Saturday 27 November 2010

Fried Oreo

I've alway's been fascinated by American's fried food stands at carnivals. From what I've read online, apparently they serve Fried Snicker Bars, Fried Twinkies, Fried Corndog, Fried Butter....

And then there's Fried Oreo... the one that sounds the least likely to get an instant heart attack. For months I've been telling myself the day Oreos appear in the cabinet would be the day I would make fried Oreos. Took a while because everytime I bought Oreos... I would either dunk them in milk and eat them or crush it into powder form and perform witchcraft.

But yesterday I decided it's time to finally make the deep fried treats. Looked for a basic pancake batter recipe online and fortunately I had all the ingredients required... or unfortunately depending on whether I get a heart attack or not.

It was simple and probably one of the only few attempts at cooking where the end product came out looking like the pictures you find on the interent.

A heavy sprinkling of icing sugar because since it's already unhealthy... might as well. You can replace the icing sugar with chocolate rice as well or if you are feeling a little adventorous you can sprinkle some crushed cocaine on top and OD.

Photoshop makes everything looks nicer... even if it's insanely unhealthy and only brings mental images of fat chicks sitting in a circle worshipping a deep fryer in my head.

If you see spelling errors, it's not me , it's just that Mozilla doesn't have spellcheck to make my terrible spelling look good. Epic Fail... on Mozilla part of course.

Monday 22 November 2010


Been spending the last few days on Youtube watching videos and searching for videos to watch in order to kill some time because I don't actually have a life beyond school...

And I've also been watching a little tele when the Internet's being a real bitch. All I ask from you is a proper search result for that rash I've been getting and you tell me it's chlamydia... it's pretty obvious that's not true because I don't actually have a life outside of school.. much less a sex life. That deprived old man I met on the street doesn't count.

Banged~! Banged~! Yes~! YES~ BANGED~!

For some reason I really enjoy watching the show "Banged Up Abroad"... it's about the true stories of various Americans who are trafficking drugs overseas and then they get caught and sent to jail in some 3rd world country like India or Jamaica... or some weird country because they strap drugs around their body with tape and wear a thick coat over it to cover it up... Oh right, because seeing a guy with a bulky body and small head doesn't look weird at all.

What happen to swallowing drugs in ballon bags thing and shitting it out later? I'm not encouraging drug trafficking but that method has got to be a lot safer than strapping drugs on your body with tape... and getting a brazilian waxing at the same time, although swallowing drugs in your stomach probably causes some internal injuries... but what's that compared to snorting a whole kilogram of cocaine in a single day.

I just really enjoy watching that show... everytime the drug trafficker show signs of nervousness when they are checking in, I'm alway thinking in my head I would be so much better at actingcalm.. thinking I would've been able to hold my composure so much better than them because I am an Oscar winning actor, which of course will not be the case when that actually happens to me.

And when they show the traffickers get thrown in jail... I start to relate because like me... they have nothing else to do but sit in a cell and lament on their own stupidity except whereas they are jailed for like 5 years, I've given myself a life sentence. Sometimes I'm so strict with myself. It's actually kinda surprising because if they did that kinda stuff in Singapore, they would be given the death sentence... Now I'm scared of continuing any bad jokes relating to the topic.

I love you Singapore. *nervous chuckles*

So from TV I shall now move on to Youtube.

Just watched a lot of random clips and a few vlogs. I think Shaycarl is an awesome vlog.

Oh... and I've been watching a lot of Korean Music Videos, and the good thing about listening to Korean Pop music is that I will never understand what the hell they are singing about, which is usually a good thing because when I actually go find the translation... the lyrics are really really retarded.

"We will go Sun Sun Sun in the Summer Hot Summer Forever"
"So Hot in Summer time it's good to get all Wet Wet Wet"
"So Wet now we get to Dry ourselves with the summer heat"

I just made that up, if it actually rhymes in Korean I want SNSD to sing it. I actually like SNSD so if it ruins their carrier, I apologize in advance. But that's nothing a little dancing a lot of leg flashing won't help.

