Wednesday 17 July 2013

And now, a slow applause...

Guess I overestimated my colleagues ability to sort things out by themselves.

Received a call from my senior colleague (Little Miss Clit Face) today who sounded very displeased about me quitting without clearing out the necessary paper works for them , which really just boils down to passing them my client list. I find it fascinating that even though that particular senior colleague of mine has worked there for a year, she is still lacking the basic ability to read a form that she has been filling up for clients for a year.

You have worked there for an entire year and you have to call me up to ask me which client belongs to which person. It's stated at the bottom of the page so clearly, so unless you are a retarded moron, I don't think it's necessary for me to personally spoon feed you every single information about the client, but that clearly wasn't the case for her and she was indeed a retarded moron because while asking me questions with answers she could have clearly gotten from the form if she had actually bothered to put her reading skills to use, if she did possess any, she also decided to start preaching to me AGAIN about how irresponsible I was.

"Did you know you were suppose to hand us all the client list?... You know you have to do that before you quit?"

And she sounded fucking condescending when she said it as well.


Of course I know I had to pass the client list to you people, otherwise I wouldn't have taken it out from my file and arranged it in the paper tray stand accordingly, I even doggy eared the papers together and paper wrapped them with the client's name obnoxiously written on it. So you have to either be blind or just plain ignorant not to notice it.

Of course I had to clarify everything with her slowly, lest her slow mind can't catch what I was saying, all while she was speaking back to me in a very rude and annoyed tone. And then when everything's been cleared, I tried to make peace with her by saying goodbye to her in a very friendly manner, hoping to end things well, but being the fucker that she was, she had to rudely say "bye" back to me and then hang up.

This kind of co-worker, I'm probably the only one with a personal dislike for her, because she is pretty well liked in the company. Then again she's also very fake because when she's with other people, she speaks in this very high pitched, cutesy voice, like her mentality has regressed back to that of an infant, but when she speaks to me, her voice sounds like how a normal 25 year old should sound like... with an added hint of  fucker.

But alas, I wish all my ex-colleagues and my ex-boss all the best. Except for that fucker... she doesn't deserve the best.  One of the things I detest most when I was in design school was people who plagiarize,  and to think she has the audacity to call herself a designer when she is going around telling all the junior designers to "copy other people's work. Just copy only, it's alright,that's what I do". So if a drug dealer tells me it's okay to take drugs, then I guess it's really okay for me to take drugs.

Awesome logic coming from a genius who can't even read a form she has been filling for a year. Give her a slow and hard applause with her face between my hands

Tuesday 16 July 2013


After 3 weeks of working in an Interior Design firm, I have decided to no longer settle for a job and actually look for something that I can see myself doing long term. 

Long story short, I've quit that place, very bad habit of beating around the bush, even when I was trying to tell my boss I wanted to quit, I was so obscure about it, dropping hints instead of directly telling her. Good thing she was extremely nice about it and even allowed me to quit the very next day instead of having to give her a month's notice as stated in the contract I signed... Or maybe she wanted me to get out of her company asap and could only stand to see my face for another day... after all I wasted 3 weeks of her time trying to train me. 

Definitely felt very bad about quitting but I've never felt so wrong, well except for the time I bought my Lumia, and then sold it like 2 weeks later and bought my HTC, which was a good decision, not financially since I wasn't really getting any income at that period of time... on top of the school loans I have to pay and the saving plans as well. Not a good decision... but I've implemented a bit of controlled spending, like when buying bubble tea, I only buy for myself and no longer buy any for my family. Some may call it being a scrooge, but I call it controlled spending. 

Alas now I'm officially jobless, hopefully not for long because I don't want to become those guys who stay at home when they are already in their 30s, sponging off money from their parents and playing online games to kill time. I may be lazy but becoming a waste of space is not an achievement I want to attain, couch potato is the highest I will go to.

I have reapplied for Culinary School and instead of aiming for their diploma, I'm gonna have to settle for a certificate instead at the same school that rejected me, that I talked so much shit about.... good thing I'm not very talkative in real life so people tend to not realize all the shit qualities about me.... like being a hypocrite. 

And I got an interview so that's good, located at Tai Seng, the last time I went there was when I went to visit a lighting shop there with my ex-boss and ex-colleagues, my job at that time was to learn a thing or two when visiting the shops was to learn about lighting and furniture needs a future client might have, but I can't help thinking of how life would have been like if I were to be in the culinary school, whose building where it was located in was in constant view. 

