Sunday 9 February 2014

Interview went well.... Pfft

My interview was today....

So before that, I actually decided to go for a run on Sunday to kinda wear myself down so I can actually maybe get tired enough to fall asleep early and get up on time the next day, which is today. My body clock is now sleep at 2 am and wake up at 11 am.

For the run yesterday, I managed to cover a total distance of 2.2 km before my legs decided to give in and started to walk the remaining 1 km home. Total time taken was 20 minutes, which is not so bad considering the fact that I haven't actually jogged for half a year now... and the last time I actually went to do my 2.4 km run for my Fitness Test, it took me a good 22 minutes, because since my friend and I were already doomed to fail the entire test, we decided to fuck all and just give up, so we walked the entire 2.4 km, causing everyone else who had already finished running to wait for us. I felt bad until the person in charge started shouting at us for wasting everyone's time.

Managed to fall asleep at 1 am yesterday night, technically today morning, and got up at around 10 am to bath and get ready to head out for the interview, legs all sore from the jog yesterday, a sensation which I actually enjoy as odd as that may sound, it's like my body's way of telling me....

 "Good Job, turns out you are not such a couch potato."

So the company I applied for and was going to go for the interview today is located all the way at East Coast Road. Before I applied I actually checked out their Facebook page and saw that their office was actually very well designed, it looked very homey and very cozy, which was why despite the distance, I decided to apply for a job there anyway, and that was during the period when I had just quit my job and was desperately looking for a new one.

The total travel time required for me to get there from my house is roughly 90 minutes according to Google Maps, so I made an effort to leave the house right after I woke up and took a bath because with public transport you gotta give an additional 15 minutes waiting time, which is about how long it took for the first bus I took to arrive at my stop... hoping to arrive the design firm 15 minutes before my interview.

After travelling in the bus for a good 30 minutes and being really grateful I wasn't getting any sort of motion sickness, I felt a buzz in my pocket where my phone was and it was a message from the design firm...

The interview was at 12 pm and I was only informed about the interview being postponed an hour before our agreed timing... and there was no "Apologize for the inconvenience caused" or anything to say they are sorry about wasting my damn time or transport money.

I mean where the fuck do you think I live? Across the fucking street?

I was definitely pissed off, but not angry enough to not think straight and ask them to go fuck themselves. So when they told me when I was available for a reschedule , I just told them I wasn't available this week,  because I really can't be fuck to take another trip to their office.

And it actually took me like a good 5 minutes to send the replies because I was constantly writing and deleting, reminding myself it's probably not a good idea to leave a bad impression of yourself, like they have already done to themselves. Now that I think about it, I probably shouldn't have put "Thank You For Your Consideration" because there's no act of consideration going on anywhere, the boss can't even be bothered to prioritize an interview planned a week ago.... I actually wrote "Sorry About it" at the end but decided to delete it because I have nothing to be sorry about, they are the one wasting my time.

The initial reply for "When will you be available this week" was actually "I think it would be best if I stop wasting my time and withdraw my application now." But than thought that it sounded a little harsh, so I just lied and said I wasn't available this week. 

And then they replied....
"Okay how about 4.30 pm today"

Oh wow, that's so magnanimous of you to spare me your boss's 4.30 pm time slot today. Okay Sure? why not, I will not head home now but instead stay around in Little India where I currently am, shop until I drop for 2 hours and then take a 1 hour trip to East Coast Park and cycle in the park a few rounds for another 2 hours to stink myself up before going for the interview. FUCK YOU

From a 12 pm interview changed to a 4: 30 pm on the same day with last minute changes that requires a 4 hours journey back and forth on my part. 

What the actual fuck man, it takes me 2 hours to get to your place and another 2 hours to go home, I am not going to want to attempt to head down there twice in one day and waste my bloody time and listen to the boss talk to me about a position I wasn't really interested in in the first place and will no longer be interested in thanks to the tainted image he has created for his company and himself for wasting my time in the morning. Especially not at 4.30 pm when it's so close to peak hour, which will probably increase my travelling time home to probably 2 hours 30 minutes. 

To do the math if I were to actually agree to the 4.30 pm interview....

1 Hour Travel Time In the Morning. (due to last minute cancellation)
1 Hour Travel Time Back Home 
2 Hour Travel Time In The Afternoon for Interview.
2.5 Hours Travel Time Home after Interview.

Total Time Spent    >   1 + 1 +2 +2.5 = 6.5 Hours Travel Time

That's literally half the day spend travelling around Singapore for a job interview.

The initial idea was to head down there and listen to what the company has to offer and what benefits I would get if I actually chose to work there, and whether those benefits would outweigh the distance issue, but they can't leave even a good first impression, going there for a later interview is just going to be a waste of my time since I will probably be scrutinizing and scoffing in my head about anything they say.

"Our company firmly believes in meeting deadlines for the clients and we expect our workers to be someone who can complete and hand over a project on time."

That would be rich coming from the boss.

Granted I am only an interviewee, but for fuck sake if you want to postpone an interview at least have the decency to tell me a few hours before instead of telling me when I am already in the bus on the way there. 

At the end of the day, still no apologies for the inconveniences caused, even after I told the person about the 2 hours journey time. I mean can't you connect the dots, 2 hours journey time, you tell me an hour before the meet up, that means I am already half way there.... which also means...

The last time I was told last minute about a postpone in timing was during a secondary school meet up with my friends, literally 15 minutes before our scheduled meeting they tell me they have to postpone it an hour later... and I usually like to go 10 minutes early, needless to say I did not have a good time that night which was suppose to be "that evening".... it's just not a good way to start a meet up with friends you haven't met in months. Now I've learned to never go early when I am meeting them, had to learn that the hard way... which sometimes still makes me one of the few early ones.

And actually the position doesn't benefit me more than it benefits the boss. Based on what I have learned from the previous firm,(all figures are based on how the previous firm shares their profit with their workers, and that lady boss is apparently one of the more generous one, she is nice although she doesn't look like it, it's just her employees that I can't stand.)

Project Cost

Total Amount       (Including Contractor Fees etc)                             -> $20 000 (minimum)

Total Profit Earn   (Maybe 10% of entire project cost)                        -> $2000 (looks like a decent amount)

Total Profit You Earn  (40% of the total profit)                                   -> $800 (actual amount you earn)

Profit Given to the Boss (60% of total profit)                                     -> $1200

And that's based on a low budget sales, one girl actually managed to earn $20, 000 in a month, that's only 40% of the profit, which means the boss actually got $30, 000 to spend that month because one of her workers decided to work her ass off.

It's really a win win situation for the boss if he manages to hire someone, unlike those with a stable salary where all your earnings come directly from the boss's pocket. That's why it's such a lucrative business and you don't need any actual qualifications because the boss isn't paying you because you are qualified designer, on the contrary, you are actually paying the boss for allowing you to use her list of contacts of contractors... especially so for those who don't give a basic pay to their workers in the beginning.

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