Monday 21 November 2016

Spoke to HR today about my issue with the work schedule, proposing my preferred schedule to her and she said No.

I knew from the moment I started talking to her that she wasn't going to be very receptive of my proposed schedule, the entire time I was sharing my problems with her, telling her how I will be working from 11.00 am to 9.00 pm for 7 days straight, she had this constant frown on her face, I kept asking her...

"You know what I'm talking about?"

*frown* "Sorry I don't." *frown*

... and she wasn't being sarcastic about it, I could tell that she really didn't get I was talking about at first, she was in the midst of doing a bunch of paperwork when I went up to her so she wasn't exactly in the most attentive mood.

I decided to then take out my phone and show her the calendar, pointing out the days I am working and highlighting to her how the crazy long hours I will be working for the next 7 days straight and when she finally got what I was trying to convey, she goes...


... like she wasn't sure why I was bringing this up. I was actually expecting her to go like...

"Oh wow,  I didn't realize you would be working for 7 days straight, let me take a look again"

....or at least be more understanding of my situation, she wasn't, she did not even see the problem with that schedule, I quickly told her that I wasn't comfortable working such long hours for 7 straight days, at least give me a break in between and thus I proposed my schedule to her, telling her I will be willing to work for 7 days straight this week but would prefer for her to follow my new schedule next week and she goes...

"Cannot do this. You can't switch day off on another day just because your work schedule is long. If you want your breaks to be on Fridays, then all your breaks will have to fall on Friday, cannot one week take Tuesday one week take Friday."

.... her reason was that my proposed schedule would clash with the existing schedule she has already planned out, which I get, but really? I'm working a 7 day work week every other week, that is not okay at all and it's from 11.00 am to 9.00 pm, that's the long hours work week, I'm suppose to be having a shorter week for that period, but instead I'm working EVERY FUCKING DAY.

I did not respond straight away when she rejected me and just stared at the table for a while, hoping she would say something, like get what I'm trying to tell her and offer me a solution, tell me she will rearrange the schedule for me in her format so it doesn't clash, but instead she goes...

"This kind of schedule is actually normal, a lot of our designers are following a similar schedule, you give it a few months and you will get used to it."

A few months, give it a few months. If she knew my track record for leaving jobs, she would probably realize what she has just told me is fucking ridiculous.

I'm not going to "give it a few months" if a company is going to make me work from 11.00 am to 9.00 pm 7 days a week every other week, that's fucking insane. I'm not going to just sit back and give it a few months to get used to this ridiculous schedule because as if being misinformed about the working hours during the interview isn't bad enough, lets really screw up your work life balance.

I actually told one of the senior designers about my current predicament, to ask her if it was considered normal and even she was taken aback by my scheduling, and then I also learned that she was also misinformed of the working schedule during her interview.

Before I left the HR Personnel desk, I told her I understand where she was coming from but I didn't agree with her scheduling, so I told her I would speak to her again after she told me to "get used" to it and she said...

"Yeah, let me know again."


Working from 11.00am to 9.00pm is insane this past 3 days because I have nothing to do, my trainer won't be coming in until tomorrow so I've spend pretty much the entirety of today looking at my computer screen and waiting for time to pass, it was so horrible, I honestly rather be doing a 6 hour guard duty in my Airbase than sit in the office doing absolutely fuck all for 10 fucking hours, at least the guard duty will be over in 6 hours and I would have someone to go through the pain with me.

There wasn't any Facebook serving, or Youtube steaming for that 10 hours, just Pinterest, Illustrator, Pinterest, Illustrator, me constantly switching between the 2 windows, I felt like I was working at my Dad's office, except without the freedom to serve my SNS to actually kill time. My eyes are so strained right now I can't stop blinking, it's so horrible.

Since I'm actually meeting my trainer tomorrow, I'm definitely going to bring this matter up to her and hear what she has to say about the 7 day work week, I really hope she doesn't give me the same reply as the HR Personnel, that would be really upsetting if she did that.

I would be lying if I said I didn't think of giving up on this job and this industry today, I did many many times, but every time someone in the office talked to me, for some reason, all the just goes away for a while. My colleagues in this company are all actually quite a sociable bunch and had this company actually followed the schedule of the last company I had worked at for 2.5 days, it would have been perfect.

The last company's schedule was great because it was an alternate 4 day work week / 6 day work week, everyday from 10.00 am to 7.00 pm and according to one of the employee I had spoken to, they rarely ever have to work overtime. I don't want to go back to that company though, but I wished my current company could follow this company's schedule.

So sad, this company is almost perfect, ALMOST save for the horrible as fuck work schedule.

I've worked 14 days straight before and it really really sucks, especially at the first design firm because I started to hate it after the first 2 to 3 days, so by the end of that 14 days during my first off day, I got so burned out from the constant thought of just quitting that I wasn't able to fully enjoy it and also knowing that I had to go back to work the next day and slog for another 6 days made it so much worse, I didn't slog through all 6 days though because I quit on the 3rd day that week, that sweet release when the boss allowed me to leave the next day was something I will never forget, it was like a huge weight lifted off my shoulders, waking up the next day and knowing I didn't have to go back.

I've worked probably 12 days straight in the bakery before as well and while it sucks to have to work that long, that period was the during the honeymoon period, I was doing what I wanted and I was happy doing that instead of Interior Design, so every time I felt dishearten by it, I just think of my life a few months prior when I was stuck in the design firm and hating life, so it didn't feel so bad, plus the fact that the working hours is shorter which made the process a lot more bearable, I got to go home at 4.00 pm and still have time in the evening to do the things I want to do before having to head to bed.

Nowadays I get home at 9.40 pm and only have less than 3 hours to really relax and keep up with the latest TV series I am watching, I've no time to play Overwatch because every time I play a game, time passes by so quickly it is ridiculous.

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