The grass is always greener on the other side... in my case, the grass I was on was definitely not green at all. There's really no point in settling for one career when you are already carrying a passion for another career, and you didn't even give it a shot... it will constantly be bugging you at the back of your head, and that's exactly what happened to me for the last 2.5 weeks. 3 days in and I already had one foot out of the company.... the company was a good company, as evident from the way my boss treated us and my colleagues who came in the same time as me are nice people... my senior colleagues on the other hand, I thought only one of them was genuinely nice to me so I will probably miss them a little, I mean I've only known them for 3 weeks, so the bond is not as strong as, let's say my army bunk mates... whom I still definitely am missing. 

I guess all that's left now is to do well in the interview.... and look at the Summer Steam Sales for good game to get, I bought Hitman Absolution today and it had the same issue as when I downloaded it from another place.... crash. crash. crash. Luckily it was only the price of 3 Laduree Macarons.

Saturday 13 July 2013

Gotta Quit Soon.

I'm not sure if this is normal, but for the past week I have been having this really strong urge to quit my job. The idea of working there for an extended period of time is killing me.

Never ever settle for a job, that is the lesson I've learnt. I'm practically just dragging myself to work everyday, dreading of what's to come next, zero interest in the job at all, even during my internship I didn't dread what I was doing this much. My boss is nice to me, my colleagues who came in the same time as me are nice to me, my senior colleagues on the other hand did not make my initial weeks welcoming.

Work is horrible because my interest in the field has dwindled, and even during it's peak it wasn't a very strong desire to learn, it's just interesting to me, not fascinating to me. It's like when you read through  things like "Top 10 Things About Your Human Body You Never Knew About.", it keeps you interested but it doesn't make you want to become a doctor right after.

I said I will give this job 3 months, but I'm already having thoughts of quitting on the first and second week, and this week had the strong urge to tell my boss I want to give her my 1 month notice. What  I learn in the 3 weeks would have been so much more interesting if it was about baking. Techniques, Tips and Tricks on how to get a perfect sponge cake or the perfect pastry crust, not how to give a room a flow and focus.

It also doesn't help that my pay is pretty minimal at this point, at only $1200, I has initially thought it would be good because it's higher than my army pay by almost 2 folds,  but that was wrong because now my time is getting burnt up so badly the $1200 just doesn't cut it at all. I've heard the turnover rate for the job is pretty high and I think it's about time to really quit this job and do something that I will actually enjoy, because if I'm going to get my weekends burned, I would rather be doing something I have a passion for.

Sunday 7 July 2013

New phone... half a year late.

Nokia Lumia has taken the second spot in my record list for being the shortest phone to ever be owned by me, the first is a Japanese keitai I bought in a whim in the past which I later sold away like 2 weeks later, story of my Keitai experience at Sim Lim Square, not one I'd like to relive.

The phone is pretty shit, first was the lack of apps in the app store, next, as minor as it might be for most people, was the fact that Nokia and Windows didn't implement a setting for auto-rotate in the phone, so you can't actually switch it off, it flips to landscape mode every time you flip the phone, people who uses their phone to surf the net while they are lying on their side in bed will understand the pain and lastly was the fact that the phone had a defect, whenever I use my phone to make a call or receive one, people on the other side won't be able to hear me unless I hold the phone completely vertical.

So I can't take my calls like Christian Bale because the phone will assume my voice is background noise and filter it out. That is already happening in real life when I am speaking to people, I can't let even my phone do that to me. That actually happened to me today while I was trying to order a cup of fruit juice in the food court today, the shopkeeper ignored my presence completely, the urge to hurl vulgarities at him was extremely high, feel like taking his hand and stick it in the fruit blender, he will be so confused, the entire time on his way to the hospital, he will be wondering, was it a ghost that stuck his hand in the fruit blender?

So I sold that phone yesterday after weeks of contemplating, best decision ever, because now my HTC Butterfly is feeling so much more familiar to me. Android OS, you have been missed, have been using an Android for so long, all the memories of using it in camp to watch movies and surf the internet, miss those days when the only thing I have to worry about is if I have enough shows in my phone to watch for the days I am in camp, and iOS as well, but that got me into trouble, both in the army and in terms of phone bill, so it's bittersweet... I racked up an extra $40 in data charges because I kept surfing Youtube and I'm not sure if I'm allowed to disclose the other reason so I shan't.