With every SNSD video or Justin Bieber video there will always be haters.
To prove my point, I searched a random Bieber video and viola~!

I feel like I've to watermark the screenshot because I took a lot of effort to box out the comments. Man I have so much time to waste <- Sign of a person with no life.

It's so easy to look for hate comments on a Bieber video... FYI I have no idea who Bob Dylen is, but if that's meant to be a compliment than F*CK YOU!!!

But with every thousand hate comments there would always be an idiot hardcore fan who will try to protect their idol, like this one little girl I met on Youtube when I was in my Miley hating days. And I don't think my comment was that bad at all... it was just an innocent comment questioning the logic of how a blonde wig can make a person become someone else and no one will recognize her.

"You are such an idiot~! It's just a show. Miley Rox!"

She spewed a whole load of angry comments after that because of me replying to her, I was pretty pissed off. Random stranger calling me an idiot because of a harmless comment... and then she started ranting and spewing a crap load of vulgarities. She was just a very very angry little girl... Miley must be so proud that her fans are made of of angsty little girls who record themselves lip synching to her music video and having the audacity to upload that crap on Youtube so that people whom they have pissed off like myself will actually know how they look like.

Stupid girl... way to remain anonymous, thats not how a keyboard warrior works... and to think that failed keyboard warrior tried to kill this *points to myself* troll.

Well anyway.

Apart from those keyboard warriors who try to defend their idol's honor by telling us trolls to "F*CK OFF!"... or them trying to make us feel bad because they assume we are "Fat asses sitting in our parent's basement".... there are those who try to question on why we do such mundane things.

"If you hate Justine Bieber so much, why do you bother searching up his video?"

I myself an ex-troll can answer that question.

People who don't search up Justin Bieber video are people who don't care about Justin Bieber. And this is the part that everyone gets mistaken, haters DO care about the idols they are bashing. We care about their eventual downfall... and we are here to make sure that the downfall happens sooner then later... one way to make sure that happens is to leave nasty comments in hopes that those idols will one day be arrogant enough to Google themselves and read the comments... get really depressed after that and end their career with a sex-tape.

I do feel bad for bashing Miley Cyrus though because technically she didn't do anything wrong, in fact I think she's a really nice person in real life albeit probably a little annoying... and I don't hate Justin Bieber to be honest but its really hard to like that lesbian boy because he's so bloody arrogant in interviews....

"How do you get the girls Justin Bieber?"

"I'm Justin Bieber, I get any girls I want."

I didn't come up with the lesbian insult myself, one of my guildies in Aion made it up and I thought it actually made sense because Justin Bieber really does look like a lesbian soccer mum.

As an ex-troll I no longer leave nasty comments anymore because you have to get something... that those Keyboard Warriors who are trying to protect their idols honor are being fueled by love... and that love is bloody annoying because it's crossing the stalker line so no matter how you try and crush them they will always pop back up like some annoying parasite.


Just spend the last few minutes removing my tags from photos on Facebook. Some people are really a bloody pain in the ass... you tell them not to upload the photos they treat it as a joke and upload the whole chunk of ugly.

Its like they just wasted their money on a fantastic camera. Would've been better spend on something else... like maybe a seminar to teach them what ugly really is which really just begins with the instructors giving them a picture they've taken... and once they've gone through that and face the fact that they suck... a mirror so they can stare at themselves and repeat to themselves that they suck. It will only be successful when they come out of the seminar depressed and suicidal.

Anyways, I've managed to make myself some Rice Krispies Treat yesterday and today with the help of...

America's Favorite... because like myself, they are too lazy to melt the marshmallows themselves.

Initially I thought it would cost like $10 per jar because its Marshmallow Creme.. its like having marshmallows during a campfire but without the need to start a campfire or having to look for twigs to pierce the marshmallow through, which I feel is really disgusting because I might have just peed on the stick... or stuck it up my..

