Wednesday 12 February 2014

"Macaron" isn't how the french pronounce "Macaroons" . Stop Mispronouncing it !

Went for my run this evening in my attempt to stay fit and not fail my next IPPT, one of 2 things that still haunt every Singaporean Son after they have ORD from the army, the other being reservice.

So I actually downloaded this app called "Zombies, Run" on my iPhone to make my running more fun, and I actually really like running, for like the first 3 minutes, anything after that is just me forcing myself not to stop even though my soles feel like they are on the verge off tearing of my feet and my heart suddenly feels it's pumping way too hard, and when I'm in that state of torture as I am running, whatever music I am listening to on my iPhone seem to suddenly slow down.

Songs like "Can't Hold Us" by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis suddenly sound like something that can be rapped by me without my tongue getting in the way of me trying to pronounce and enunciation every single word. That being said, I actually do know the song lyrics by heart, I just can't impress people with it because the only way to truly impress them is to be able to rap the entire song instead of telling it to them like a bedtime story.

Anyways, the app is fun initially, but once you get tired, the only thing that is going though your mind is your inner wuss asking you to "just stop and walk the entire way home"... when the game goes like...

"There's a zombie behind you, you have to sprint right now if you don't want it to catch up to you, it's gaining up on you! "

.... and I have been running for a good 9 minutes, I don't speed up, I either maintain my speed or I slow down and just start walking. If a real zombie apocalypse were to happen, I would probably transition into a brain eater and be chewing on brains within hours, or maybe just get shot dead right on the spot.

It's sad how I am blogging so regularly now. It's not because I have topics that I want to talk about, it's because I am so bored at home doing absolutely nothing productive, perks of being jobless, that I need some sort of outlet to release my boredom, apart from baking.

Actually baked like 2 things today and made Swiss Meringue Buttercream with my stand mixer. I like the mixer, makes my life so much easier. 

One of my two bakes was macarons, I actually ended up burning my finger because the oven gloves I have at home is so thin, but it's not because it was thin that I burnt myself, it was because it was so thin I decided to fold it over itself and grab a hot metal rack out like how one would use a kitchen towel to grab something out their own oven.... my index finger unfortunately wasn't covered my the oven gloves and it ended up coming into direct contact with the metal racks in the oven. Oh and my macarons also failed, knew they were screwed the moment I piped the first shell, it was too wet,  it wouldn't stop leaking from the piping bag, it was like it was on it's period.... just wouldn't stop leaking and I couldn't even pipe properly, so frustrating. So I essentially I burnt my fingers for macarons I knew were doomed to fail. 

The other bake was brown sugar cupcake and I think I have found a recipe very similar to what Plain Vanilla Bakery uses for their Salted Caramel Cupcake cake base. Moist and fluffy, the latter I would like to thank my mixer for making it possible, all that was missing was the salted caramel buttercream, had to settle for the Chocolate Swiss Meringue Buttercream, didn't have cream to make salted caramel sauce. Swiss Meringue is a good buttercream, sweet but not chockingly sweet and super smooth as well, only problem is I can't leave it out in this weather without the buttercream melting all over the place.

Speaking about cupcake, I remember coming across a blog online once, and in that particular post, this blogger was raving about cupcakes he bought from Plain Vanilla, saying how he was given a salted caramel cupcake without the frosting by the owner because the shop ran out of Salted Caramel Cupcake and that despite the lack of any frosting, he was able to taste the caramel sauce that was infused into the cake.

I would like to call bullshit on that....

What are you talking about? There's no caramel injected into the cake base at all, I have eaten the cake before and I am very sure there is no caramel sauce that's infused in the cake, it's the brown sugar you are tasting. It's so pretentious when people online blog about their review on a certain restaurant or bakery that they chanced upon and talk about the food that they have tasted like they are some sort of food connoisseur and then being absolutely wrong about the taste of the food or the preparation method. 

"The steak was so tender and juicy. I could taste the freshness of the pig they killed just to make this piece of amazing medium rare."

"I really enjoyed the traditional Matcha prepared by the old ladies in their Japanese outfits, it's definitely comparable to the Jasmine Green Tea by Pokka"

"This macaron was so amazing, perfect grainy shell texture with large air pockets in the cookies to make it a truly delicate french confectionery, but they could probably leave the filling in the middle out, just ruins the texture of the crunchy shells."

Oh and I fucking hate it when people pronounce macaron as macaroons, that's probably one of my pet peeves, when someone I know says it wrongly I always correct them. I especially hate hearing the french confectionery being mispronounced on those Youtube videos of people teaching you how to make them, if you pronounce it as Macaroons, then where the hell are your shredded coconuts.

That's like calling your Father Mum and vice versa because both of them are your parents.

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