Saturday 8 June 2013

ORD Loh~!

So I've finally ORD-ed.

The feeling isn't as amazing as I thought it would be. In fact a few days before my official ORD, I felt a little sentimental whenever I booked in because I know those were the last time I would book in and see whatever I would see that I can't blog about here because I've signed a clearance form not to reveal anything related to the army online.

I've been in the airbase for one and a half years, and I've been sleeping in the same bunk with a majority of them for one and a half years. Within that time frame, I've actually managed to become friends with every single one of them, usually when I see people that I know, I will avoid eye contact because it's awkward when you see each other and have nothing to say, maintaining eye contact is only something I can only do to people that I'm close to or feel comfortable around... and I am able to do that with all my bunk mates, which is saying something because awkwardness radiates from my skin.

I will miss my bunk mates, that's for sure and some of my shift mates. Chit chatting when we have nothing to do in bunk, which happens to be 70% of the time about random things from food to technology to gossips in the shift, which is a lot... for guys we definitely gossip a lot... and I thought I was a bitch.

ORD to many is a good thing because it means they can finally continue with their life. Not for me....

I was rejected by both Universities that I tried to apply for. Can't find any job because no one wants a part timer who can only commit for 3 months, 3 months because I just applied for Culinary School and am awaiting for a call, hopefully to get interviewed and then be accepted... which if am successful will commence in 3 months time.

I'm essentially a headless chicken for the next few months until I can get a confirmation from the school....

It's a little worrying for me because their administration there feels a little inadequate. Emailed the Recruitment Officer a shit load of questions and she only responds to some of them, called to asked about the application and had to be transferred so many times, and when I finally got someone to pick up, that person sounded so disinterested like he couldn't be bothered with helping.

The worst of all is now my eczema on my hand has returned. How the hell am I suppose to handle mixing of ingredients when my finger tip keeps shedding skin and bleeding. Hopefully the steroid cream will work and keep the eczema under control because it wasn't a problem for almost the past 2 years.

It was a bitch at the beginning of my NS but then it subsided and I thought it completely healed.... I think it has something to do with my gaming habit. Before enlistment I would spend hours playing Aion and my eczema started showing signs then, didn't game so much during NS and it subsided, and now after I've started playing Guild Wars 2 more, it comes back. Little Fucker.

Oh and I've sold my iPhone 4S today. First time selling it to another person directly instead of trading in. It shall be missed, all the amazing instagram pictures it took for me.

Made Lemon Meringue Pie. First time and it was a success.... well sort of, the lemon curd was a bit runny but it tasted amazing.

Chocolate Macaron Shells Pre-Baked with Grated Coconuts. If you know your shell is going to come out looking like crap, covering them up with coconut shavings or coco powder can mask them up. It's like make up but for macarons, but without Sephora.

Macarons. I think I've finally nailed down the technique, but my oven is shit, hot spots everywhere making some of my Macaron grow obnoxiously large feet.

LegoLand was shit boring. The original plan was to go to USS, so excuse my bitterness.

Did some random sketches at home during my MC. Extracted my wisdom tooth and I would recommend everyone to go for General Anesthesia. Why stay awake during a surgery when you can drift off to lalaland and wake up all groggy.

Oh and lesson learnt is to never lend my drawing pen to other people...ever. I loan my pen to someone in camp and they manage to tap the pen's drawing  felt tip all the way inside it's metal casing. So I couldn't use it anymore. Destroyed it completely. Sad day.

Took a lot more pictures during my absence. 

My iPhone also got me into quite a bit of trouble in camp, but luckily I wasn't punished severely.

Now I'm on the quest to get a new phone, but instead of being spoilt for choice, I'm lacking choices because they are all so bloody expensive, either that or they are shitty versions of a superior model. Like Samsung Galaxy S4 mini or whatever Samsung wants to add at the back to let you know that your phone is lousier than their flagship S4.  But I shall leave the decision making for another day, important thing is someone bought my iPhone. 

More important thing is my Culinary School Interview. I've never wanted to get into a school so badly. Application Fee itself cost $100... that's fucking steep considering I only paid like $10 and $40 for the University Application I think. One week is how long it takes for them to call shortlisted candidates. Fingers Crossed.

Oh and while I was out today, I saw the advertisement for the school on the train.... and the end of the advertisement it writes..... "it's not for everyone." This is the first time I've seen a school advertising the way they advertise. 

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