Friday 21 February 2014


My goal to improve my running stamina was put on hiatus the past week because I couldn't find my running shirt.

So the last time I ran was 3 days ago in the gym with my Army shirt and I don't really count running on the treadmill as really going for a jog, just doesn't make me feel like I am about to drop dead and die at the 1.6 km mark... and for that treadmill running session, I actually only ran 60% of my intended distance because I accidentally hit the stop button instead of the "gradually slow down" button if that button even existed, and since I didn't know how to start up the treadmill from where I had stopped, rather than fumbling around with the controls and possibly sending myself hurtling through all the exercise equipment behind me from the accidental "burst of speed" from hitting the wrong key that might exist, I decided to just pretend like I had every intention to stop it and walked off, the lady who was using the treadmill beside me looked at my direction funny when I stopped and I assume it's because she was probably comparing her running speed to mine and in her head was having a running competition with me.

I  decided to suck it up today and wear my army shirt out for a run, and because I also don't have a proper pair of running pants, I had to settle for my army pants.

I don't like running in my army shirt because it's not really the exercise shirt that we wear in the army but the admin tee that we wear when we are not wearing our normal uniform, the one we wear to sleep or when we are just loitering around in the bunk, it's not proper exercise clothes, it's almost on par with the rags people wear at home as their home shirt or at least I wear rag like shirt at home. my clothes literally have holes on them around the sleeves and at the collar... and my running pants were really really short, did not compliment my long and skinny legs that were hairy as hell, plus I am really paranoid and think that when people see me wearing a army shirt, they will assume I am fit and am representing the army, I have to thank the busybody Stompers for this.

Not surprisingly, I was only able to run for 1.6 km before I had to stop and walk the other 1.6 km back. Turns out I didn't really care whether I looked like shit and was representing the army guys in a bad light because I was exhausted as fuck... really wanted to run a bit as I was returning home but I was very sure that if I did, when I actually do stop, my vision will get white from the lack of oxygen,  I will start breathing heavily and then probably squad on the ground to take a breather while people just walk past and stare. I am okay with not looking fit because who am I kidding, with a frame like mine, no one is gonna believe that I can actually run 3 km without stopping... probably being wanting me to stop lest I hurt my frail body. I also didn't properly hydrate myself before the run so I blame that, as well as the McDonald I had for lunch prior to the run, that's not a proper energetic meal at all.

Am currently having this obsession with McDonald's Frappe. It's so fucking delicious. Might have to go Starbucks and get one of their Frappacuino soon to see if I am actually having a caffeine addiction because I use to really not enjoy drinking coffee... not that I hated it, but I would rather watch someone else drink it then drink it myself, it's like how I like to see others enjoy slices of cheese but I won't let that slice of cheese go anywhere near my mouth. I also like watching people eat... it's like porn but you don't get judged so harshly if you were to tell it to your innocent-minded friends... like me because that's what many people think of me when they first meet me, pure and innocent... until they really get to know me... I mean this blog is probably a good sign that I am anything but pure and innocent, if anything really, it just shows how much of a fucking whiney ass fuck face I really am.

The only reason why I can blog so much is because I am so bored at home with nothing to do, and I still haven't collected my final pay check from the restaurant yet, it's been 16 days since they told me it was ready... gave me a 3 pm-5 pm time slot to collect on a weekday, if I had been working, that would have been an impossible timing to head down to collect my pay.... it's right after lunch hour and just before dinner, but alas I am not working and really am just lazy to head down to collect it, the last time I went to collect my pay, it was accompanied with a horrible motion sickness induced headache and witnessing a guy shitting his pants on the bus, plus I am sure they are aware of the terrible timing I have been given to head down so I am just gonna let them assume I am busy working and don't have anytime to go down.

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