Friday 18 November 2016

New Job. Again

The first 3 days of work so far has been alright, the quitting bug hasn't hit me, so that is a good sign, although I am afraid the reason for that is because I haven't really been doing any interior design work since I started, I'm afraid should I really start getting into the nitty gritty of Interior Design, that would be when that quitting bug starts attacking my mental psyche hardcore.

My first day of work consisted of a quick introduction to the people in the office, the office itself, as well as the showroom that is situated in another part of the mall I am currently working from. My main work space is suppose to be at the showroom, that's where I am suppose to get my customers and for a newbie like myself, getting those customers are important, they are going to be the one who will be sustaining me financially in the future after all, but since I'm still receiving training and will be considered a trainee for the next 3 months, I've been spending the last 3 days doing my stuff in the main office where my trainer works from.

I've met and spoken to a few of the workers in the main office and have really only had conversations with 4 of the 9 people working there, they are the HR Personnel, the Marketing Department Personnel, my Trainer as well as another Senior Designer, which is great, but the people I really want to become close to or at least have a friendly relationship with are the people who are currently working in the showroom floor because they are going to the people I have to see and interact with on a daily basis soon, tomorrow in fact.

Majority of the showroom people I've met so far are alright, save for a few that I just find a bit odd. I didn't introduce myself to everyone there and the ones that I have been introduced to are the ones that were present during my orientation around the showroom with the HR Personnel, so when I saw a senior designer I hadn't met yet yesterday in the showroom, instead of shaking his hands, introducing myself and saying...

"Hi, my name is Tim, I'm new here." 

...which is what I really really wanted to do, I kinda just looked at him for a split second and smiled, he didn't really bother introducing himself to me or even smile back, just kinda looked at me for a moment and then went back to doing his own things. I know who he is though, I did my research on the company before hand and saw this rather cringey promotional video they made on their Facebook of them introducing themselves.

There was also that time I had to go back to the showroom to return a particular file and everyone was happily chatting until I came in, they carried on chatting because a lot of them had their backs towards me, so they didn't notice my presence, except for this one who was facing me and he kinda just looked at me not really acknowledging my presence. I mean if I were in his shoes and I was chatting with my friends, should the new guy suddenly come in and we made eye contact, I would at least smile at him and acknowledge his presence, rather then just stare at him, it was just so weird, I left the showroom feeling even more like a stranger than I did before.

I kinda wished I had just opted to take the In-House Designer position instead of the Sales Position when the HR Personnel asked me about it, then I can just remain cooped up in the office and not have to expose myself to the Sales Designers and Customers, although the In-House Designers are light years ahead of me in terms of software knowledge, so maybe not.

I'm off today because I have to go back on Saturday and Sunday to work from 11 am to 9 pm, this is like reliving my first job as a Sales Designer 3 years ago when my very first weekend got completely burned because of the stupid exhibition that was going on for that week I entered the company, but with that last job, I didn't actually get any sort of break in between and ended up working a full 13 days before I got my first weekend off, that was a nightmare.

So from tomorrow onward until Friday, I will be working from 11 pm to 9 pm, which means 7 straight days of work, would be great if I was actually capable of getting clients but I'm still at a point where I'm not able to manage any projects on my own, I will be attached to another junior designer who is also under my trainer and will be learning the ropes from her for the weekend.

One thing I don't like about being attached to junior designers is the fact that they have no idea how to train a person, the last company I joined a month ago proves just that, so I hope she won't be doing too much of the "me right, you wrong" mentality that I've come acrossed when I was attached to the junior designers of past companies.

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