Tuesday 1 November 2016

Why won't you call me?

I'm supposed to get a call today from the design firm's HR to let me know when my first day of work will be, but it's already 8.00 pm and there's still no call. I'm hoping they will call me the tomorrow to offer me the job, or according to the the boss, tell me when would be a good day for me to start work.

I have gone for so many interviews in the past and there are many I could tell from the get go that I wasn't going to get the job, be it from my lack of interest or from the interviewer's lack of interest in me, which would in turn lead to my lack of interest in joining them, it's a two way street, if you are not interested in hiring me and you make it really obvious from the way you act and speak, then I also rather not be a part of your company working for you.

The interview at the design firm actually went really well, I spoke to the HR Personnel and she was really friendly, went back a few days later for my second interview and spoke to the boss, she was also equally friendly and we actually spoke for almost an hour, in fact when I left, she even told me...

"You should expect a call from our HR on Monday to let you know which day you can start."

I mean that is essentially her telling me I've gotten the job because if the company wasn't interested in hiring me, a lot of times they will say...

"Okay, I will get back to you by next week."

And many times, they don't, which I get is normal procedure for many companies, but it would be nice to at least drop me a text or email telling me they have found another candidate or that I'm not the right fit, that should be basic courtesy.

What really gets me is when a company indirectly lets me know they have rejected me by posting a brand new job ad on Jobstreet or JobsDB for the exact same position I had applied and went for an interview for 2 weeks prior. Really? Is the pool of candidates from the last round so horribly shitty that you have to put up a new ad in hopes that a miracle would happen and your dream candidate would apply? I take it personally when I see a company pull that shit, I would understand if I didn't get the job because they had found a better candidate, but the fact that they would rather leave that position open then to hire me really feels like a slap in the face because I see that as them telling me that I'm so inadequate they would rather leave that spot open than to have someone of my caliber to fill it. I have actually seen the company posting a brand new ad again last week so I really have no clue what the company really wants in the candidate, I mean the candidate probably has to have a vagina, that's for sure, the boss only likes working with girls, evident from him being surrounded by female workers when I went for my interview.

So right now, regarding the current design company, I've gone from being...

Optimistic because the interview went well.


Anxious because I was told to expect a call on Monday telling me when I could start work.


Annoyed because I haven't gotten the call yet.

I'm really tempted to give them a call to ask them what is going on and a part of me can't help but think that this is part of a test, to see if I really wanted the job bad enough that I would actively make the move to call them first, I hope it isn't though because all this stupid hidden test thing can suck my dick, but I will probably call them tomorrow to check, only problem is I can't remember the name of the boss or the HR lady so that is going to be a little awkward.


Decided to just call the HR Personnel after I wrote this blog because I just got very anxious and as it turns out, she and the boss has been very busy lately, so they never got to meet and have a chance to discuss about my employment. I'm told to hear from them again on Friday.

It's nice to know that I'm not out of their candidate list.


Speaking of things that are bringing me no joy, I feel like I have to rant about the TV Series Once Upon A Time, because Oh My Gawd has that show gone to shit.

The first and second season started out really strong but everything after that just feels like the writers are completely winging the story. It doesn't feel like they have a complete picture in their heads when they write the new seasons, they just make shit up as they go along.

One particular story arc that really bothered me was the one in Season 4 when they reintroduced a dead character.

This is what I think their thought princess is like when coming up with that particular story....

"Oh the Evil Queen Regina has turn over a new leaf and is on the good side now,lets reward her by giving her her happy ending, in the form of her one true love Robin Hood."

...and for a few episodes, Regina had a pretty happy story line where she was just making out with Robin Hood and vice versa, but then the writers decided that happiness isn't what they wanted, it was boring to see her so happy, so they decided to spice things up...

"You know what would be a great idea? Let's reintroduce Robin Hood's dead wife, who isn't really dead, and lets make Robin Hood feel obligated to get back with the wife even though he is currently in a relationship with Regina."

 ....so they reintroduced Robin Hood's dead wife, who really isn't dead because of some wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff, and so Robin Hood ends up being stuck in this awkward position of whether to bone the evil queen or his wife, so Robin Hood ends up going back to his wife and the viewers obviously weren't happy with that bullshit, they were expecting the Regina to end up with Robin Hood in the end and that is essentially what is suppose to happen, it's just a matter of how the writers will reach that end, EXCEPT, the writers had no fucking clue how to get to that point.

