Wednesday 20 August 2014

Bakery No More

I have finally returned my uniform to the bakery, my last reason to have to return to the bakery has been used up.

Before actually heading to the bakery though, I was thinking whether or not to show up empty handed or get them something, sort of as a farewell gift, the last baker who left gave everyone in the kitchen team a bar of chocolate with a handwritten note at the back, a very nice gesture and it was pretty good chocolate, I ended up just eating the whole bar of chocolate and leaving the empty box in the fridge, not knowing what I should do with the note, although now that I think about it, I probably should have kept it somewhere else where the maid wouldn't rummage through and throw away because to her, it's just an empty box of chocolate with a note written on the back in a language she doesn't read... she doesn't understand spoken English so I highly doubt she knows how to read written English.

So as I was on my way there in the bus, I decided to get them something simple, something I could  in the a shopping mall I had to cut through to get to the bakery. I wanted to get KOI for sure before I left, but I didn't want to carry it as I was returning my uniform, so I settled for Gong Cha instead.

Got the cheapest one because really, I am not working anymore, my money at this point can only decrease and it's the thought that counts, plus they aren't bubble tea connoisseurs like myself, I could get them cups of Sweet Talk and they would probably be just as grateful, if I got a cup of Sweet Talk from somebody though, I probably won't even finish that sad excuse for a bubble tea.

Bought 2 milk tea and when I walked into the bakery, only my sous chef was around, so we chat for like 5 minutes and I was out the door. My Sous Chef is a nice person, but I wouldn't say we are close, in fact every time we go for lunch together, 70% of the time he's on his phone scrolling through Facebook instead of striking a conversation with me and when he does strike a conversation with me, there will always be this awkward pause between our conversations, like my brain is trying to think of new topics to talk about before this awkward pause we are experiencing becomes a pregnant pause and before I know it, he's taken out his phone and is scrolling through Facebook.

The only person I was really comfortable talking to was the other baker who left before and I am not close to the head chef at all because he mainly converse in Chinese and I have lost the ability to converse in Chinese with anyone since I last willingly strike a conversation with someone in Chinese, and when I say conversation, I mean an actual conversation, not small talk about the weather because all I know about the weather is that is's very 风和日丽. 

I did feel very bad when I saw my sous chef having to bake all the cakes by himself though, that really sucks, especially when you think you have finally finished all the baking for the custom orders for the week and surprise motherfucker, you get 10 more from the manager through Whatsapp. I'm actually still in the group chat where the manager will send in the custom order forms and recently she send in one and it was a last minute order for an ombre cake, even though ombre cakes aren't as colourfuck as a rainbow cake, they are still time consuming to make, and the manager send in the order on Friday or Saturday, and expects the kitchen team to complete it by Monday where she will come down in the afternoon to collect.

That was ridiculous, even though I was no longer working there, I still felt a bit angry towards the manager for the kitchen team. The sous chef already told them that orders had to be taken 5 days in advance and she still takes that order, and the sous chef was on leave for both the weekends, she said she was really sorry about it and spam all the crying emoticons, but if you were really feeling that bad about it, you wouldn't have taken that order in the first place. I have met her in person before and she's a really nice person, but when she pulls shit like that, the positive feelings I have towards her disappears until I see her and she's nice to me again.

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