Tuesday 2 November 2010


The little SMS that I received yesterday that threaten students with "Disciplinary Action" turned out to be "an interview with School Management".

I have no idea what an "Interview" means nor do I actually want to know because it sounds a little creepy, it sounds like some torture technique where the Management will tie you down to a chair and bind your whole body, after which they will take a drill and slowly drill into individual parts of your joints until you learn your lesson about why skipping a useless Workshop is wrong, and that rather than being able to spend the entire week doing something productive, which in my case is staying at home and doing nothing productive, you are better off making a wire model.

Wow, now whatever the Interview really is wouldn't be as bad after coming up with that scenario in my head. That scenario is only applicable to Hell, and maybe during Hitler's reign, which is also Hell.

I'm a good kid, so even though I'm not attending the lesson like I'm forced to, I will still do up a stupid model... at least I would have an excuse.

"I was at home making my models, it took me 3 whole days." <- It really took me like 4 hours which is quite a long time, as a comparison, spending 4 hours in Aion is like semi-hardcore in my standards. Not so hardcore because every-time I am in Aion, I spend 90% of the time walking around the place looking at the vistas while normal hardcore players (Koreans I assume) are killing monsters over and over and over again until they get their desired weapon, which amazes me because some China girl played WoW for 3 days straight and died, a Korean can probably play like a week straight and still have the energy to cry on cue.

.... if it doesn't work I will prick my fingers a few times and tell them I was suffering because nothing shouts Sympathy like injuries from working too hard. It would be really successful if they feel guilty about the pricks as well.

They should, I pricked myself just so I can get out of trouble, it's all their fault, not mine for wanting to skip a class almost 70% of my classmates aren't interested in.

While I find the whole idea to be interesting, it's still a very redundant workshop. But I guess I will have to force myself to go to school tomorrow to hand in the wire sculpture, which I am pretty sure is way smaller than everyone else's.

Hey, at least I did one Management. I should really start learning to answer politically just in case I get to go for an Interview. Skip twice only and I have to go to Management for Interview, nothing personal to the lecturers but F*ck them and their assumptions that students would enjoy sculpting models with wire.

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