Tuesday 3 January 2017

Another First Day of Work

It is my first day of work today, after a month and a half of being jobless, I should be looking forward to finally becoming a working adult again, but I really wasn't, in fact, I wasn't even sure if today was actually going to be my first day of work. The moment I woke up today, the first thought that came to my mind was...

"How am I going to tell the boss I am not interested in the position any more?"

Starting a brand new job with such thoughts running through my mind is surely the best way to usher in the new year. 

For days, I've been contemplating the best way to turn down the job offer, I didn't want to out-rightly tell them I no longer wanted the job, that was unprofessional, especially after I had called them to ask them about my application status 2 weeks ago, instead, what I wanted was for them to deem me unsuitable for the position and have them think that they are the ones who made that decision, but alas, I couldn't think of shit, so I ended up signing the contract.

What really caught my eye about the contract, because I actually read the entire contract, was that if I got fired or quit the company, I am not legally allowed to work for any Interior Design Company within a 5 km radius of ID4, that's the first time I have heard of a company issuing a restraining order.

When the deed was done and every page of the contract had my signature on it, the boss runs me though the list of things I am going to have to learn, what I have to do and proceeds to hand me a thick stack of paper filled with all the sub-contractors' contact information and price list, it was extremely overwhelming looking at all the product codes I didn't understand, there wasn't any pictures in the price list to show me what I was looking at, it was just product code and price,a vague explanation of a piece of wood and price, and then he instructs me to follow him out of his office so he could introduce me to my new colleagues. It really wasn't much of an introduction.

Back in ID3, when I was being introduced to the colleagues, I was being introduced to all the colleagues, even those working in the sister company, but in ID4, the boss skips all the in-house designers and goes straight to the sales designers, so out of the 8 or so people who were in the office today, I was only officially introduced to 2 people.

Once introductions were out of the way, I picked my seat in the gorgeous showroom, I was working in the kitchen section of the showroom today which was interesting, and was soon presented with 8 different floor plans to do space planning with, the aim was for the boss to gauge my skill, I have until next Tuesday to complete all 8 floor plans, that is 7 more floor plans than what ID3 had given me during my training period, so I'm going to have things to do for the entire week at work.

When I had settled down, as I was staring at the floor plans and price list , I have to admit, I wasn't very happy with what I had gotten myself into, the feeling I felt was very similar to my first day at ID2, just this strong urge to quit the job and go home, never to return again, just stay at home and play Planet Coasters, I felt very regretful signing that contract and not telling the hiring manager or the boss how I really felt, I was too chickenshit to call the Hiring Manager after my confirmation was because I had thought they were already in the midst of preparing the contract, turns out they didn't and the contract was prepared right on the spot today, I really should have known better that it would be so simple, I use to update contracts at my Dad's company before and they always take less than 10 minutes to complete and print.

Fortunately, as the day went by, that feeling of regret and that urge to quit slowly faded away, which brought me a sense of relief because it never went away when I worked at ID2, it only became worst there, purely due to the frustration of being "trained" by an individual who didn't know how to actually train a newcomer.

Right now, ID4 feels a bit like ID3, there are times when I would look at my new colleagues and just wish they were my old colleagues from ID3, despite only spending 2 weeks there, I felt welcomed by everyone and could actually see myself becoming friends with a lot of them, unfortunately, the colleagues in ID4 aren't as friendly as those in ID3, well, maybe it is only 1 particular person who rubbed me the wrong way. She came across as rude when I saw her during my second interview and meeting her for the second time today kinda cemented my distaste for her.

She was very distant and unwelcoming when I saw her walking into the office today, as she walked past me, I was looking at her and smiling, hoping she will notice me and at least exchange a smile to acknowledge the newcomer, but instead, all she does is glance at me for a split second without turning her head.....

... and then just walks away. Rude! And she looks so displease when she does it, like looking at me for that split second has been a major waste of her time. 

Anyways, I have gotten over that whole "regret signing the contract" phase for now, I'm hoping it won't return tomorrow, but one thing I do like about this company is how flexible the working schedule is.

For this month, it's a day of work followed by an off day, since I'm expected to report to work everyday, the days I'm supposed to be off will instead be days I can report to work and leave work anytime I want. Compared to the working hours at ID3, this flexibility sounds almost too good to be true, well, it isn't that fantastic because I'm not actually getting paid a basic salary, but still, I can get used to this.

There is going to be this Company Dinner on Thursday that I am not looking forward to at all, kinda wished I knew about this Company Dinner prior to the confirmation, then I could have changed my Date of Availability to after that Company Dinner  

1 comment:

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