Turns out it just cost $5... it's 7 oz of gooey goodness. Not that I know of it's amazing gooeyness since I didn't actually eat the marshmallow creme out of the jar. I gave it all to the Rice Krispies...

The money shot all over the Rice Krispie.

I think I made a mistake somewhere because it wasn't as soft as I had remembered when my Mum bought if from the Supermarket pre-made a long time ago...or I bought it from school I can't remember. All I know is that the texture is different.

The creation was still delicious though, I'm obligated to say that because I made it... not to be arrogant but it's probably better than the pre-made one. <- Obligated to lie to myself.

Finished the whole thing... because no one else wanted it.

For the second batch I added too much butter and it just tasted really really good~.. Gawd I hate butter.

Saturday 20 November 2010


Here's how the critique session I had yesterday in school went...

1. I set up my slides and my concept model to show the lecturers.

2. I present my slides and talked about the issues I found with the site I was assigned to.

3. I got stopped midway through my presentation because apparently my issues weren't issues.

4. I got asked what my issues were despite them already telling me my issues were wrong.

5. I became friends with the Pregnant Pause.

It was just a whole session of awkwardness at the end. I was literally standing at the front looking at the panel of judges waiting for them to say something.I mean if you are going to interrupt me and tell me my issues are wrong, I'm assuming you are going to give me an example of what an issue would be like....

Lecturer : "What are your issues? Sorry I don't think I caught them."
Me: "Well, I found that the bridge is too short and no one uses it..."
Lecturer: "That's not an issue."
Me: *stares blankly at lecturers*

after a pregnant pause...

Me: "Ummm... so should I continue?"
Lecturer: *nods slightly*
Me: "So my issues are...."
Lecturer: " No, that is not really an issue, we need a real issue here."

pregnant pause again...

Me: "Well, I do feel that the bridge IS really small and it's extremely inconvenient..."
Lecturer: "No... that is not an issue, you are generalizing everything."
Lecturer: "Yeah, that's too general..."

pregnant pause again...

Me: "Ummm... "
Lecturer: "I think you just continue with your presentation."
Me: "So my issues are such and such... and my ideas are such and such."
Lecturer: "Okay, your issues aren't really issues... which means your ideas are going to suck because there's no issues to begin with, they aren't really working for me, you're fired"
Me: "No Mr Trump... You're fired.So f*ck you and the horse you rode in on."

The last part didn't really happen... I thought it would add some level of spice because as I was writing the block of text above I can't help but feel bored. I threw a chalk at myself for trying to doze off.

So essentially I was screwed yesterday and made the pause pregnant. It was so awkward that I started complaining to a classmate who was about to present next... I guess I kinda fueled her with a little angst towards the lecturers after that because she became a little defensive when the lecturers started to question her ideas.

I'm just that influential. I manage to make my family dislike Miley Cyrus. I manage to turn one of my old buddy into a complete douchebag... actually I'm not going to claim credit for the last one... the inner douchebag in him probably got awoken from his slumber after years of hanging around with this *smacks chest* doucebag.

Ugh~ I got told by a classmate I reminded her of my old buddy.
No~ No~ No~... you have to get your facts right... it's the other way around.
She didn't mean it as an insult but I can't help but see it as one. It is never really complimentary when someone tells you your authentic LV Bag looks like her counterfeit LV bag she bought from China for a blowjob. To think you had to blow 192 guys to get your genuine LV Bag.

Anyway, the presentation for my classmate went well, since she's the Acer in our class it's only natural that she excelled... much to my dismay. I thought she could finally relate to us mere mortals in class.

Well today. I had Carl's Jr for lunch and McDonalds for dinner. Living the American lifestyle, a future filled with obesity and liver failure.

