Wednesday 6 October 2010


I've really been craving to bake a cake for months now, but have just been way to lazy to go out to buy the ingredients, or to go out at all really.

All the cake recipes on Youtube that I am so tempted to make, but having to go out and buy the ingredients from the Supermarket and carry everything all the way back is not what I plan to do, which is really sad because I could use a little sunshine on my pale white skin.

Really now I just want to bake to prove to myself that what someone said a long time ago was wrong.

I told that person I wanted to enroll into cooking school in the future, he decides to tell other people later that day... after which he decides to insult my cooking abilities in front of a group of people. You don't get a better friend than that do you. That's just one of the many nice things he has done to me.
(Please get the sarcasm, I feel like I have to disclaimer this part because I F*CKING hate that guy)

So I might actually go out soon to get some ingredients for the bake off, and if I do I will probably document my steps and take gorgeous pictures to post on this blog like how every other bloggers do. I enjoy looking at pictures of food, I don't know why some people find it stupid when you put pictures of food up on your blog, I like it, I dig that, sticking pictures of food on your blog... sometimes it turns me on so much I use it to to.....*cough*

Of course I only enjoy the pictures taken by people who actually know how to use the macro function on their camera, it's that little icon that looks like a flower, you can touch it, it won't make your camera explode... and also I would much prefer if they didn't have last minute parkinson shots which causes all their pictures to look like an earthquake just happened and YOU did not hide under the table, but instead took a fuzzy shot of your Grilled Chicken Sandwich and decides to put it on your blog later and call it...

"So much better than John's Grilled Lamb Vegetarian Salad"

Oh, the irony. John's Grilled Lamb Vegetarian Salad looks so much better than your Grilled Chicken Salad that survived an Earthquake, although I'm guessing the Bhuddist Monks won't be too please that the Vegetarian Salad has something that will shake them to their core that is the wonderful and delicious Lamb grilled by John.

Wish I was called John, maybe I should use that as an alias because it's so much easier to say when the Starbuck's counter person ask for my name. I think I'm gonna tell strangers that I am called John from now on, John, John Doe, and when I become friends with them then will I reveal my real name and that will be the twist to the film that's based around my life called "The Life Of John".

As you can probably tell from the post, my mind is starting to really drift off somewhere else, so I'm gonna stop lest it wonders even further and I get lost in my own thoughts forever... which will be how "The Life Of John" ends.

"Forgive me Father for I have sin. It's been 23 days since my last Tweet"

I'm probably gonna stop twitting for a while, until Twitter can create a proper "Block" system so I can block someone. It would be nice if they had a "banish" command, I will create multiple accounts and banish that person to twitter damnation for twitting politcally incorrect stuff that isn't funny...

You aren't Seth Macfarlene! Nothing politically incorrect that you Tweet, Facebook or laugh stupidly before saying it because you think you are Oh so Hilarious will ever be politically correct.

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