Wednesday 22 August 2018

Mother Effer

Reservist will officially be starting tomorrow, projects are still ongoing, I can foresee a very difficult 2 weeks ahead for myself.

And just as I was typing out this box, I get a barrage of text messages from Sly Fox bringing up new issues he has with the house, I really can't catch a fucking break with him at all.

The last time we spoke and we discussed the initial issues he had, he was all...

"Actually once all the issues I brought up to you just now gets fixed, we can pretty much be completed with the renovation and you can finish this project."

.... and then today, new issues suddenly gets brought up. None of my contractors have gone up to fix the other issues yet and now he is telling me there are more problems. 

Are you kidding me?

Are you fucking kidding me?

Because if you aren't, then would you kindly Fuck Off and give me a fucking break! 

It's so fucking EXHAUSTING
I am so fucking exhausted.

He told me if the issues he had found the last time he dropped by and spotted were fixed, then we can complete the project! So why the fuck are there new issues coming up now ? 

If you are going to be spotting new issues every time you go to your house, we will never EVER BE FUCKING DONE!!

Fuck, I am so bloody tired of this fucker and his goddamn fucking project. 

The reason why I am so fucking pissed off right now is because I was about to go to sleep so I can wake up early the next day to report to camp, but I don't think I will be able to have a proper sleep after this. 

It's 10.30 pm and I get bombarded with work related issues I have to deal with, mother fucking sly fox and his fucking goddamn project.

I really wish I can just text my manager and ask him to handle all this shit for me, have him deal with it for me so I can have some peace of mind when I have to serve the country for the next 2 weeks. I don't want to get any messages from sly fox, I don't want to have to reply to any of his messages, I just don't want to deal with any of his shit.

I have 3 other projects that are running right now and I have a feeling when those 3 reach their final phase , I will also get the same problem and I truly believe that the potential cumulative shit storm from those 3 projects will be more than enough to finally make me quit.

I could deal with this shit to a certain extent in the beginning but right now, I am honestly so fucking done and I think it has to do with the fact that I actually plan to quit soon, so now that I already have one foot out the door, my patience is really starting to thin and I just get even more irritated than I normally would in the past.

Back then, it was all about making the job work and accepting that all this is part and parcel of the job, but now that I am actually feeling just so done with this career, fuck the part and parcel part, the clients are just straight up annoying the fucking shit out of me at this point.

"Hi Tim. This are the issues I found today...."

*spams pictures of problem areas*

... fuck you and the fucking issues.

It's late, I have to report to camp early tomorrow, bad fucking timing to be raining this on me damn sly fox.

And to think in the beginning, him and his wife were telling me how easy they would be to work with yada yada yada....

... you guys are a fucking pain to deal with, so don't credit yourself as being a dream customer cause I am hardly earning shit from your project and you guys are a fucking pain in the ass to deal with.

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