That would have been a great tweet if not for the fact that I've stopped tweeting. What was meant to be a short break became a hiatus. But I shall return to Twitter one day, I find that my return to twitter should be a grand one... with fireworks and a dance number. Which is why I'm going to ask my Daddy to get me the best dance crew in the world and I'm only going to invite everyone in school... it's going to be the best party you've ever been to and ever will go. So come'on MTV and document my journey from a rich spoilt brat to a rich spoilt brat with a car.

Tuesday 16 November 2010


Good thing about the fact that Polytechnic life is ending soon is that I am starting to really hate it.

I don't necessarily hate the school work because it's something all the students have become accustomed to...

"I don't see the point in doing this, what's the point in drawing 2 circles and 2 more circles inside, no link at all with Interior Designer."

And usually it's true because drawing lousy cartoon boobies isn't something that will really turn anyone on. It's probably just a constant reminder from the lecturers that Interior Design students are more than adequate to pleasure themselves without visiting any websites because we have the abilities to draw realistic... pictures.

It's also not so much the lecturers that are grating my nerves. They aren't so bad half the time and the reason is because I don't really talk to them half the time. When I do speak to them, it usually ends with more work and in order for me to reduce the workload, I will end up have to do some extra activities that require a bit of bending over. But that's all good... nothing a little at home self reflection won't cure. I will just go to the toilet after that, look at the mirror and start screaming at myself for being such a dirty hoebag.

The thing that pisses me off about poly life right now is probably how fake some of my classmates are.

For the entire semester they don't speak to me for reasons I can't think of, then again it's probably because I killed their chinchilla by accident and bought them a new hamster instead to make up for it,... and then suddenly they say "Hi!" to me out of nowhere suddenly ready to be friends again like we were on some friendship break. After that they stop speaking to me again for probably the next semester because I think I accidentally ran over their hamster with the new hamster ball I bought for them to celebrate our renewed friendship.

Just yesterday I got snubbed by one such person. I was seated at the back with my friend, she walks pass and said bye to him and she just walked away without even attempting to acknowledge my presence like I switched on my cloaking shield.

Never been so snubbed before.

Anyways, I headed to Far East Plaza to get a new handset yesterday after school. While I was looking at the arrays of second hand phones that were at the shop, I couldn't help but think that the single white Xperia X10 that was sitting by its lonesome was the one that I had misplaced, that some douche who firmly believes in the phrase "Finders Keepers Losers Weepers" found the stupid brick of a phone and decided to make some quick cash by selling it to the shop.

There was really nothing I can do to prove that its mine except that the white has really become more of an off white than the luster white it was described as on the phone box that's still at home, constantly reminding me of what a stupid moron I am for being able to lose the largest phone I've ever owned. Should've switched it on and look through the gallery damn it... lots of hot pictures of myself inside.

So I bought the X10 Mini Pro because I thought that would be a good enough salt to rub into my wound.

It was raining really heavily that day and all I wanted to do was get back home to update my phone to it's latest firmware because that's what every geeky android phone user would want to do. Got stuck in the worst traffic ever mix with a really really bad motion sickness, I keep fidgeting in my seat to try and distract myself from the fact that the traffic was moving at a glacial pace and that I was on the verge of vomiting... which during that time I was thinking of this video...

Didn't help at all....

Well alas I got home, with a sinus infection that was causing the right side of my ear to get blocked out. I was able to hear myself crystal clear like some echo in my head whenever I tried to whimper something out.

When I say "whimper something out" I meant sining Gee out in a soft whisper. I did that in the bus a little and I couldn't really gauge how I loud I was because my ear was slightly blocked, it got worse when I got out the bus, I just know people looked back as they were about to exit the bus... and I know it's not because of my face in a good way.

So it was either the "Gee Gee Gee Gee Baby Baby Baby" or the constant vibration happening with my body whilst I was fidgeting

Monday 15 November 2010

Jog, Cough. Rip

The plan today was to go get a new handset and then go for a run after that. Didn't go as planned because I was too lazy to go out and get a new phone... and since the first thing on my to do list wasn't checked, it's only natural for me to not go for a run.

