Wednesday 26 February 2014

So many interviews...

Decided to head down to the restaurant on Monday to collect my final cheque after I had been asked to collect it 3 weeks ago.

I had contemplated in the beginning not heading down to collect that money and just treat that last few days I had worked there as charity because I thought the sum of money was insignificant considering the fact it was pay for only 2 days, and on top of that supposed insignificant payslip was an additional sum of money I had to fork out because of a bleaching accident with my apron. My level of laziness knows no boundaries.... every time I think about not heading down, a louder voice in my head will go...

"What about those audience members who screamed like crazy when Ellen presented them with a $100 AMEX Gift Card."

I calculated and the pay was around like $60 - $70 excluding the damaged apron fee.

But on Monday, I was at the peak of my boredom and really needed a reason to go out before I actually started feeling like an actual waste of space, so I decided to just change, take a bus and head down to the restaurant. And the second reason why I was contemplating about leaving the cheque in the restaurants' hands forever was because I was afraid of meeting my ex-colleagues again for whatever reasons.

The last time I quit my job, I got reprimanded by my ex-colleague the following day after I quit for "not having the initiative" to pass them the client list.  It was already a horrible working experience to begin with and to have that senior ex-colleague scold me on the phone the day after I quit, it's like the cherry on top of that wonderful and amazing work experience. 

I was very afraid that that might happen at the restaurant, that one of the chefs might suddenly just come up to me as I was about to enter the restaurant and just throw a pan of freshly fried shallots on my face and crack an onsen egg on my head because I might have done something that might have pissed them off before I left, I'm paranoid like that. I think if someone were to accuse me of doing something I didn't do, others might actually think I did it because I am acting "suspicious" when it's really just me over thinking. 

When I reached the restaurant, the nice lady at the counter, whose name I can't remember and feel really bad about it,  and the cooks who worked in the kitchen when I was still around working as their pastry cook remembered me, the managers were both very friendly and even the boss talked to me and asked me how I was doing. The managers probably understood the predicament and stress level I was in when I was manning the pastry kitchen alone, one of them even came in on a few occasions to help me out, so I think that's why they are really nice to me... it's like talking to a Soldier who went to put his life on the line for his country, except in my case, it's my sanity on the line for the restaurant.... because I have already done my part as a soldier and those were good times before all this real-life insanity started happening.

It was a good thing I went to collect my final payslip because it was actually a lot more than what I had anticipated. Didn't question it though, just took it and left... happy that the people I had worked with had a good impression of me unlike the people in the design firm, that one we parted on a bad term, the secretary was nice to me on the last day but other than that, I really don't have any positive feelings towards that company.

Maybe I might have offended some customers, but they can go fuck themselves because nothing pisses me off more when a customer decides to send back an order because "the souffle isn't high enough" or "the orders are taking too long"... literally after sending out the order, the waiters will bring it back because the order has been cancelled as the customers felt that it took too long....should bake them a complimentary souffle in a ramekin the shape of a dick and ask them to suck it while it's still hot.

So on Tuesday, I went for my trial run at the company which I went for an interview about a week ago. I honestly have nothing much to blog about because it was all quite boring to blog about really. 

I went there early in the morning at around 9 am, earliest I have woken up in 2014 because now I'm a lazy stay at home nerd who only sleeps, eats and plays the computer when he's not doing any eating or sleeping, so I reached at 9 thinking I would be done with the assignment before lunch time and leave maybe at 12 noon.... I was wrong.

They handed me a floor plan on a piece of paper and asked me to draft it out onto AutoCAD, which sounds easy to do, until I realized that the floor plan was not to scale at all... not to one scale anyways, the top part of the floor plan would be to scale, but when you reach the bottom, it's an entirely different scale. It was a nightmare to attempt to measure the floor plan using a scale ruler that at one point, I just decided to eyeball the measurements.  That took me the entire morning because there were a few moments where I was just staring at the floor plan blankly, wondering why the fuck they had to make my life harder by not putting all the measurements I needed on the bloody drawing.

