to the horrible frame rate, I downloaded Firefall a few days ago and the only setting I could play it on was Low, that's just really really sad.... and I can't get a new laptop because I didn't earn enough as a baker to save that much money to get a new laptop, I mean I have enough money in my bank to get a new laptop, but it's barely enough, if I were to get a laptop with the money I have in my bank, the money I would be left with after wouldn't even allow me to be able to afford a box of cupcakes from the bakery.

Anyway, actually right after my interview at Steven's Shithole Design Firm, I did receive another call from another company to head down to their office for an interview, this time it's a furniture company and I checked their company's website and was honestly a bit disappointed.

When they told me they were a furniture company, I thought they were a company that designs furniture like a product design firm, but sadly that's not the case, turns out, they are just a company that sells furniture. I guess that would probably mean that I will be doing more space planning than furniture designing, which is also okay. Space Planning in that furniture shop would be the best case scenario because it could be worst, they could be making me do sales.... and I don't like speaking to customers because "the customers are always right" even if they were to take a bookshelf and stick it up my ass, rupturing my colon, it's not their fault that they are deranged, it's my fault because my butt hole isn't loose enough to even fit the entire Harry Potter series inside.

As grateful as I am for being able to get another interview right after going through what was probably the worst interview I have ever gone for in my life, I have one issue and that's with the location of these companies shortlisting me because the furniture company is located in the East.... AGAIN, isn't there any companies from the Western and Central part of Singapore that needs employees to hire?

The furniture company isn't as far away as Steven's Shithole though, it's only about 2 train stations away from the bakery, followed by another 800 m walk to the location, it's probably more than 800 m though. The power of Google Maps, the distance for walking are always never accurate because half the time they just draw the walking path straight across a building or 10, sometimes even across the bloody river because people who uses Google Maps have gain the ability to walk on water and would probably also rise from the dead after 3 days. Gonna have to see if the distance is actually short enough for me to walk without breaking into a sweat or not, otherwise I'm gonna have to take the bus instead.

I do hope the interview goes well, that I wouldn't be interviewed by a half ass interviewer who knows shit, that the interviewer would actually introduce the company to me probably and actually tell me my job scope, and most importantly, be interested. There's nothing like introducing yourself and your portfolio to a cow.

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