I actually feel like crap for skipping one day of jogging because I'v been sick last week for the entire week thanks to a stupid sore throat and that tub of ice cream in the fridge that kept begging to be eaten, which I did... it was a moment of weakness. I had a valid excuse for not jogging the entire week last week so I did not feel like a lard for not jogging because it's more important for me to actually recover then to run and lubricate the park with my phlegm.

Life would be so much easier if I can just strap my legs on some jogging machine that just moves your leg for an hour everyday, so by the end of six months, you will have the slim and gorgeous legs you've always hoped for... not that I need that machine since I already have slim legs... just need a little epilating action and "Gorgeous". I just need the machine so my leg will not only maintain slim and gorgeous but also stay strong and can maintain a constant running speed.

Speaking of new handset, I have actually planned on getting a handset that resembles the
previous one that I had misplaced, actually the only reason it resembles the phone is because that's a dumb downed version of the handset I lost in the freaking bus a few months ago.

The one I had previously was called the Xperia X10, or as I would like to refer it to... SO-01B, the name for the japanese counterpart because it sounds techier. And the phone that I have been planning to get is the X10 Mini Pro.

From the name itself, it's pretty apparent the X10 Mini Pro is the mini version of the X10, with the "mini" beind the X10, the "Pro" just doesn't help make the phone sound any better than the original X10.... which according to Wikipedia is a High-End smartphone... that I misplaced after 3 months of using. And the phone just recently recieved a really major software update that makes the high-end smartphone even higher-end which fills this entire paragraph with even more geeky bitterness.

I have to get a new camera, a new computer cable and a new phone. Technially I don't need a new camera or a new phone, it's more of a want because my old phone has the worst buttons ever, plus I've been using it for over 2 years... I'm not into long term releationships with phones.

But I do need a new computer charger, my current one is burning up at the wire when I am playing my game, which is bloody annoying because when the power cuts off from the charger, the game lags and when the game lags, I get motion sickness. Annoying cable, I hope it just fails completely one day so I will have no choice but to head down to Sim Lim Square to get a new charger... with a very high possibility of being ripped off.

My dad paid $60 for the charger I'm currently using, he bought it at Sim Lim Square and they orignally charged him $120... luckily I did a google search and found out the real price. Bloody shops selling the charger at twice the original price... only after I found a website stating that the charger was charged at $60 from other stalls then they tell us..

"Oh, $60 is the lowest we can go."

$120 dropped to $60... it's not called the lowest you can go, it's called not being able to rip us off because my father has a son who's uber smart at googling crap no one really cares about... and that's also where all the old viruses in my computer originated.

Sunday 14 November 2010

Bitter. Bitter.

I think there's a pretty huge hole in my social circle at this point of time in school.

I'm literally alone in class like 60% of the time surfing the internet, and half the time I don't even know what I'm surfing... it's like playing a Wikipedia game where the objective of the game is to jump from the "Average Joe" page to the "Superstar" page in 3 clicks. My aim is not having to use 3 clicks but rather find those 2 words in a single page, and thus I'm planning to write a Wikipedia page about myself.

So I headed to school on Friday, not really looking forward to it at all, like how your Mum never looks forward to spending the night without me, if she's not going to pay me the full sum you can tell your Mum to go spend the night with your Dad.

But the day got better when I bumped into a Secondary School friend of mine, usually when I bump into a Secondary School friend, the conversation never last more than a few seconds before turning into awkward silences filled with really stupid questions like...

"Where are you going?"

"School? This bus goes to your school"

Oh right, the dude's been taking the bus for almost 2 years and you are questioning whether or not he's taking the right bus.

And followed by another awkward silence, and during the silence I am thinking 2 things, another stupid question and when the hell is he getting off the bus.

