Friday 17 August 2018


All the projects I have on hand right now have officially started and life isn't really feeling super great right now.

The meeting with sly fox last weekend went alright, speaking to my clients in person will always feel less aggressive, but that doesn't make me dislike the project any less, it's still pretty shit to run. He will be going to the unit to do more spot checks tomorrow, he tells me he will update me via Whatsapp if there are anymore issues, no doubt there will be, so I have his text messages to look forward to.

The problem with defect checks is I have never actually had a client tell me..

"Yeah, the house is in perfect condition,"

... there will always be something for them to nitpick and rather than actually fixing all the issues for them, the final stage of the renovation is more about convincing the clients that there are some imperfections that just cannot be fixed no matter how many times we try to, sometimes, the more we tamper with it, the worst it will get.

Normally they are very small issues that are simply not noticeable unless heavily scrutinized, like the little drip of paint running down a wall or hairline scratches on the window panels, little things that won't matter in the long run.

It's like me getting a new phone, realizing that there is a very faint hairline scratch on the screen, making a big deal out of it at the store, and have them exchange for one that is in perfect condition, only to have the phone be scratched up again 2 days later because I always put it in my pocket with my keys and money.

It's Pointless!

So Sly Fox will most likely be the bane of my existence tomorrow, and I am really trying to be rid of complete his project before my reservist, but at the rate at which things are progressing, I am afraid I won't be able to have that luxury.

I also have another BTO project that started earlier this week and I will say, the renovation progress is actually happening quite fast, had a bit of hiccup a few days ago when the husband drop by the site and told me the contractor was peeing all over his toilet bowl, I apologize for their bad aim and assured them that the cleaners will make sure to clean the toilet bowl thoroughly, but the wife got really upset and demanded I get the contractors to clean the toilet there and then.

It's kinda stupid when I think about it. I mean really? Your whole house is currently undergoing renovation, there are packets of cement strewn around the house, dust is everywhere, the whole place is a mess and you are concern about the toilet bowl being covered in a little piss, it's not like they are missing on purpose...

 ....because my contractor will meet up and make it their job to marinate the toilet bowl in piss

 Sometimes I wish I can just deny the customer access to their own home during the messier part of the renovation, just so I don't get bombarded with request like these. I mean it is a valid request, but it just feels a little pointless to me.

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