As someone who watched the show, the only way I could think of solving this whole thing was for the wife to die, maybe die trying to protect the Regina, like have her block an attack, and maybe her dying wish would be for Robin Hood to be happy and seeing how only Regina can bring him happiness, she would give them her blessings. I mean it's kinda a dick move to kill her off again but no one who watches the show really gives a rats ass about the wife so hey, problem solved, but NO~, the writers for some reason decided to do an ass pull and went...

"Tricked Ya! Didn't think you'd expect Robin Hood's wife to have actually been dead this whole time, and for it to have been another villain pretending to be her all along using a Glamour Spell."

And it was a very WTF moment because honestly, what the actual fuck? The earlier episodes showed no signs of the wife being the villain at all, had this been real life and someone actually managed to pull that shit, then kudos to them, their plan worked flawlessly, but this is a fucking TV show, you don't suddenly just go "TA-DAH!". When this kind of plot twist happens, there will usually be some foreshadowing, subtle hints in the earlier episodes that you won't necessarily catch at first, hints that people will only get when they re-watch the earlier episodes after the big reveal, but obviously, there aren't any because the story wasn't properly planned in the beginning at all...

And that twist was riddled with plot holes it was ridiculous.

The writers claimed that they had planned to bring her back all along, and that might be true, but they obviously didn't really plan on how she would be brought back until the last minute when they fucked the love triangle story up and decided to salvage it with that twist.

Plot Hole No.1

Robin Hood's Wife gets cursed and almost dies. If she was the villain disguised as the wife, she could have done something to prevent the curse, something that would make her cover as the wife believable, but to get herself almost killed just for the sake of keeping her identity a secret is a bit drastic.

The writers were obviously writing that part when they were still going with the "That's really Robin Hood's Wife" story in mind and not her as a "Villain Pretending to be Robin Hood's Wife because had it been the latter, maybe her using a bit of magic to protect herself would have been a better alternative and it would only be revealed in the big twist why she was able to use magic.

That brings me to Plot Hole No.2

Plot Hole No.2

So in OUAT, there's this thing that the show does where they can pull your heart out and reveal how pure or how dark your heart is. If you were pure, your heart would be bright red, if you were evil, it would be black.

When Robin Hood's Wife was attacked and put in a coma that was a countdown to her death, Regina had to rip her heart out to keep her from dying, during that scene, her heart was bright red, which meant that it was pure, but if she was the villain this whole time, then her heart should not have been pure at all, it should have been black.

Fans are of course coming up with dumb reasons like...

"Oh the heart is pure because she was using a glamour spell to mask her true form, so she could have done that to her heart."

Such a convenient excuse. You know what would have been better? The Fake Wife actually casting a protection spell on her heart just before she got hit by the coma spell, so when Regina actually tries to rip her heart out, she won't be able to, that would actually prevent us from seeing the dark heart and at the same time, it would actually allow the Fake Wife to live, making that attack a gamble that the Fake Wife would realistically take to cover up her true identity.

Needless to say, the writers did a horrible job trying to fix that story line and really, after watching that horrible train wreck, I just couldn't take the show seriously anymore because they could do an ass-pull at any moment.

In fact,the show is now completely screwing up the timeline when they do flashback scenes, it's just ridiculous how much they are getting away with it. And there are scenes that are so badly written it's just stupid, scenes like them trying to talk a bad guy out of doing something bad...

"This is not the way! There is a better way."

.. and the bad guys totally eat that shit up and be like...

"You are right! This isn't me."

It's very anti-climatic, all that build up and then in the end, all they needed to hear was a cliche "This isn't the right way, think of what your pet hamster would do if she was alive" bullshit to have them give up on their plan to kill someone.

I'm still watching the series, but purely because I had been watching from Season 1, but I honestly almost stopped watching during this week's episode with Captain Hook and Captain Nemo because it was so boring, I spend half the time doing something else so I only caught a gist of what happened, but as usual, the way they ended the story was just stupid, one of those "everyone suddenly gets along with each other happily" kind of ending.

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