It's just a vicious circle of awkwardness. It sucks even more if I see the person again because all the rhetorical questions that could've passed on as normal questions have been used. I never speak to Primary School classmates if I see them, they are dead to me.

But this friend of mine I bumped into was more easy so start a conversation with, probably because we use to insult each other in school... kinda awkward at first but it got really comfortable as time pass because I didn't really have to think of any stupid questions to ask, and I wasn't thinking when he was going to get off the bus.

Got more positive after that, who knew all it took was speaking to a proper friend right before heading to school made the day a lot more bearable. School would really be a lot more bearable if there weren't so many annoying people loitering around. 1 which is pretty obvious... and another type...

"Oh my Gosh, -insert name- , you are damn funny."

First of all, it's annoying enough to have someone constantly laughing at things that aren't necessarily funny... but saying

"Oh my gosh, -insert name-, you are damn funny." to every Tom Dick and Harry ? Why don't you just pass the person a condom and ask for some penetration action directly because that's a lot easier than trying to kiss ass.

Screw you, all the guy did was add the word "f*ck" at the end of every sentence, I actually take time to think of shit to write on Twitter in the past and hardly anyone thought it was funny.

Apparently the word "F*CK" takes precedence over wit.

End of Annoying people rant.

Oh, and I had one classmate of mine who was initially nice enough to warn me of something the lecturer said on Thursday about the critique, but I wasn't in school because I had more important things to do like writing my own Wikipedia page.

She miss-called me once and then SMS me.

Being someone who doesn't get messages everyday, I didn't check my phone till it was pretty late. Ask her what it was about via an SMS, and when I say late I mean like 3 hours after she SMS me, but not late enough to not get a reply.

She did not reply. A hour pass no reply, and she wasn't the type who sleeps early so I was very sure she saw my SMS. It's just piques my curiosity as to exactly what this sort of people actually think when they see the SMS and choose not to reply.

I am actually this sort of people... Me = Guilty.

I do this to people who do it to me in the past,if I SMS you and you never reply... I am not going to be bothered to reply you until you speak to me again. For me, I will carry a small grudge with people who never reply my SMS till they actually SMS back or speak to me in real life again.

So I have a small little grudge with my classmate who was nice enough to attempt to warn me about something, which up to now I have no idea is about what. She was nice but this small grudge will linger until she speaks to me again or till it manifest itself into a ghost and starts meowing like a cat.

Thursday 11 November 2010

No coz Your Life Sucks.

I was earlier going through facebook to see the updates and I realise I had 1 notification.

For someone who doesn't update on Facebook or Twitter anymore, getting a random notification is huge. It's as amazing as me telling people that I did not get liposuction, that I am actually that slim... or that I am not actually anorexic but I just have really powerful acid in my stomach that's in the same chemical family as the Xenomorphs blood.

Being excited about what the notification is, I clicked it and realise it was from someone I wasn't really close to, he had left a note on my wall... turns out it was just a stupid quiz about "Would you want to live as your "friend" for a day".

"Friends" needs to be in quote when we are talking about Facebook. I don't lie to myself everyday telling myself I have 76 friends... when in real life I probably only have like 10 plus. Technically people with 400 are worst because their percentage of friends they only add in Facebook but never speak to in real life are a lot higher than mine. You have 400 friends but you only really speak to 50 of them, I have 76 friends but I speak to 10 of them in real life... I win percentage wise and we will leave it at that.

So back to the topic.

I open the stupid quiz that people are always taking and realize he had actually chose "No" as the answer. I get that my life isn't really exciting, but that's only because you're not in my shoe, if you were in my shoe, your life would be filled with fascinating thoughts and very very wrong pictures will fill your mind almost 24/7.

Click "Yes" dammit. If you had clicked "Yes"... you would've realized how amazingly delicious bacon really is.

