Thursday 23 August 2018

Reservist Again.

Reservist has officially begun and I spend the morning pretty much waiting for things to happen.

The official reporting time was 8.00 am and without fail, every single time, there are bound to be people who come in an hour to two hours late, so the briefing only really started at 9.30 am when a majority of us actually arrived.

I was there by about 8.15am, this being my 6th cycle, I know better now than to arrive earlier than the reporting time, I used to report 15 to 30 minutes earlier during my earlier cycles, all also ended up starting really late, so it's just pointless to even make an effort to be early.

Just before I left this morning, I made an effort to inform all my contractors of the issues sly fox had with his place, told them I will be going back for my reservist, so just pass whatever I have told them down to their workers and as much as possible, don't contact me during this period.

Calls were still coming in this morning from various contractors, asking me what had to be done, what was the gate number, tried to double confirm the address with me and thankfully, it wasn't anything particularly urgent, so I didn't have a panic attack while I was sitting through the morning briefing.

Nothing much really happened this morning, in a bid of kill time, we were made to watch a 30 minute video of some chemical warfare thing, no one was actually watching the video though, everyone was just on their phone doing their own thing and I was just seated where I was, hoping my phone won't ring because I really do not want to deal with any of sly fox's renovation problems at all while I am actually in camp.

After the video, we broke for lunch and I have to admit,the fried chicken wasn't too bad, the other items on the other hand weren't great. Finished lunch, decided to get a new pair of shoes at the eMart and soon, everyone was back at the briefing room.

We did some familiarisation class on how to handle the weapons and by 4.30pm, everyone was allowed to go back home.

Since I live 90 minutes away from camp, I decided not to go back home and instead, stay back in camp, thankfully I had another friend who also wanted to stay in, so we both did and about a few hours later, I realised that by staying in camp today, I will essentially be staying in camp for the next 5 days because my duty starts tomorrow evening and will last all the way till Monday.

Just the thought of being stuck here over the weekend is giving me anxiety, not because I am homesick but because the weekends are when my clients will drop by their homes to take a look at the progress.

Sly fox is definitely going to be disturbing me over the weekends and I have a feeling that another one will also be messaging me over the weekend.

I am not looking forward to the Saturday at all. FML. I can't serve my reservist in peace.

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