Tuesday 31 January 2017

Blogger deleted the long post.

I just wrote a long blog post about my work experience thus far and blogger actually went to delete the entire fucking post.

Good fucking job Blogger! Here's a short version instead.

 My CNY break is about to come to an end, work will officially begin on Thursday and the office will once again be filled with even more employees who will be returning from their hometown in China and Malaysia, employees I have yet to meet, not really looking forward to seeing even more new faces because up to now, I have barely gotten to know those I have actually met.

Work so far has been alright, I have been given my first two customer leads but they aren't exactly the customer leads I need at this moment.

The first one is a freeloader who only wrote in to get the free quotation. He wanted to explore several renovation options, so I ended up preparing two separate ones for him, 2 quotations I spend a week working on and he doesn't even bother meeting me at the showroom when I informed him I had completed his quotation, just a simple...

"Can you email me the quotation instead?"

... biggest waste of my motherfucking time. Doesn't even have the basic courtesy of dropping by the showroom so we can meet face to face and have a chat. I spend a whole week not only preparing the quotation, but coming with a space planning proposal, false ceiling proposal as well as lighting proposal and all that just went to waste, he did not even bother asking for those, not that I would have given him because fuck him, but it just shows how insincere he was as a customer.

If a person comes to us and is actually getting the quotation to consider which Interior Designer to hire, then fine, at least that customer is still in the midst of deciding which one of us he wants to hire for our services, but what I abhor about some customers is the fact that they have zero intention of ever hiring us from the start, they only want a quotation from us so they can use it to compare with an Interior Designer they are already planning to hire, to make sure that chosen Interior Designer did not over quote them on certain works.

Wonder why some interior designers don't ever get back to you when you send your requirements to them? It's because we fucking know you are not a serious customer, we know you are only here for the free quotation, you fucking free loaders, still have the audacity to write on public forums talking about the Interior Designer's lack of sincerity, fucking hypocrites.

If you are not sincere about even considering to hire us for our services, why the fuck should we put in the time and effort with your request?

My second lead isn't too bad, except for the fact that she won't be getting her keys till 9 months later, that's long enough to form a baby, needless to say, any meet up I do with her now will be pointless because it's still too long for her to confirm anything with regards to the Interior Design of her yet to be built home. I have reached out to her and invited her to come down to the showroom so we can have a chat, but I highly doubt she will, which is fine since it will be quite a waste of time on both our parts anyway.

I will have to ask for more leads on Thursday, hopefully be given the chance to actually serve some walk-in customers as well.

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