Saturday 14 January 2017

No Shit Sherlock!

I have no idea how to describe my working life so far, I'm still in my training boots so I haven't really spoken to any customers yet.

There was a company event today and I was able to interact with some of the customers, it is nice to know that I was able to put what I've learned from ID3 to good use during today's event, such as talking about the different types of material, their pros and their cons, and just giving out completely wrong information at one point.

The customers came in 2 waves, 45 during lunch time and another 45 at 3.30 pm, I sat in with one of the senior designer to listen and learn how to speak to a customer and it really wasn't anything new to me since I do have past experience working as Sales Designer, this isn't exactly my first foray into this field, I've sat in with senior designers multiple times before in ID1 and ID3.

When the event came to an end and everyone was about to knock off from work, one senior designer decided to come up to me and strike up a conversation, I've never really spoken to him before so I was more than happy to talk to him and get to know him better, and he begins the conversation with...

"So what did you learn today? You sat in with a senior just now right?"

.. I thought he meant for the conversation to be a lighthearted exchange between 2 colleagues, so I just gave a patronizing laugh, which is my way to saying I have no comment, so please change the topic, but instead of giving me advice like...

"Learn and try to absorb so you can serve customers and start making money."


"This job isn't easy, but just persevere." 

... and then either walk away or change the topic, he just looks at me, completely serious, and goes...

"So? ......What did you learn today?"

... I had nothing to say because I really didn't learn anything today, It was more of an experience of knowing what it would be like to actually talk to a customer and not so much to learn anything from the designer, when he realize I wasn't giving him an answer, he goes.....

"Wow, so you did not learn anything today, that's not a good sign. Tell me what did you learn today?"

....I was just at a complete loss for words, so I kept going Ummm...., thinking he would maybe get that I did not have anything to say and move on, but he was so insistent at trying to draw an answer out of me, he just kept asking and asking, it was so exasperating, I had to make shit up as I went along, and every time I manage to pull some bullshit out of my ass, he would go...

"Uh huh, and? Uh huh, and? And what else? Uh huh, and?"

.... Oh My Fucking Gawd. I hate it when people pull that fucking bullshit, when they ask you a question and are looking for a specific answer, but instead of trying to end your misery by actually telling you what they want, they just prolong the torture by going "and? and? and? and? and?".

He did eventually stop the irritating "and? and? and?" and just told me straight what he was looking for, which was...

"The customer needs to be comfortable talking to you."

In my head, my reaction went from this....

to this....

Because really? That's the answer you are expecting from me? I mean for fuck sake, isn't that fucking common sense? 

What a useless fucking conversation, that's like asking a new Mum what she learned after watching a breastfeeding video and expecting the answer to be something along the line of...

"I learn that my baby drinks milk using his/her mouth."

Get the fuck outta here!

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