I feel really insulted. Not close to the person yet got indirectly dissed. Sometimes it's better to skip the question than to answer No. But I'm grateful to him because he brought my Facebook Notification bar to life for that quick 10 seconds.

Tuesday 9 November 2010


Been at home watching quite a few SNSD music video and reality show recently, the show's hilarious, I was literally laughing while watching the show.

To be clear I don't actually laugh not loud because I do not believe in the expression LOL!... that is a fake expression used by people on the internet when they pretend to laugh at your jokes to make you feel better, or when they insult you they throw in that to make it sound like a joke... unless they are like those annoying type that laughs at their own joke even before they finish saying it.

I find it really hard to laugh at someone's joke when they are already laughing at their own joke. Like once in a while I get it, but not all the time, dude, you are not that funny if I'm not laughing, now tell me a really dirty joke or I will bend over.

I've been hit by the K-Pop fever.. which includes a slight fever and a terrible sore throat... that was a very terrible attempt at wordplay.

Thursday, after realizing I have 3 whole days off... I got sick and started getting addicted to panadols and ate a lot of Rocky Road Ice Cream, which probably led to the sore throat. At this point of time my voice has probably hit puberty twice... its extremely coarse now and I can't say more than 2 words without going off key which is bloody embarrassing for an amazing singer like myself.

The fact that I was almost mute made school extremely crappy today, not that I was anymore talkative on a usual day...but no one got to enjoy my normal angelic voice like they always do. When I consulted the lecturer and they told me to do ridiculous stuff for my current project, I couldn't say anything and all I could do was look at them and nod like a clueless foreign exchange student from Korea singing Gee Gee Gee Gee.

Ask me cut the entire Site Plan to show a cross section of the entire area. Crazy bunch of lectures.

"Quite easy one, not a lot of work."

I'm just gonna randomly stick support structures everywhere. Site plan suddenly become a cross section of all the building in that area. The project entitled Room*Zero suddenly required us to redesign a bridge. I think it's a hidden message in that project title.

Thursday 4 November 2010


School went pretty well yesterday... my attendance record for the workshop is like that of a delicious sandwich, the bread being the day I was present and the delicious filling being the days I stayed at home and did pretty much nothing.

I was thinking of getting an XOXO for my attendance just so the attendance sheet would have hugs and kisses from me personally through an encrypted message brought about by my presence... something every Russian sleeper agent learns in their special training.

Nothing really interesting going on right now, except for some mini drama happening in my house right now, which if I were to tell someone about what had happened that caused a real life Korean Drama re-enactment in my house, they would probably laugh about it because its over something extremely trivial.

But I'm not going to go into too much detail...

I guess sitting alone at the back in school is not so bad when you actually have something to do... Thursday wasn't so bad because I had my iPod, my roll of wire and a very rusty murder weapon called a Plier.

And for lunch on Thursday I had lasagna... Personally I think I have a problem because the lasagna didn't really tasted good when I ate it, but suddenly now I don't mind eating it again. It's probably because my friends always wants to eat vegetarian food and I'm not even vegan, nor do I ever want to become one. I will become a vegan the day my future pet pig Bacon gets killed in front of me, chopped up and served in between 2 pieces of bread as delicious bacon.

I will go vegan from the guilt of enjoying Bacon's bacon. Suddenly I want a pig because, firstly it's bloody cute... and secondly, it will drive all the Malays away. <- That was OBVIOUSLY a joke... I have tones of Malay friends on Facebook. Friends that add me but never ever speak to me in real life.

In my defense, I do try and interact with them... but after a while I realize I was trying too hard, plus they weren't really interested in chink-ing out. So now I just stare at them from a distance and when they look back I will turn my head away like a petty kid.

I have 3 days off, Friday, Saturday and Sunday which I believe will not be spend fruitfully at all. That is what makes people either want to go and do something big like exploring the world... or go end their life by jumping off the building. I'm the former, with the internet as my travel agent


I just found out "Lesbian Licking Pussy" was another search result that led to this blog. What kind of stupid search engine are those porn addicts using. Use Google for pete sake... it will send you to the proper pussy licking action website.

