Thursday 14 October 2010


Jason Pollock method makes nasty looking baked treats look even more delicious than they really are...

I would know because I Jason Pollocked these poor bastards and photoshopped the photo like crazy, like crazy means to the best of my photoshopping skills which isn't really that fantastic.

(Rant: Digression)

It really fascinates me when people tell me they are good at photoshop because they know how to adjust the colour curves, and use image filter and blah blah blah. It's like me telling people I am a fantastic cook because I can cook instant noodles because that does not scream basic.

You aren't really good at photoshop, you just suck at everything else. Sorry~


If you can't tell what those are, thanks for breaking my feelings. Those are chocolate cookies that are baked to perfection and sandwiched with a smooth, silky (insert more descriptive words from the food porn dictionary) . It actually looks like cookie so I'm just gonna stick with that.

Nope, I won't reveal what they really are....

Nope, Sorry... I'm not going to tell what they are...

It's Macaroons, aren't you persuasive.


"Oh it doesn't even look remotely close to macaroons, for Pete's sake that's not even cookie. It's more like baked poop... You know? because its brown... and because crap is brown and brown really looks like defecate... Like OMG I am so HILARIOUS. "

If only that were true, but it's not, that's why 2girls1cup is so disgusting. Defecate has never tasted so insanely sweet.

In order to bake the goods, my Mum had to go over to Courts to get a new oven, like a mini oven that little girls use, pink, pretty, non-functioning pile of plastic. It would be great if those mini kitchen that little girls get when they were younger had real ovens that work... just give the little girls a real stove to prepare them for the future so they can stay in the kitchen 24/7 and cook for the family....


No! that shouldn't be the norm, girls shouldn't stay in the kitchen because peer pressure will prevent me from baking anymore delicious treats that only I myself will consume.

The mini oven worked quite well, its exciting to see the meringues bloat as they are baking, and start feeling like a failure whey they start falling flat.

The Macaroons taste like Macaroons though, its sweet, it's really sweet, and it's really really sweet.

I've actually made some Truffles, it was tough, I had to find a dark and moist place to grow them. Not really... I made chocolate truffles which I stored in a cool dry place called the fridge.

On other news...

I heard of the new project called Mean Girls 2, and I think it's gonna suck. Just putting it out there because when I said The Last Airbender would suck, it did. So I'm guessing what I predict don't always go the other way around. No Tina Fey as a writer? All aboard the SUCK!

If the actresses in Mean Girls 2 said they were fan of the orginal, they are lying! If they really enjoyed Mean Girls so much, they would know to steer clear of a sequel that isn't written by the original writer.

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