Thursday 16 December 2010

Generous Much

Rejecting a person who's asking for a donation on the phone is a lot easier than rejecting the person in real life.

A few days ago I decided to call the company whom I have donated to like a few weeks back (previous post) to cancel my "subscription"... by "subscription" I mean this leech like donation method the company has implemented where it helps itself by taking $10 out every month from my bank account and giving that money to the kids from who knows where.

The lady on the phone was pretty nice and told me the person-in-charge will call me a few days later to ask for more information like my bank account info etc I think for double confirmation... which to me sounds really dubious because I've never had anyone use that as an excuse to ask me out on a date before.. *blush*

Today they finally called and it wasn't to confirm my cancellation but instead to tell me to head down to where they are located and re-do the whole donation process because the previous form did not go through properly, which I find shocking because the person remembered who I was, that must mean I must be like one of the tens of donors that decided to donate.

I am not exactly a selfish individual, sometimes I share my food with the dustbin, from time to time I will hydrate my toilet bowl and I consistently gave food to this hamster I got for 2 years until it died from obesity...IT DIED FROM OBESITY... THAT'S HOW GENEROUS I AM!

The person whom I have donated to I feel is like a bloody moron. I was never interested in the first place to donate, I kept finding excuses to leave the place and I called to cancel my subscription a few days after donating... Its pretty obvious I have no interest to donate to the organization. So calling me back and telling me to head all the way down to Jurong to re-fill the donation form is just ridiculous... it's ludicrous... its like the end of the world you psychopath. What the hell is wrong with you?

Technically I didn't donate since they couldn't put my form forward... that means no extra commission of karma for you. But still its stupid how they call me and expect me to head down to Jurong to re-fill the donation form when the call I was waiting for was one that would confirm the cancellation to my donation subscription.

I'm a very busy (read lazy) person... giving me the extra task of having to call your company to cancel the stupid form to me is like asking me to bring your child to school... it's a pain in the ass. The pain being your child's fist in my butt. I'm not going to head over to Jurong and re-fill the donation form... that's like asking your 2nd and 3rd child to stick their fist in my ass as well. Unless I'm a pregnant chick and you are sticking that in my vagina... its not gonna help. I have no idea how to bring this back to the main point so...

The only suggestion I can give to the organization is JUST ACCEPT CASH. People are more likely to donate using cash than giving out bank account details.

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