Saturday 9 October 2010

Chocolate Peanut Butter.

Reese Peanut Buttercups.

Probably the best chocolate I've ever had. Peanut Butter and Chocolate is a fantastic combination, and this fantastic combination is not easy to find, like how hard it is to find an uber awesome weapon in Aion or Wally or a Needle in a Haystack because apparently needles cost a bomb. My method is to not sew in a barn with a load of haystack laying around... or stop having sex in the barn and mess up the haystack and instead of smoking a ciggy, takes out a torn clothe and start sewing. Rough sex... tearing. I just made the connection for you.


A few weeks back, or I think it was a few weeks back because the holiday has made me lose track of time,my Mum was able to get her hands on a packet of it in Universal Studios Hershey Choclate Heaven or whatever the shop is called. A pity she only bought one packet because it was meant to be shared and being in a desperate need for an orgasm Reese Peanut Buttercup after finding out that Candy Empire doesn't sell em, I had to get my hands on as much of it as possible, which I did.

I have to say my self control was pretty good because the packet of chocolate lasted for 4 days or so... with my other family members eating it as well. If they didn't it would've probably lasted 4.5 days.... and if I wasn't involve in the candy binge that I am suffering from... probably would've lasted for 4 weeks.

Googled KOI Bubble Tea and came across this one blog... read through the blog (read: browsing through photographs of food taken by a blogger who doesn't know how to use Macro.) And I saw the blogger talking about Reese Peanut Buttercup. Cacao Tree sells the candy.


And now is the time to go and look for which Cacao Tree shop actually sells it because I am not going to Unviersal Studios just to get the candy unless I am going Cold Turkey on candy and I am failing because I am as addicted to candy as a hooker is to genital warts.


  1. OMG I have a lot of those in my fridge. Hehehe. I know EXACTLY how you feel. But there are still a lot in my fridge cos I can't really finish it. LOL! Want me to give you some?

  2. You should have typed "FIRST!"...

    Please don't make me go back to my addiction... please don't make me OD.

    You have to cherish the fact that they are in your fridge because when they are gone... you will realize how important they really are.
