Wednesday 6 September 2023

10th Cycle - Day 4

I was really looking forward to my Guard Duty today in the afternoon because it's in the new location that I had blogged about previously.

So just to illustrate how the shed looks like, it is essentially a little building with an entrance at the back wall and then 3 big openings on the other 3 walls.

Something like this...

No actual pictures because I can't take any photos in camp, but I did find a photo of how it looks like inside from another website....

The interior is exactly like this, but with a Security Trooper who is older and has less fucks to give. 

Anyways, the prospect of being able to just stay in that shed the entire 6 hours and not have to engage in conversation with the active soldier sounded like a dream to me, plus I also knew it was going to rain, so I was very much embracing the fact that I won't be getting all sweaty and sticky inside. 

Since I was going to be replacing my Reservist Buddy who was doing the morning duty, I had asked him how it was like and he said it was "very shiok", which made my already high expectation of that emplacement just skyrocket.

When I finally reported to camp, I drew my weapon and headed over the emplacement to replace him, I then see a broken sandbag in the shed for some reason and the entire floor was just covered in sand, the stool that was in the emplacement was also in a bad condition, it was quite wobbly, so every time I tried to adjust my butt on it, it would shake, the base of the stool is round metal disk, and every time I tried to drag the chair to reposition it, it would just start screeching as the base would scrap against the sandy floor, but other than that, it was all good.

For the first 30 minutes, I decided to take out my Kindle to read the Hunger Games prequel novel, but then got a bit bored because I had literally just started at the initial few chapters are always on the slower side, so I started to play with my phone and scroll Tik-Tok, about 2 hours into the duty, the sky started to get really dark and I knew that the rain was going to start, which I was looking forward to initially because I was actually getting quite sticky from the heat.

That sense of relief that the rain was going to cool down the weather quickly disappeared when the rain got heavier and the winds got stronger and the whole reason why I have pictures of the shed is just to illustrate how shit it is at keeping heavy rain out because rain can and did come in from all 4 sides because of the fucking wind.

The roof of the shed only extends about 60cm outwards, and there isn't any rain guard for the 3 fucking huge openings of the shed, so whilst it is good at sheltering people from the Sun in the day time and maybe prevent one from getting wet during a small rain, it does fuck all during thunderstorms and downpour, which was what I got...

This is a a POV of me braving the rain, in the shed. I am supposed to be sheltered but look at how fucking wet my umbrella got, this is from the strong winds blowing the rain in.

The umbrella was only enough to keep my upper body dry, my pants were soaked and that heavy rain lasted for nearly a whole hour before it finally calmed the fuck down, since whole floor was covered in sand, all that sand also got wet, I felt like I was at the beach, but in a really bad way, I could have literally built a fucking sandcastle that could hold it's shape because of how wet the sand ended up getting. it was miserable.

Thankfully it was only an hour of  downpour, after that it was just a regular rain/drizzle that lasted pretty much the whole day. It was still drizzling when I was on my way home.

The journey home was also not great, I am very happy to know that this will be my first and last afternoon duty where I will end at 6pm and have to brave the evening peak hour traffic because the jam at highway was INSANE

What would have normally been a 35-40 minute drive took me 70 minutes! Google Map was directing me to a different Expressway when I was leaving the camp just now, but because I didn't want to veer away from the familiar path that I had already driven more than a dozen times, I just stuck to it and pretty much ignored Google Map for the entirety of the journey home. It was really bad, and because it was raining, the car's rear window started to fog up, I had to turn the air-con down to the lowest setting so it won't cause any more condensation as the heating coil to clear up the condensation isn't working. It didn't help, I was pretty much blind in the rear-window the entire drive home.

I did manage to get home safely and the good news is I will only have to return back to camp for my next duty on Friday, which means I am off the whole day tomorrow! Might end up going to work if I am feeling hardworking.

On to perfume related news.

My Baccarat Rouge 540 dupe has arrived and I have added it to my collection! 

This is my current perfume collection, it's mainly decants at the moment, if my perfume phase doesn't end anytime soon, I think more full size bottles will start to appear.

The X54 on the right is the dupe, the real Baccarat Rouge 540 decant is in the small black bottle right beside it. I will say that it smells similar but also not really, the real Baccarat Rouge 540 has a slight spicy scent profile that the dupe doesn't, and most importantly, the actual one has that caramelized sugar note that the dupe doesn't have.

What makes the authentic Baccarat Rouge 540 so special was not captured in the dupe, and whilst I do like the smell of the dupe, it feels very one dimensional because the scent profile smells pretty much stays the same throughout the entire wear time and what I like about the perfumes that I have gotten so far is when it mixes with the natural scent of my skin and starts to changes. That being said, I will still be spraying a copious amount of the dupe 540 on myself because I still do like the fragrance of the dupe very much.

Oh, and the 2 Ariana Grande perfume that I got has also arrived and is on display on the left, I even have matching  Pusheen figurines to match the perfume colour aesthetics. Those are the 2 AG fragrance that I think is Unisex, I think the next one I will get will be the Mod Vanilla once I get my next paycheck.... maybe.

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