Saturday 11 May 2013

Selarang Dental LAGI WORSE

It all started 3 weeks ago, when I decided to book an appointment to see the dentist in Selarang Camp to update my dental records.

When I called them up the first time to attempt to set an appointment , the phone call did not even ring, it was just got cut off, I thought that was a little strange, so I asked some of my friends who already had their appointments set if this was something I should be worried about, and they told me it was normal, that I'm suppose to keep calling until it gets through. This feels like some stupid contest where "the first person who gets through gets to win a new car.", except instead of a car, I finally get to speak to the person who's not very good at his/her job.

"ORD is something to look forward to."
That's probably what every NSF will tell themselves, and it's true. But wait till you experience the awesome service that is Selarang Dental.

After days of trying and failing, I was finally able to set an appointment with them. Headed down on the scheduled date with my friend, only to be told by the clerk that the dentist had taken an urgent medical leave. Such professionalism, there was no calls by them to inform the patients before hand that the doctor is on MC, no apologies that we had made a wasted trip, all she said was....

" You should have called beforehand to double check."

Why the fuck do I have to call to double check when I have already booked the appointment. Isn't that the whole point of booking an appointment, so I don't have to call every day to confirm the doctor is in to see me. Seriously, her excuse is as stupid as teachers scolding students, who were on MC, for not handing in their homework because they "should have called their classmates and asked". Get outta here you dumb fuck.

And we weren't even scheduled for another appointment, all the clerk said was "come back anytime since your name is already in the records." Yeah sure, all the patients that couldn't see the doctor today will just come back anytime because that will not bottleneck at all.

Since Selerang Dental was unable to complete such a simple task efficiently, I decided to go ahead and set up my dental appointment with Khoo Teck Puat Hospital for my wisdom tooth extraction first. The way KTP handled things is so different, they were extremely efficient. I had to set 2 appointments with them and both those appointments were scheduled so much faster than trying to update my dental records in Selarang Dental Camp.

A few days later, I decided to call and "double check" with the clerk about my non-scheduled "come back anytime since your name is already in the record" appointment, I was planning to go that day, and luckily I had made a call first to double check because once again, the dentist is not in. It's like he's never there, he's like Chansey in the Safari Zone from Pokemon, it's like a rigged RNG game.

So the day before I actually I went, I called before hand to double check if the dentist would be around and thankfully, he was, I asked what time should I drop by and the clerk told me before 1030 because that's when they start allowing the walk in appointments. Oh, and the clerk had the audacity to get irritated with me, she actually started raising her voice at me when I told her I was going there to update my Dental Records for ORD. She asked me why I had booked so late, seeing how the dentist could only see so many patients in a day blah blah blah, fucking blaming me for their fucking inefficiency, so of course I got a bit pissed off and raised my voice at her, telling her that I did book an earlier appointment, questioned how could it have been my fault when they are the ones who fucked up my appointments on multiple occasions, she starts to lower her tone when I raised mine, and then starts giving her reasons, but fuck her and her excuses.

I reach the dental clinic at around 8 am the next day and I see a different clerk sitting at the counter... I walk up to him and tell him my reason for my visit and he tells me that walk in appointments don't start until AFTER 1030. Ummm.... What the actual fuck? He was nice but I can tell he doesn't really know what to do without the other female clerk around. So I decided since I was there, might as well wait, I mean I've already waited for almost 3 weeks, whats another 2 hours.

As more patients started coming in, I started getting a little worried, the number of people who are waiting to see the dentist was starting to pile up, but there wasn't any appointment system, I don't remember writing my name on anything to prove that I was here first, I came here first, so I expect to see the dentist first.

I went up to the counter to ask the male clerk what was happening, and the male clerk actually asked me "Who are you?" and "Why are you here?". SMFH. So I asked him what was going on with the the walk in appointment system  and he actually hands me a piece of paper and ask me to write my name on it... DUDE! WHAT THE FUCK? I HAVE BEEN SITTING AT THE WAITING AREA FOR ALMOST AN HOUR AND YOU DIDN'T EVEN BOTHER TO TELL ME THERE'S A WAITING LIST? WHAT A FUCKING MORON. I was the first to arrive but ended up being the fifth patient to be seen.

And the dentist is really something else, he is the reason why I really hated the whole experience, because as if having a horrible scheduling system isn't bad enough, having a group of incompetent staff isn't bad enough, let's throw in a piece of shit dentist. As a kid, I've never really enjoyed visiting the dentist, it's not fun, oral injections hurt like a bitch, and the drilling is scary as fuck, especially when you can feel the drill going close to your teeth and vibrating the nerves.

But lucky for me, the one who does my braces is actually a very nice dentist, I did my braces, can't remember if I blogged about it. That's what happens during a hiatus.... lots. He was the first dentist to tell me I was doing a good job keeping my braces clean because I actually did put an effort in maintaining them. Others tell me my teeth is dirty etc etc, but they were very subtle about it. They just told me to brush my teeth more and what not.

This Selerang dentist on the other hand doesn't understand what the fuck subtlety is. First of all, when he was checking the patients teeth, he makes the rest stand outside to wait in a line and he will tell his nurse what was going on with the teeth etc, the door is completely open so everyone outsied will be able to hear what he's saying to the nurse.

When he was checking my teeth, he was extremely rough, flicking the wire on my braces like he was strumming chords on a guitar, kept reiterating how dirty my teeth was, which I checked at home and found it to be as clean as it could be. He had probably mistaken the cheap dental fillings on my teeth as plague. That's what happens when you decide to go Malaysia to get cheap fillings done.

Telling me once that my teeth is dirty is telling me my teeth is dirty and I should clean it. Constantly talking about it  every time you check each teeth is just being a fucking asshole. I was so fucking embarrassed when I walked out of the dental clinic because that dentist kept going on about how my teeth was so dirty and pointing out all the decays I had all over my teeth at such a rich volume it'd be surprising if the people outside didn't actually hear him.

But his lack of professionalism is very befitting to the whole image dental clinic has created for itself. Piece of shit dentists like him that lacks empathy towards their patients is probably one of the worst attributes a doctor of any kind can have. And I think when that fucker was haphazardly strumming the wires of my braces and jamming his dental pick against my teeth, or as he would probably like to refer to it as "checking my teeth", he actually managed to knock out one of my fillers in the process, so dipshit, it's not a decay that you see, it's WAS a decay that WAS fill up until your leg for a hand decided to knock it out of it's socket.

Now I have to pay $100 to get that decay fix. And FYI, I actually visited my own dentist the same week and he didn't tell me anything about a decay or that I needed to brush my teeth more, I went for a check up and an X-Ray scan in Khoo Teck Puat and they didn't say anything about a decay as well. So you can't blame me for being skeptical about that Piece of Shit dentist's claim about the decay and dirty teeth.


  1. I think this is the ad they give out when recruiting specialist receptionists and post office ladies:

    - Middle Aged female
    - Incompetant grumpy cunt
    - Thinks picking up phonecalls is really really hard
    - Must have something very nasty up anus at all times

    I had to go visit recently to both.... my god what witches who would wanna marry that, you hope that that bitchiness and anger turns into good angry sex at least....

  2. That would make for a very disturbing mental image. Thanks for commenting on my dead blog ^^. Had to revitalize this blog to let out my displeasure.

  3. bahaha i always come and read your blog every now and then I really like the way you write :)
