Monday 10 March 2014


So I've been on a roll lately with getting arranged for job interviews, the last one I got was when I was in a bus on my way to an interview.

That interview call up I got on the bus did not go so well though, the lady on the phone actually called me when I was on a relatively crowded bus, my definition of relatively crowded would be all the seats are taken up and there are like 10 people just standing around grabbing the poles and trying not to fall over when the bus jerks, and normally, I don't like talking on the phone when I am in a room of people, so having a pre-interview on a bus filled with strangers was helluva uncomfortable, I am really paranoid when I am on a phone in a crowded place, I always think people around me will eavesdrop on my conversation because I tend to do that to other people, sometimes I will even lower my music volume to listen if it's a couple or family fight on the phone, that being said, I don't do it all the time, sometimes it's not my fault, sometimes they just talk so loud I can't help but overhear it, although to actually understand what they are talking about would require me to actually get past the heavy accent of the PRCs.

The people on the bus are all seated relatively close to me, so they eavesdropping on the conversation wil happen whether they want to or not, and usually interviewers like to go "so tell me more about yourself" and I really don't need to share the story of my life with people whose face I probably won't remember when I get off the bus... luckily the interviewer did not ask me that question, but instead jumped straight into the job scope, which was not what I had applied for, and asked me about my expected salary , which I thought was already confirmed in the job listing because they stated on their listing that it was $2200 per month, which is a lot of money for an entry level baker... normally I would ask questions regarding the job scope, what I would do and wouldn't do and obviously the pay because that is the main reason why I even applied for a job, but because I was on a relatively crowded bus, I just agreed with whatever she was saying and also agreed with the interview timing she set for me at 10 am in the morning, which was a horrible timing because that would mean I have to take the bus during morning rush hour... and the whole issue with my body clock being all screwed up.

It was only after I got off the bus and into the train did I decide to send her a message telling her I had some things I wanted to clarify before actually going down for the interview, because from what she had described earlier to me about the job while I was in the bus, the position she's offering me kinda sucked. It's like working in the restaurant all over again, except this time I have to help out with the hot kitchen as well, so I gave her an estimated time I would call her and she agreed, really all I wanted to tell her was that I only wanted to stick in the pastry kitchen, ask about the $2200 monthly pay stated on the job listing and also the oppurtunity they are offering for inexperienced workers to go for diploma courses sponsored by them, I mean the latter 2 are really very enticing, and because I was busy texting her and waiting for her reply, I actually missed my stop and was late for the interview I was going to that day.

So I got off at my stop after taking the train back and went to look for the bakery/ shop /whatever it's supposed to be that I was about to get interviewed at. Walked around in circles at the shopping mall for a while because I was a bit lost and I have to say it wasn't really a good timing for an interview at that time as well because it was during lunch time and the shop was located on the same level as the myriad of eateries that were available to the class of working adults.

When I found the store, which was more like their central kitchen, a very disorganized looking one, the lady boss decides to lead me to another shop that did not belong to her to hold the interview. It was really uncomfortable for me because the store she brought me to was wide open and people were coming in and going out and there I was sharing my passion for baking with the lady boss... plus it was super noisy outside because it was lunchtime.  After I shared my story about how I found my love for baking, which really just boils down to me rambling non-stop about things I can't remember, she decides to ask me about my work experience, so I told her about my restaurant experience, which was a nightmare to work at, I didn't literally said it was a nightmare but she got my point,  and how I also have a professional certificate, but apparently those don't count for anything because when she asked me about my expected salary, and I gave her the figure of what the other bakery had offered me, which was already very low, she said everything about my resume looked good but the only issue was my pay because she felt that I didn't deserve a pay that high with my level of experience or in her words, "lack of any actual work experience".

$1400 per month is not high at all, that's like $7 per hour and I am applying for a full time position , the restaurant I was working at was paying me $7 per hour and that was only a part timer's pay, the central pastry kitchen was offering me $8 per hour for a part timer's pay as well. Anyways, after the interview, she just said it will take a week for her to get back to me and honestly at that point I really didn't want to work for her company anymore because from what I have seen when  I first entered the shop, it didn't look like a job one would take to further his career, it looked more like the kind of position a student would take during their holidays or a housewife would take when she wants to earn some extra cash.

So I left, hoping the other bakery will call me up and offer me a position because that bakery was telling me about how competitive they were in terms of offering hiring new employees and matching the salary of what other bakeries were offering their own employees , and lo and behold, an hour or so later the other bakery really did call me up and offer me the position with a $1400 monthly pay, which is pretty low although I did ask them for $1600 initially which I knew was way too high. Accepted it right away and cancelled my interview with the other ungodly hour bakery interview... that lady was nice when I turned down the interview, she wished me luck and everything, I mean I have cancelled interviews before and the people just don't respond like that shit Interior Design firm that wasted my time so many weeks ago... fuckers didn't even bother to apologize wasting my time.

I accepted the job on Friday, the boss told me she will get back to me with my schedule, it's already Monday and I still haven't gotten a call yet. It's like my "almost work" experience in the Lady M Central Kitchen. I tried their cakes a few days ago, it wasn't up to my standard, and it's not spite speaking, I just really don't like how their crepe cake had this intense smell of butter, like a stick of butter, which to me always smells like a pair of sweaty sock that has been left to dry in a cold dark place... I love using butter in baked goods but I have never liked the smell of a cold stick of butter and that's exactly what the crepe cake smelled like to me, and because of how it smelled, I couldn't enjoy eating it without feeling like I am eating layers of crepe smothered with softened unsalted butter. Personal preference I suppose.

Anyway, random video because I thought this was fucking hilarious.

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