Now I hardly have any free time to download movies to watch, today is the only full day of free time I had gotten since I started work and I have to get back to work tomorrow. Oh the joys of it.

Anyways, my phone is currently awesome, although when I bought it, I could overhear one of the worker there telling his colleague I was "siao" or crazy for buying a HTC Butterfly at this point of tme, reason being because a newer version of the HTC Butterfly is coming out called HTC Butterfly S this month. I knew it was coming out but I didn't realize it was coming out this month until I went back and did a more thorough research. But it's going to be one thousand bucks when it gets released and I'm not prepared to dish out so much money for a phone.... yet. And my plan is gonna be ungradeble in November, so that means new phone is 4 to 5 months time.

Yay for no financial planning.

Judgmental Cunt.

So work's been getting slightly better and I'm starting to warm up to my colleagues a little bit. And the past few days I've been going to site visits with some of the senior designers to learn a few things about how things works in the job.

I was initially a little bit excited to go to site visits with them because I thought that it would be a good opportunity to get to know each other a little bit and maybe become friends, at this point I don't categorize them as friends because we are just not close at all.

Well it went okay with the first one I went with, I was able to hold a conversation with her on the way there, but there was definitely no common interest at all, all the conversation topics were work related, and apparently the trip to the site exhausted all the topic I could come up with because the trip back was just half an hour of  silence in the car made less awkward with the radio playing in the background, she also wasn't that interested at talking when I attempted to start up conversation, so there goes that potential friendship I thought I could forge with her. I think after doing what I do in the army, I automatically assume being alone with someone long enough, we will get to know each other better, but apparently that does not apply in the civilian / working world because she essentially didn't give a fuck on the way back. Not to say she's a bitch, I mean when she sees me coming in for work, she will wave at me and we will greet each other, but purely out of courtesy and nothing more.

Today's senior who had the honor of bringing me out to her site  was a little more talkative, she's more chirpy when we are in a group, but we aren't close or anything, she will try and include me in conversations and poke fun at me once in a while and I really like that extrovert personality about her, I thought today would be a good time to know each other and become friends, because from what I've seen her relationship with my other colleagues, she looks like someone who is very fun to hang out with. I've never hung out with her alone before, so today was a first.

So on our way to the site, she talked a little about work in the beginning, because that's the only way to start a conversation with a new worker, ask them how's work and whatever boring stuff, so I talked a bit about it, and shared with her about what I thought about work, and then things started to go south when she started preaching no more fun and cheery senior, just this extremely condescending and judgmental fuck who's so full of assumptions about me, someone she barely knew.

First she express her opinions of how she thought about me, how I came across to her as a person from the one week we barely spend with getting to know each other.

"You look like someone who gives up very easily, from what I've seen."

From what you've seen? I was obviously confused as to how she came to that conclusion, so I gave her a confused look and vocalized my confusion with a "Huh?".

"When I saw you setting up the chair the other day and you said you wanted to give up." 

WHAT? Did you not see me setting the whole chair up at the end, literally 10 minutes after I jokingly said that you blind bat? So I told her I was only joking, that what I said was meant to be a joke, I was not going to just leave the chair 50% done on the floor and go cry to the boss screaming I couldn't fix it, I want a new chair, like what the fuck are you on about?

She laughed a little after realizing that (because it's really funny how she was so stupid to not realize I was joking at that time) and started another topic.....

"You look like someone who don't really have plan your life , it's like your whole life was planned out for you by your parent."

....because I told her I didn't have a driving license. She came to that conclusion of how I need to have my life plan out for me by my parents because I didn't have a driving license. WHAT? ARE? YOU? SMOKING? (apart from the 700 packs you smoke a day, well I guess I just answered my own question.)

The main reason why I don't have a driving license is not because my parents did not schedule it on the "Life Timetable" they had planned out for me but simply because I did not find it a necessity prior to getting that job. Simple as that, I am not going to spend $2000 to $3000 to get a license just for the sake of getting a license.

I only seriously contemplated getting a license when I was in the army, but by than it was already not an option financially because I had started getting my braces and was forking out $300 every month. I'm paid $500 -$600 every month at that time, so that left me with $200 for food and transport, and even if I were to be extremely meager, I would still be unable to afford the lesson cost.

