Wednesday 19 March 2014

Work Work Break...

Today is my day off from work for the week, I'm currently working on a 6 day work week which means I will be working this Saturday and Sunday since I've already used up my off day today, which at this point doesn't really bother me since I hardly go out on the weekends.

Work starts at 8 am in the morning and last until 4 pm in the evening. I woke up at 5.45 am on Monday, my first day of work, not really wake up, more like get up from bed because I was literally up all night just rolling around in bed trying to find a comfortable sleeping position, so I got up, showered and made myself a cup of tea to hopefully get enough caffeine into my system to prevent me from falling asleep at work while I am mixing batches of cake batter with the industrial size stand mixer, wouldn't want the red velvet cakes to get their red from the blood spewing out from dismembered body parts.

On the first day at work, I was briefed on the bakery's operations and my job scope by the sous chef and the whole time I was there, I was so afraid I would get super drowsy and have difficulty doing what I had been instructed to do, wouldn't be leaving a good first impression that way, but luckily, my adrenaline was pumping so I was able to stay awake and absorb the necessary information that was given to me by the sous chef for the entire 8 hours,

Had a lunch break in-between shift and decided to grab a cup of coffee to go with my lunch, thinking that introducing more caffeine to my body would work because apparently the effects of caffeine last longer on people who don't really drink a lot of caffeinated beverages and I don't drink coffee that much so it will probably have a longer lasting effect on me and keep me awake longer, I read up that information the night before on my phone via Google when I had trouble sleeping.

It was only after I bought the cup of coffee did I realize that I don't fall into the category of "people who don't drink caffeinated drink often" because I am guilty of drinking a cup of bubble tea everyday once a long time ago, now it's like more once or twice per week, and it's actual tea and not those fake "Lychee Ice Blended with Pearls" kind of Bubble Tea at Sweet Talk or one of those sub par bubble tea shop that sells really bad bubble tea, half of the items on the menu don't even contain any tea. 

I would like to consider myself a Bubble Tea Connoisseur, so when I hear people drinking a cup of KOI or Gong Cha and saying it taste similar to the one sold at some run down shopping mall operated by Aunties who has probably never drank a cup of bubble tea in their life, I start to question the validity of any opinions they will ever have in the future. 

" There's a cockroach crawling up your hair" 

Not going to trust them, what if it's not a cockroach, what if it's a cat? I mean they can't even differentiate the quality of a good cup of bubble tea from a sub-par one, what makes you so sure they can differentiate a cat from a cockroach. I take my bubble tea very seriously, if I am craving for bubble tea and see Sweet Talk around the corner, that craving is going to have to be satisfied another day when Gong Cha or KOI is around.

Anyways, on my first day of work, I did a few rainbow cake layers and frosted a few cupcakes, which was really fun and also made me realize how bad I was at pipping because the sous chef kept rejecting my pipped frosting by dumping it back into the huge mixing bowl of buttercream and asking me to try again, which I happily did because I love pipping even though I am bad at it.

The day did felt a bit long though, like when I thought 4 hours had passed in my mind, only an hour had went by, but that's normal, all first days always feels very long. The first day of school, the first day of camp, the first day of enlistment,which was probably the worst one in my opinion because no matter how long the first day felt, it's not going to beat having to wait for 3 weeks to pass before I can go home again. The army was a good experience and I wouldn't trade it in for anything, but I wouldn't want to relive my BMT days, my days in the Airbase, I probably wouldn't mind reliving the last few months because those were the best months in my whole army experience.

The second day was a bit better in a sense that time did not feel as long and also the fact that I managed to get some shut eye the night before, went to bed at 8.30 pm to make up for the lost sleeping time, but there wasn't as much cake decorating as I would have liked. Made so much cake batter, it was crazy, the amount of cake batter they go through everyday, the only issue I have with the bakery would be the fact that they don't use an ice cream scoop to portion out their cake batters like most cupcake shop would, they actually fill it up in a plastic pipping bag and pipe them out and then when the bag is empty, they refill the bag again and repeat, it was really really messy for me, my hand was constantly covered in cake batter. Life would be so much easier if they had decided to just buy some ice cream scoops, I would probably work a lot faster that way as well and not have to work an hour overtime, which I have been doing the last two days.

Tomorrow will be my third day and I will probably have to work for 9 days straight before my next off day, guess that beats working at the design firm on the first 2 weeks without any break, doing something I have no interest in, surrounded by the worst group of colleagues I could have asked for in a company. That's what I am going to think of when I start feeling unhappy with or tired of the job, something I do in the army when I was assign to the airbase, just think of the worst case scenario I could've been stuck in but  lucky enough not maybe I will also think of people who work in restaurants for an average of 12-16 hours daily, 6 days a week, that's something I definitely won't be able to do. I love baking but I am not that obsessed with it to the point that I can do it for 16 hours a day everyday and not develop a phobia.

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