Monday 11 August 2014

Design again.... Soon

Tomorrow will mark the last day of my work at the bakery and the following day would be my interview at the design firm.

The design institute actually got back to me last week, informing me that I have been shortlisted by 2 companies who are willing to pay for the fees of the course I will be attending, both companies I have never heard before, so initially when I was told about the news, I was very happy about it because working in the bakery at this point is really mentally exhausting for me.

I had actually officially quit my job at the bakery about 2 weeks ago, and at that point I was already fuck all about baking professionally, the past 5 months or so were great, I got to learn a lot of things from the sous chef and head chef and had great colleagues, but work started to get repetitive and it felt like I was just zoning out most of the time, mindlessly doing the recipes I have done probably hundreds of time, there was no creative outlet for me whatsoever because I was the baker, my job was just to bake the cakes and that's it... all the designing of the cakes were done by the decorators.

I have a really short attention span, so I really need to be doing something different everyday, that's why I can never play an MMO and hit max level because grinding starts to get really boring after the 7000th mob, the only MMO that I was able to hit max level was Guild Wars 2 because that was a really good story driven game that doesn't require hours upon hours of mindless grinding to level up, and that's the same with the work at the bakery, it was just a mindless grind everyday and even though I say I have great colleagues, we don't really speak at all when we are working, so it's helluva boring at work. But I needed to have some income, that's why I helped out at the bakery part time, plus they were low on manpower and I felt bad about leaving them in the lurch.

So when I actually got a call from the institute, I was extremely happy. The lady actually told me there were 2 design companies that shortlisted me, and that she would email me their information, in the end I only received the information of one of the two company. Being in the state of happiness that I was in, I just agreed with the confirmation of the interview, which will be on this Wednesday.

Of course now I am starting to regret not asking the lady about the other company because the company that I am about to go for an interview this Wednesday is located all the way at Paya Lebar. That's at the other end of Singapore, the last time I had to travel to the other end of Singapore regularly was when I was enlisted in the army, but that wasn't so bad because I didn't have to come home everyday,  travelling from Changi to Bukit Timah once or twice a week isn't so bad, but travelling from almost Changi to Bukit Timah TWICE EVERYDAY is fucking insane.

I checked Google Maps to see the travel time, it states that it takes about an hour but you can't really take the bus travel time at face value because unlike the MRTs, buses have to deal with road traffics and peak hour rush, and the waiting time for the bus could range anywhere from 5 mins to 40 mins, whereas the longest it will take for an MRT to arrive is 6 minutes  which is why I can never understand why people would prefer to take the bus over the MRT, plus I don't get motion sickness in the train, so I can actually watch a movie as I am heading towards my station, can't wait for the train station to finally be completed at my area. So anyways, Wednesday, I will probably know how long the journey to the design company will really take.... and afterwards probably call the design institute and ask about the other company.

The design company I am to go for my interview this Wednesday sadly did not put their real address on their website, it was their headquarters and even though the travel time is about the same, or so it states on Google Maps, I think the travel time is actually slightly shorter. Now I am hoping that the company actually has many different offices around Singapore, and the place I am going to on Wednesday is only for the interview, hopefully when I do get into the company, they will assign me to their office in the west.

One can hope.... because I really don't want to take a fucking 2 hour trip back and forth everyday from work for a year at least. I have a bond to serve if I do get accepted into the company and the company does pay for my fee, a one year bond, so I really have to make a proper decision.

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