Friday 14 February 2014

Happy Single Awareness Day

Facebook was filled with so many messages of couples yesterday proclaiming their love for one another because it was Valentines Day, and with that post will be a picture of either a bouquet of roses or a picture of 2 of them kissing each other accompanying it.

It's like when it's Chinese New Year, my Instagram will be filled with pictures of people wearing brand new clothes with #ootd and then they will stand and post in an empty void deck, probably belonging their relative's HDB flat, or during Christmas when people take pictures of their Christmas Trees because their presents are probably too lousy for an Instagram post.

"Mum and Dad got me a Notepad from Popular Bookstore for Christmas! #wtf #discountedshit #seriously"

Valentines Day is the day when couples find the need to proclaim their love for one another out loud, it's like how when Sunday comes, people who believe in Jesus starts becoming Christians but when Monday arrives, they start using the God's name in vain. So seeing pictures of people making out on my feed during Valentines Day is understandable because it's the one day I won't judge someone for their heavy petting Instagram videos.

What I find a bit irksome are couples who proclaim their love for each other on their Instagram page or Facebook page everyday... simply because it reminds me and Heidi and Spencer from The Hills, whose behaviors are really attention seeking you sometimes question if it's really love or just 2 attention seeking whores sponging fame off their shamelessness at PDA-ing in front of paparazzi for the public to see. I actually came across one Instagram user, a Singaporean, who kinda reminded me of Heidi and Spencer, except her outlet is Instagram and not Paparazzis and tabloid magazines.

It's not as bad as Heidi and Spencer and bit of PDA is great for a relationship, but when you have a video of yourself and your boyfriend playing in a pool, back hugging each other and stuff, and then have someone film it, I find that to be a bit disturbing... especially because they have a huge following of like 40k followers, maybe like 10% of it are spam accounts but still, it's a pretty big group of strangers to be sharing such an intimate moment with....

"Hey World! Here's me with my boyfriend happily playing in the pool! We are so in love. And we even asked someone to film us having fun just so we could show you guys, most of whom we have never met before in real life and probably never will."

I mean you never know, Samantha_Loves who followed you yesterday on Instagram could be a 50 year old hillbilly who also happens to be a pedophile, TeddyStickers who liked all your pictures could be a 30 year old necrophile and RandyKnox who left a comment in a foreign language might have been using those PDA photos to jerk himself off at night.... those are the last people you want updated on your love life.

I wonder how a normal date of theirs without their photographer would be like...

"You are in the way of our love". Really need to proof read a picture before saving it as a JPEG and deleting the original file permanently. 

My photoshop skills are a bit lacking and my illustrator skills are non-existent, but the punchline is "Sorry but the restaurant is closed." when they finish taking their photo and are about to enter the restaurant. And I have no idea why the first picture has a grayish background.

I think that's what happens when they go out on a date, must capture the perfect shot even if it means using up 80% of their date timing to do it.

I don't really believe they are faking their relationship, but her constantly parading her Caucasian boyfriend on Instagram makes her look like someone who has Pinkerton Syndrome.

UPDATE : Apparently there really is someone who's actually following them around and taking picture of them making out and acting all lovey dovey. Sounds like the start to a porn film, honestly though, how romantic can a date be if there's a third wheel constantly following you around like a paparazzi, taking pictures of you and your date every time you two are making out.

Truth to be told, the reason why I am bashing her so much is because she looks like someone I didn't like that I used to work with in that infamous design firm I keep talking shit about. It's really just my biased opinion of her because she just happens to look like someone I don't like. I know it's horrible but I can't help it! I have issues worse than her alleged Pinkerton Syndrome.

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