In order to be able to have a steady grasp on driving, I would need to go for lessons at least once a week, which was about $70, multiplied by 4, that would be $280, already way over what the army was paying me.

The bitch was spinning shit out of her mouth with all the assumptions she was making about it, it was nauseating.

"Oh I'm able to keep my shit together better than you~! Blah blah blah~" while standing on this pedestal of bullshit she made for herself. She was obviously not saying it for my good, she was assuming all those nonsense and shooting them out of her mouth to make herself feel better, to make herself think that she was better than I was. It was really pathetic and I honestly didn't feel like talking to her anymore after that.

If I didn't have my shit together, I wouldn't have found a job less than a month after I left the army, because unlike her, I knew the importance of getting a stable job and not think it was okay to just spend a whole year partying at club and spending all my parents money like she did when she was this useless sad excuse for a daughter who was just leeching her parents off their money like a parasite probably like a year before she finally decided to look for a job because her parents got tired of her shit and weren't in good terms with her anymore. She told me all of that when she was giving me her "life advice" bullshit, as if to say...

"Oh I understand your predicament, because I have been there before, except you are much more fucked up than I ever was because the only bad things I made are decisions. Hurhurhur~"

No you stupid fucking bitch, you are not like me, we are nothing alike. I went to the Army, you didn't, instead, you spend half the time I spend in the Army making bad life decisions and ruining your relationship with your parents, and then you come around and think you are qualified to give me life advice?

Fuck Off

Even when my sister is preaching me, I get really annoyed, much less someone whom I've only know for a little over a week. You don't know me and you start to judge my character base on an assumption you have on me.  Well, if that's the case, then base on the shit you've been spinning out of your mouth, I'm also gonna assume you have smoke a dozen packs of cigarettes too much and the nicotine has completely skipped your lungs and went straight to corroding your brain. 

And then the "best" advice she gave me, plagiarize other people's work.

"Just copy only, I do that all the time"

Just because you do it doesn't mean we have to do it. She doesn't just take ideas online, she also steals ideas from her own colleague, she did that when was still a newbie, so much so that she was confronted about it and she's announcing it like it's something to be proud of because everything with that colleague and her was fine now. Bitch, there are some things you should be ashamed of as a designer, and plagiarizing other people's work is one of them. 

Needless to say, I've lost all the respect I had for her. Any positive feelings I had for her went down the drain the moment she peeled off her Fun Cheery Colleague facade and revealed her true self that is the Judgmental Cunt, like this bluewaffle like clit that's like leaking black tar from all the cigarette she's smoking. 

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Finally have a bit of time....

First week of work and both my weekends were burned, and when I say burn, I mean completely eaten up from morning to night.

It's not a good way to start work to have to work on a Sunday from 11 am to 10 pm. Standing at the Singapore Expo and trying to attract potential clients by handing out brochures really is not an easy feat, I'm a socially awkward individual and so having to coax people I don't know to patronize the company I'm working in is very uncomfortable. That being said though, I did actually manage to get 4 potential clients, although they were with the help from the senior designers.

I was actually really picky about the people that I was pulling in, so all my potential clients are actually young English speaking couples. I was avoiding big families who speak Chinese because I just realized over the weekend that I can no longer converse in Chinese comfortably anymore. I pulled in a China lady, I understand what she was saying, but my head couldn't translate what I wanted to say back in Chinese in time.

Have to admit, the first week of work was shit horrible. I was literally always in a foul mood in the morning because the company wasn't what I had envisioned it would be, the number of times I felt like quitting within that week was countless because I can't help but think how much better it would be if I was doing something I really enjoyed, which was baking. If that company was a bakery I would probably be having my dream job, because the office is actually a really nice environment to work in.

Some of my colleagues actually asked me if I will actually find a career in baking, and that's only after working there for a week. Apparently I carry the scent of a potential quitter, but as tempting as it is, of course I can't leave the company now because that's going to look really bad on my resume, plus apparently the job gets a lot better in the third month because your client base will increase and the money will start coming in.

So I'm gonna have to press on for 3 months, and if the cash flow is still shit like now, then it's time to do something I enjoy. I mean I'd rather get shit pay and burn my weekend doing something I like then get a shit pay and burn my weekend doing something I don't mind settling for.