Tuesday 25 March 2014

Ruined Sunday

Had to work on Sunday as well, so that sucked, the upside was that work started at 12 noon, so I didn't have to wake up early, the problem with work starting at 12 noon though was the fact that there wasn't any proper time for me to actually have my lunch.

I'm not the type who will leave the house an hour earlier so I can go have my lunch at the food court near my work place, I would much rather spend that hour at home surfing the internet. So I decided that instead of skipping lunch all together, I should just order a McDonalds Breakfast set and have them deliver it to me before I leave for work, that way, I have no need to get out of the house an hour early to have my lunch or skip lunch or brunch ,the latter being a more likely scenario since I am really lazy to make any unnecessary movements, sometimes when I am using my computer and want to take a bath because I am starting to feel sticky and grimy, it will take 30 minutes for me to actually convince myself to get up to take a bath... because that weird smell that's wafting around the air is definitely coming from me after the fan has decided to blow it back at my general direction.

So I got myself a Breakfast Deluxe Supreme and changed the drink to a Ice Latte to fancy shit up... and hit the $10 food delivery quota, but mainly to make the meal look more fancy because I think Latte is a fancy accompaniment to a McDonald breakfast. Gotta have something that sounds like a proper breakfast drink to go with the onslaught of pancakes, eggs, burger and bacon.

The awesome plan I had in my mind was to get my meal 30 minutes before I leave for work, that would give me sufficient time to finish up my meal. I had an hour before I had to leave, so 30 minutes for them to deliver the food to me and 30 minutes for me to deliver all that unhealthiness into my stomach. It was stated on my confirmation email that the meal would arrive in 30 minutes, and 90% of the time, it's always on time, sometimes even earlier.

So after 45 minutes of waiting, I decided to call McDonalds to ask them when my order was arriving because it was suppose to have arrived 15 minutes ago,. It's already too late for Plan B, if I were to make instant noodle now, it would only give me 10 minutes to finish my meal, plus I had already paid via credit card for the McDonalds Meal, can't let it go to waste.

The lady on the phone did some checking and told me it would arrive in 10-15 minutes due to some mess up in the kitchen. I was so pissed off and told her I had to leave soon to go for work, and obviously she couldn't give me any solution because she was only paid to answer relevant questions regarding orders made by the customers, not hear someone complain about how they might be late for work because of sloppy kitchen work, because why should she care, she doesn't have to worry about being late for work, she's already at her desk working.

Of all the times McDonald could have screwed up my orders, they decide to do it on the day I was rushing off to work. After 5 minutes I decided to just fuck it and left the house, mood completely ruined by McDonald's shitty delivery service and as I was walking out of the lift as I hit the first floor, lo and behold, the McDonald Delivery guy was right outside the lift, about to enter as I was coming out to make his way up to my unit to deliver the brunch I was suppose to have started eating 30 minutes ago.

I just let him go up and let my maid handled the order, but seeing him go up made me even more angry, honestly, couldn't have picked the worst fucking timing, it's like one of those super cliche movies where one guy walks out of the restaurant while the love of his life that he has been searching for for years walks right into it, I'm the guy and the love of my life was the McDonald Breakfast that could have been the fuel for my 8 hour day in the bakery.

Next time when I am rushing for time and decide to make the mistake of ordering McDonald again, which I will probably do again, i am not going to pay by credit, instead do it by Cash On Delivery. I'm not gonna pay until I see the item with my own eyes.

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