Monday 6 December 2010

Gleeful Citrus

Halfway through school today I decided to go to Art Friend to get materials... No reason to stay in school really, I can't even do the job of taking up space properly.

Managed to get all my material within like 5 minutes... but queued up for 15 minutes because some caucasian ladies bought a lot of arts and crafts material. Caucasian ladies LOVE buying things from Art Friend for some reason, it's like all the Caucasians in Singapore loves Arts and Crafts... although I have no idea what they do with their final product after they finish it... probably like how I take care of my baked treats after they are done... leave them in the fridge till they get moldy and blame the humidity for spoiling a "perfectly good" cake.

"Aigoo ah~ Wasted,"...

What the person who dumbs the cake will probably say as they proceed to dumb it down the rubbish chute but I know deep down they are really glad the cake's finally being thrown away... Finally there's sufficient space in the fridge to keep a feverish baby. It's not really a perfectly good cake... because if it were... the only chute the cake will find itself sliding down would be my mouth. Big Sponge-cake Fan.

Yeah, so I queued up initially with one caucasian lady in front of me who was returning some things back because when you get too excited with arts and crafts, you usually buy too much... glue to sniff. Caucasian people are quite nice when they find that they are causing you some trouble indirectly... she hinted that it would take a while and so on and so forth... so I decided to linger around nearby to look at some other stuff... a corner to sniff some glue... went back to the queue and like magic another 2 caucasian lady popped up speaking in Russian I think.

Being an eavesdropper, I could kind of guess they were talking the iPad... but other than that I didn't know what was happening. It's a pretty amazing feat I'd say, to be able to loosely translate a language I've never learnt before... or maybe iPad means something else in Russian.

Those 2 ladies took forever to pay for their things because they separated their buys into 3 different stack... and then 1 of them signed up for the membership for Art Friend. Of course being a polite caucasian, they apologized for taking so long. If it were a Singaporean Aunty she would probably just walk away and pretend I wasn't standing there because if I don't see you, that means I didn't know I was taking my own sweet time paying for my things and wasting your time. That's the type of mentality I think Singaporean Aunties have... apart from their occasional out burst in public transport because some poor kid was breathing their air.

As I headed out, I was unfortunate enough to bump into 2 guys who were doing some charity thing where the minimum donation was $10. Being an idiot and trying not to be rude... I allowed the person to speak finish, and I was going to say "No" obviously, and try to find some excuse like...

"You've just wasted 30 seconds of my life on you... that's a generous donation by itself. Do you know how much I get paid per night?"

I tried finding excuses like I didn't have enough money because my generosity has a pretty tight budget of a dollar, if I am feeling really generous $1.50... But the damn charity dude was so bloody persistent.

"It's for the kids starving in some country"

"The kids, you are doing a great thing by donating this amount of money."

If I don't donate I am a heartless bastard who don't care about the suffering kids... if I donate I am doing a very noble thing. It's those either or scenario which is damn annoying... so I decided to donate, thinking just chuck him a $10 note and I'm out of there.

And then he tells me he needs my bank account number because it will withdraw from the bank slowly like some leech... ended up walking to the ATM machine with the guy which is the opposite direction from where I was walking from... and I can't just say no without looking like a complete asshole because the poor guy just spend 5 minutes talking about the whole donation thing to me.

After I pass him the account number he tells me it's a monthly thing, and that I have to personally call the company to cancel the "subscription". Freaking troublesome... I didn't really feel good after that even though I just did something good.. probably because the damn donation just gave me added an extra assignment on my To-Do list, which is already choked full of assignment... and probably because the money in the bank account is not mine but my Mums'.

After that ordeal, I headed over to ION in an attempt to look for the bubble tea shop Gong Cha, didn't know if it even existed in ION.... walked around, got a little lost, squatted down and cried "Mummy", no one cared so I stood up and looked around even more for at least a Bubble Tea Shop.

Found one called HAPPY LEMON. Seeing there was a really short queue I decided to grab something from there, after queueing up for KOI, seeing a Bubble Tea shop with a small queue naturally attracts me over... if there's no queue then I'm not going to buy because it would probably suck.

Being a kiasu, I decided to order the Jumbo size Tea Latte with Black Sago Pearls. (Oh, now then I realize it's not Tapioca balls, no wonder the texture was slightly different.) I felt sick after finishing 4/5 of the drink.... in the bus I was literally sweating cold sweat for some reason and the taste of the bubble tea in my mouth made me so sick I felt like throwing up.

I had to get off the bus halfway because I was starting to get a really bad headache from the motion sickness... not to mention there was a jam at ?2.30 pm? which made the motion sickness even worse because the damn bus kept jerking around.

I don't know if it's the fact I was drinking a crap load of milk tea on an empty stomach or simply the fact that I was drinking too much... but for the first time I actually got really turned off by Bubble Tea. I was even scared to google Happy Lemon after that. Although now I really wouldn't mind another cup, just not in Jumbo and not their crappy Lipton Tea with milk. Very sure they used Lipton Tea... that's why KOI is still the best.

Yet to try Gong Cha though, might probably start crapping in my pants with GongCha... I have violent reactions to new bubble tea brands. Happy Lemon is definitely a good Bubble Tea shop... but I was just unlucky because of a crappy bus ride and the fact that I skipped lunch... trying to get my BMI down so I will have a proper excuse for NS.

"Weak lah Sir... PES C."

I want to get into PES C... who cares if people call me weak. I think I have grown accustomed to people automatically categorizing (catergeriting<- Spellchecked word WTF?) me into the "Probably gets bones broken after getting smacked by a incoming housefly flying at a speed of 100m/hour." body type.

1 comment:

  1. Did you know you can shorten your long urls with Shortest and get dollars from every click on your short links.
