Sunday 13 July 2014

Not a happy baker anymore.

My drive to blog about my life lately has started to dwindle a little mainly because there's really nothing in my life to blog about that's really interesting.

Work life has started to take a turn for the worst, that urge to quit has finally reached it's boiling point, I have finally thrown in the towel and gave the boss my resignation letter, much to her dismay, and I honestly felt really bad quitting because she has been really nice to me every time she dropped by the bakery to see how her workers were doing.

I have given her the my resignation letter, only problem now is that she has yet to confirm with me about my employment status at the bakery, does my contract end 2 weeks after I send her the resignation letter or 2 weeks after she has confirmed with me about my resignation....the talk that she had supposedly wanted to have with me this Saturday never happened, I assumed it was going to be her attempt at persuading me to stay. She did drop by the bakery to grab a custom cake order but left without even checking up on how I was doing or have that supposed talk with me.

One of my colleague who had already send in her resignation letter told me the boss does that to her employees who are quitting, that she doesn't really bother to talk to them anymore after they have send in their letters, and initially I thought maybe she was just being a bit sensitive  about it because the boss has been nothing but nice during the few meetings I had with her, there's no way she would be that nice vibe I ger from her was just a facade, but I guess I was wrong because the last fuck she gave about me has flown away like how working for her in the bakery has taken away my zeal and passion for baking for a living.

The real reason why I had actually wanted to leave the job earlier than I had planned was because of the fellow baker who was quitting as well, if she left while I was still around, that would mean I would have to take over her workload, and as of right now, I already have a lot on my plate, adding more would only make me want to not give a shit about using the weighing machine properly and instead just eyeball all the ingredient measurements because fuck the extra 10 grams of baking soda, I don't have time for accuracy if I have to make a thousand more recipes that day.

Settle for that flat cupcake because I'm not getting paid enough for making your moist and rich red velvet cupcakes with smooth creamy cream cheese that I probably sneezed in by accident for that extra salty kick.

The reasons why I quit though are because...

1. The pay is pretty shit for the hours I put into the job. I work 8 hours a day, 6 days a week and I get paid $1400. It sucks to have to work 6 days a week because at the start of the week, I will always look forward to that one day I get to wake up because sleeping any longer would make me feel like a pig, but when that day arrives, the dread of having to go back to work the next day just ruins everything.... like now, knowing my alarm will ring at 5 am tomorrow morning and I will be snoozing it till 6 am.

2. Monotonous work, I go to work everyday baking the same things over and over and over again, I hardly do any creative work there, it's just this endless cycle of mixing the batter, pouring it into the baking trays, baking it, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat. 4 months of this monotonous work,I feel like a machine sometimes, just mixing batter and plopping it into cupcake liners, and I have been doing this so many times I no longer have to refer to the recipe book anymore because the measurements are now seared into my mind.

I enjoy the process of making a cake, and that not only mean baking a cake, I would like to cream a cake as well, design it and make it look good, but that's not what I am doing in the bakery ... instead, I am baking the cakes so the decorators can do the fun stuff. So all I am seeing everyday aren't things like this...

but more like a hundreds of this....

Just dozens upon dozens of unfrosted cupcakes or wholes cake layers. This is not food porn, my eyes don't get an orgasm from looking at that, my nose probably enjoys the smell but after a while when you work there long enough, you kinda get desensitized to the smell, like when this dude on the bus sat next to me a few weeks back who looked like he smells and smells like he looks, after like 3 minutes of sitting next to him and being worried people might think the odour is coming from me, my nose got used to the "did not bother to wash up after getting out of bed" smell that was coming from him and it didn't really bother me much afterwards.... because he left... Thank god.

3. A assistant manager who doesn't really care how the kitchen works.

So at my workplace, we have 2 locations, one is the central kitchen where me and all the other underpaid workers work in, and then we have the actual store which is located in the town area where the service staff works. Bakers job scope are pretty straightforward, we bake the shit to sell at the actual store and come up with new recipes for the boss every month, or the senior baker does that because as I have pointed out, I only bake the same shit everyday.

The service side at the actual store on the other hand deals with the customers, so they will do the sales and promote our baked goods to the customers as well as doing the normal cashier duties. What they also do is take custom cake orders and this is the part that really pisses me off sometimes about the assistant manager's order taking, she doesn't really give a shit whether or not the workload the kitchen team has that week is "There are only 4 bakers working here" crazy or "OH MY GOD THERE ARE ONLY 4 BAKERS WORKING HERE FOR FUCK SAKE" insane , she just takes orders like guppies eat food, until it explodes, except the one who's exploding is not her but the kitchen team because we are the one who has the complete the fucking order.

I got so pissed when she took a custom cake order for a 10 inch square rainbow cake, the bakery only has one 10 inch square baking tray, I had to bake the fucking layers individually because of her. Of course I brought that up to the boss and she decided to stop with custom rainbow cake orders knowing how time consuming it is... but a few days later, Another service staff took a 10 inch round rainbow cake order and we only have one 10" round baking tray, and the only reason why that happened was because the assistant manager didn't relay the fucking message to her staff.

In fact, a few weeks ago, she took another custom rainbow cake order again, this time in a shape of a car. LIKE WHAT THE FUCK LADY? STAHP ! FUCK STAHP TAKING SUCH WEIRD ORDERS MONTHS AFTER WE HAVE AGREED TO STOP WITH THIS RAINBOW CAKE NONSESNE!. Even the manager herself was shock when she came back from her leave and saw the custom order and needless to say, we the bakers were also taken not please it, more so for me cause I am the one who has to bake it. We managed to find a way around this though but I was still a bit upset about it.

Brought this issue about the insane custom cake orders up to the boss once and all she had to say was...

"It's her job to take this orders and if we have more orders then everyone will become happier, the bakers will be happier because more order equals to more sales."

I think she is forgetting about the part where we still get paid the same amount no matter how good sales are. If I am getting paid the same amount to do less work, why the hell would I be happier to do more.

Last I checked, she has put up a job ad to look for new bakers and I do feel sorry for the new bakers who are about to get hired because they have no idea the mountain of workload that will be piled up on them after they get hired, especially during the festive seasons, they can say goodbye to taking a public bus home during that period because by the time they knock off work by then.

After blogging about this, the thought of having to go to work tomorrow suddenly feels that much more dreadful.

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