Tuesday 20 April 2010


Started out at 9.00 am in the morning today.

Went to school, did some discussion and lamented at the fact that I got myself into a really bad group. I knew it was a bad choice from the start, now I'm just glad that one of my group mates realise that too, although he had to learn it the hard way.

I headed back to my company today, to have my logbook filled out due to some problems last week. Saw all the old faces and it wasn't so much the people that I miss but the environment I was working in. I looked at the chair that I used to seat in, it was so nostalgic. 

The exposed ceiling that was so hideous you'd never understand why all architecture firms have that, the hanging fluorescent lamps that are somehow aligned in a row but at the same time extremely messy, the computer that I was assigned to paired with the little blue mouse with terrible ergonomics.

My ex-collogues greeted my as I walked into the company, they looked at me with a pleasant shocked look, they remembered my face but have forgotten my name, probably never knew it in the beginning.  I returned the greeting with a Hi and smiled at them, happy to see those faces again.

Of course after Hi, there isn't really much to say. I remembered one of the colleagues who was extremely nice because she and another group of ladies treated me and my intern mates to lunch on the last day just looked at me, gave me a smile and carried on looking for a plaster in the mini cabinet. Waving goodbye and smiling as she left, didn't exchange any words while she was there the whole time looking for the plaster.  

I waited as I passed one of the secretary the logbooks, one that belonged to me and the other a friend of mine, so she can find the supervisors that were assigned to me and my intern mate for signing. I waited there at the little cubicle where all the secretaries are seated, where all the gossiping happens during my Internship. 

I liked the secretary because she was a humorous person, it's not what she said but how she says it. She's one of those type of people that I would really enjoy hanging out with, but because I was an intern then, you start to know your place. You don't speak to the associates unless spoken to. And even when I am spoken to, I get nervous and just started speaking in short phrases.

My sarcastic humor doesn't show itself when I am speaking to a person with higher authority unless I get really comfortable with them, and I got really comfortable with 50 percent of the team members in my assigned team during ITP on the last week that it just makes leaving so much harder. 

I know it's better late then never, but at this juncture, never is usually better. I would rather feel like not going back at all then going back again because schooling is just terribly hectic. Not the work, but the people that I hang out with. You have to put with  this guy's attitude, and that person's childishness followed by being friendly to people you don't like. 

I am going back to my company tomorrow after school though because the secretary did not really complete the task that I assigned her. My logbook wasn't signed, only my friend's one was. 

I did check en-route to the MRT Station but decided not to head back again because it'd be weird to pop by 3 times in a row. I went in twice, first to get a chop on my logbook, which was successful and second to get a signature, which wasn't.

Guess it's a good thing because that gives me an excuse to go back again. I have trouble actually picturing all the faces of my team members in my head. Actually it's just this one person, I keep trying to picture it but my thoughts get interrupted by another face that reminds me of that person. It's like I'm about to get that face pictured in my head, only to find out I was picturing the wrong face. 

Well, I will head down and find my team personally to get them to sign it. Good excuse to see the face of the team mate I can never seem to remember. I will probably forgot the face after a few days. 

Hate that feeling.

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