Thursday 13 March 2014

Second Chances

I actually having nothing to blog about regarding my life so far, so I'm just gonna talk about the shows I have been watching this past few weeks that I've spend sitting in front of my computer, playing Warframe and awaiting a call from my boss to pass me my work schedule.

So I've pretty much been spending all my available time at home watching a few TV series and movies, and by available time I mean all the time I have that's not spend sleeping or playing games. First show I decided to download, which was a few weeks back, was a little gem called American Horror Story which I watched from Season 3 to 1.  I watched it backwards because the stories and characters for each season is different but the actors are the same so that's pretty cool.

Season 3

Season 2

Season One

In the order I watch them.

The show isn't as scary as how the posters makes it look, I've actually watched Season 1 before when it first came out and thought it was a bit too boring for me to handle because I'm impatient like that, usually when a show doesn't grab my attention within the first few minutes, I just stop the video and delete the file or just switch channels, like when I'm talking to someone and I'm not interested in what they are saying, my mind will just switch off, it has done that before but usually the person is too self absorbed to actually notice that I am no longer paying attention so everything works out fine in the end, it's bad if it happens during job interviews though, which it did before ... halfway through, I will just be staring at the person's moving mouth and really not be absorbing anything that person is saying at all, and then when I realize I am doing that, I will perk up again but usually it will become a struggle to be present mentally. I can only take a dry and boring company introduction for so long.

"We handle clients who want to redecorate their houses,  and we believe in making clients feel comfortable with us  and really it's all about making a connection with the client and the way they like to feel at home...."

*mouth moving* *mouth forming different shapes*

 Oh shit, what did she say in the beginning?  Pay attention brain!.

" we will head down to roadshows to pull in the clients by hook or by crook and take a look at the floor plans, then we will talk to the clients and talk about the style they want" 

*mouth moving* *notices mole on lip* *keeps staring at mole*.

"Ok so do you now understand why I am still single and the company is my only reprieve for my sad and lonely life ?".

I have a really short attention span so if anything sounds mildly boring to me, don't expect me to be able start a conversation. So anyway, American Horror Story was really good, I actually watched all 3 seasons within a week, I had to start from Season 3 though because that was about witches, which I was really interested in, and that got me hooked with Season 2 because I started to like the ensemble of actors and then it was Season 1. It was a very pleasant surprise.

Then I watched a few movies that were nominated during the Award Seasons. Movies I normally wouldn't watch unless I was in camp because anything you watch in camp is interesting, anything you eat in camp suddenly becomes delicious, the normal saltine crackers I eat at home when there's nothing else left to eat and I really have no other choice suddenly becomes the most delicious saltine crackers that has ever graced my tongue, the tongue that has been exposed to so much junk food lately it's horrifying, I want to stop but I am always so lazy to walk across the road to Subway and get the healthier option that I'd end up calling McDonald instead... and I have also stopped jogging, it's horrible, I'm literally becoming a waste of space at home.

One movie that I watched recently that was actually really good if you watched the entire movie was 12 Years A Slave....

Normally for a movie like 12 Years A Slave, I would go read the book first, but because I am at home, I don't read no books at home. Watched it once and got bored so I closed it, but after realizing that one of the actress from American Horror Story was acting in the movie, decided to give it a second chance, plus the first time I watched it, I did not get till the part Lupita Nyongo's character appeared.  It was a good film and how I know it's good is when after watching it, it leaves an impression. 

I watched Species yesterday and that movie did not leave any lasting impression, in fact after watching it, I felt like the movie was a bit of a waste of time, it was entertaining but you kinda wonder why that kind of movie even exist after watching something like 12 Years A Slave. Then again, I am the kind of idiot who would pay money for tickets to watch films like Species, although when my brother had free tickets to The Lion Men, I rejected his offer to watch it with much as I enjoyed Ah Boys to Men, because I could sort of relate to it at that time, I usually don't care much about any Jack Neo's film. 

So I've been playing a lot of Warframe lately as well.

I've played it a bit before in the past as well and I didn't enjoy it at that time because the frame rate was horrible and I was getting a massive headache from all the jumping and running on the walls and acrobatic shit that was going on in the game when I decided to play the game at a setting much higher than my computer could handle.

Now I have learned to not overestimate my laptops processing power and decided to play it at a much lower setting, which increased the frame rate dramatically and also stopped with the motion sickness I was getting from the jerky frame rate. Spend so much money on this F2P game, that's what happens when I own a debit card, and I haven't even started work yet.

Last month, I was just getting my "income" from Red Packers from Chinese New Year, this month, hopefully the first half anyways, will be from my Birthday, really hope to be able to start work by next week.

My 24th birthday is coming soon and like all the birthdays I have in the past, it's gonna pass like another day in the calender. All I really need is a good yummy cake and money on my birthday,although sometimes I do feel like I am not capitalizing on my birthday enough.

Some people I know always throw huge parties when it's their birthday, valid excuse to spend a shit load of their parent's money, they get a suite at some fancy hotel, invite a shit load of friends over and then have a great time, which sounds really good and fun, but for me, it's like getting that amazing portable dryer you see people use on those television shopping network but then realizing it's really a piece of shit when you actually buy it and use it at home, if I were to throw a huge party, I will probably get a huge anxiety attack from the amount of people I have to entertain.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves, because in order to actually throw a huge party, one needs to have a lot of friend and I obviously don't have that many, a packet of Doritos, a 1.5L bottle of sprite and a monopoly board game is probably enough to keep all the guest full and entertained, until people start screaming at each other 1 hour into the board game and then I lose more friends.

The most ridiculous one I have seen that was not on Super Sweet 16 was of this girl who's like 15, throwing a huge ass party in a swanky 5 star hotel in Singapore, holds her party at the ball room and everything, it's like she is having a wedding for herself and herself. It was so over the top ridiculous, she's not even 16, she's fucking 15,that's not any special age significant whatsoever unless that's the age the mother gave birth to her, makes me wonder what they are going to do for her 16th birthday, probably be like the Oscars, where after the actual party, they will have an after party, and for her 21st birthday, they will treat her like a deity, everything she says happens, she wants hummus, she gets hummus, she wants a car, she gets a car, she wants everyone to bow down and worship her, people who know her bow down to her and worship her, everyone else who doesn't know her runs up to her and burns her before she lays eggs.

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