Headed out for lunch with the workers there, who were quite nice and chatty, I mean they were better than the ones at the previous design firm, they actually made me feel welcome and not like the new awkward kid who got invited to sit at the table with the popular kids who keeps talking about their own stuff and telling inside jokes during lunch.

During that lunch, I decided to ask the secretary about the candidates who had gone through the same things as me, and there were like 2 others who came before me and I was the final one before the company will make the decision to hire who.... everyone else apparently took as long as me to complete the trial assignment... which made me feel good, then bad when I realized that I will have to deal with such floor plans for a very long time. 

I have every intention to stick to the next job I get like a leech, the last time i said I will give the job a 3 month testing period, I quit in 3 weeks, another time I said I will work for 6 months, I left in 2 months... don't have a very good track record so I leave out those work experiences on my resume, which makes me look like I have been wasting the last 8 months since I ORD just partying and fooling around... except I don't party or fool around in real life, my social life isn't really that exciting.... or even exist.

After lunch, headed back to the company and continued with the space planning, where I just stared at the screen again for a good 5 minutes because I was suffering from designer's block. I haven't visited an interior design blog for a very long time now so I was severely lacking any ideas and inspirations, the only inspirations in my head are baking related and gaming so it took a while for me to actually get an idea, plus I was looking at the time on the computer because I can't believe I was so slow, like hurry the fuck up man.

When I finally completed everything, it didn't feel very good because I honestly felt like the work I had done was garbage... surprisingly, the boss said I was actually better than the previous girl who came for the trial run and that even though I still needed to brush up my skills, my ideas were more interesting.  I think he might be bias towards me because I was a student to one of his classmates during his schooling days. 

I completed everything by 6 pm, peak hour when the buses are full. It was not fun to squeeze in a crowded bus and also attempt to get off one at your stop. There were students who just finished school, who are honestly a bit on the smelly side, and then there were PRCs who also just knocked off from work and were on the way home...  they were also on the smelly side and they really like to air their armpits like no one's business, it was really gross to see the armpit hairs just sticking out from the sleeves of their polo shirts, it's like seeing the source of where that stench was coming from, which made the stench I was being engulfed in that much stronger.

Today, I went for another job interview at a design firm that was located near the company I went to yesterday for the trial run. I was late though because I got lost in the car park where their office was located... there was no signage at all except the one that was on their doorbell, I actually walked past it thinking the place was under construction.

This interview did not go well though, I left with the exact same feeling as my last interview with the furniture shop, we had a good chat, one filled with a lot of awkward silence... they didn't really prepare a lot of questions to ask me so this one lady kept going...

"Ummmm.... Okay so..."

To try and get rid of that awkward silence, which made it worse because she had nothing to say after that, so it ended up with her just looking at her colleague hoping she had a question to ask, and when that colleague also had nothing to say, I had to quickly shoot a random question just to get rid of the awkwardness.

They were friendly, none of the stupid "What are your strength and weakness" questions and things like that, just straight to the point about the job and when I was available... which I think they ask because they just wanted to get rid of the awkward silences.

When I told them I was expecting a response from another job company at the end of the week, and they told me they will get back to me in two weeks, I knew they weren't going to consider me anymore because if they did, they would be competing with the other company and try to get back to me at the end of the week as well, not 2 weeks later when I might already have been considered and accepted the job offer from the other company. So it was a wasted trip.

The trip home was horrible, realized my ez-link was out of cash, so I had to take a bus to the nearest control station to top up my card, decided since I was going to be going to a control station, why not head to town and see what I can get there.

So I stopped at Somerset, walked all the way to ION Orchard to top up my card, only for the machine to not be able to read my NETS properly, had to keep sliding it into the machine for it to finally be able to read the card, afterwhich went to withdraw some money and realised I was short $200 from my account, which I am afraid might have been because I keep inserting and re-inserting the NETS into the top up machine and it might have deducted a lot more money than it should have.

In the end decided to head home, empty handed with the back of my shirt completely drenched in sweat, it was disgusting to even lean back on the bus seat, was so afraid that when I stood up and leave, the chair will just have this huge patch of sweat.... there wasn't.

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