Tuesday 2 November 2010

Gee Gee Gee Gee...

I've been really hooked on one Korean Pop Song for a while now, right now it's still on a "Lip-Synch Along" type of like... its on its way to "Urgh~ so sick of the song but now I can lip synch perfectly" type of like... very much like a love hate relationship where even though you are really sick of the song, every once in a while you would go back and take a listen again. Maybe that's just how my music taste functions.

Gee Gee Gee Gee ... Baby Baby Baby... Gee Gee Gee Gee.

It isn't really stuck in my head yet because I remember last night while listening The Script to sleep, I kept trying to "Gee Gee Gee" in my head to try and remember how the tune goes. The song is like a year old I guess and I only started listening to it a week ago.

I was curious, the video was there... I clicked on it.

SNSD/Girls Generation/Lesser names than Miley Cyrus apparently went to the same plastic surgeon and opt for the same type of nose. I guess you get a bulk discount that way because there's A LOT of girls in that group. Buy 7 nose get 1 free... I believe one of the girls did not go for plastic surgery because she doesn't like like your generic Korean Pop Star and that is a good thing.

Good lord there are so many Korean Pop Group now, its very intimidating because I view each individual group as like some kind of Sect where they battle each other when they can't agree to something through dance, song and backstage catfights. Piss one group off enough and they will merge into a collected mass of silicon ball and roll over the entire Korea.

Silicon does some amazing work, I always thought Koreans were ugly people... but I guess the only reason I thought that way was because my Mum always watches Korean drama that revolves around family... all the Mums and Aunties that rely on natural beauty and the daringness to appear on TV in all their crying glory.


The little SMS that I received yesterday that threaten students with "Disciplinary Action" turned out to be "an interview with School Management".

I have no idea what an "Interview" means nor do I actually want to know because it sounds a little creepy, it sounds like some torture technique where the Management will tie you down to a chair and bind your whole body, after which they will take a drill and slowly drill into individual parts of your joints until you learn your lesson about why skipping a useless Workshop is wrong, and that rather than being able to spend the entire week doing something productive, which in my case is staying at home and doing nothing productive, you are better off making a wire model.

Wow, now whatever the Interview really is wouldn't be as bad after coming up with that scenario in my head. That scenario is only applicable to Hell, and maybe during Hitler's reign, which is also Hell.

I'm a good kid, so even though I'm not attending the lesson like I'm forced to, I will still do up a stupid model... at least I would have an excuse.

"I was at home making my models, it took me 3 whole days." <- It really took me like 4 hours which is quite a long time, as a comparison, spending 4 hours in Aion is like semi-hardcore in my standards. Not so hardcore because every-time I am in Aion, I spend 90% of the time walking around the place looking at the vistas while normal hardcore players (Koreans I assume) are killing monsters over and over and over again until they get their desired weapon, which amazes me because some China girl played WoW for 3 days straight and died, a Korean can probably play like a week straight and still have the energy to cry on cue.

.... if it doesn't work I will prick my fingers a few times and tell them I was suffering because nothing shouts Sympathy like injuries from working too hard. It would be really successful if they feel guilty about the pricks as well.

They should, I pricked myself just so I can get out of trouble, it's all their fault, not mine for wanting to skip a class almost 70% of my classmates aren't interested in.

While I find the whole idea to be interesting, it's still a very redundant workshop. But I guess I will have to force myself to go to school tomorrow to hand in the wire sculpture, which I am pretty sure is way smaller than everyone else's.

Hey, at least I did one Management. I should really start learning to answer politically just in case I get to go for an Interview. Skip twice only and I have to go to Management for Interview, nothing personal to the lecturers but F*ck them and their assumptions that students would enjoy sculpting models with wire.